713 research outputs found

    The Henstock-Kurzweil-Pettis integrals and existence theorems for the Cauchy problem

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    summary:In this paper we prove an existence theorem for the Cauchy problem x(t)=f(t,x(t)),x(0)=x0,tIα=[0,α] x^{\prime }(t) = f(t, x(t)), \quad x(0) = x_0, \quad t \in I_{\alpha } = [0, \alpha ] using the Henstock-Kurzweil-Pettis integral and its properties. The requirements on the function ff are not too restrictive: scalar measurability and weak sequential continuity with respect to the second variable. Moreover, we suppose that the function ff satisfies some conditions expressed in terms of measures of weak noncompactness

    To the history of hydrothermotherapy: pages of history

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    In 1921 in London, was created by the International Society of Medical Hydrology, which included scientificsocieties of scientists from over 40 countries, in 1928 they were joined by scientists of the Soviet Union. In 1937 wasorganized by the International Federation of the health resort, which in 1947, renamed the "International Federation ofHydrotherapy and Climatology (FITEC). In 1999, Congress in Yalta, it was called "The World Federation ofHydrotherapy and Climatotherapy (FEMTEC). FEMTEC is the most representative association of Spa and healthorganizations in the world. FEMTEC composed of national Spa and health resorts associations and federations, as wellas central state organizations dealing with Spa problems from many countries and continents. FEMTEC functions underthe aegis of the World Health Organization and submits every three years report on its activities. The principal functionsof the Federation are following: representing world thermalism matters and promote them internationally before statesand public organization; international business-like co-operation in health resorts' sector; study, research and experienceexchanges in the sphere of Spa treatments; popularization of Spa and health resorts of the FEMTEC member-countriesin different countries of the world. With a view of organizing fruitful activities of FEMTEC there function 4 permanentcommissions: medical, economic, technical and social. FEMTEC members actively participate in international scientificsymposia, exhibitions, conferences; there are held annual General Assembly, Executive Board and ExecutiveCommittee meetings. Every year FEMTEC organizes Scientific Congress along with a competition of scientific works,marks of the best thermalists etc. The Federation maintains close contacts with European Spas Association (ESPA),World Tourism Organization (WTO) and other international organizations. The Board of FEMTEC includes thefollowing member: Prof. Nikolay Storozhenko - (Russia) President of FEMTEC from 1998, President National SpaAssociation D.M., Honored Physician (http://www.naturmed.unimi.it/femtec.html). In 1996 he joined the Federation ofRussia, which was timed to the International Congress "The resort medicine, science and practice", held in May 1996 inSt. Petersburg. In 1998 the Federation adopted the Ukrainian Association of Physiotherapists and health resort. One ofthe main problems is FEMTEC: cooperation of scientific institutions, exchange of information in the study oftechnological and scientific problems associated with water-and climate-through scientific committees, convening theannual congresses, conferences, symposia, seminars, publications, etc

    Bayesian uncertainty assessment of flood predictions in ungauged urban basins for conceptual rainfall-runoff models

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    Urbanization and the resulting land-use change strongly affect the water cycle and runoff-processes in watersheds. Unfortunately, small urban watersheds, which are most affected by urban sprawl, are mostly ungauged. This makes it intrinsically difficult to assess the consequences of urbanization. Most of all, it is unclear how to reliably assess the predictive uncertainty given the structural deficits of the applied models. In this study, we therefore investigate the uncertainty of flood predictions in ungauged urban basins from structurally uncertain rainfall-runoff models. To this end, we suggest a procedure to explicitly account for input uncertainty and model structure deficits using Bayesian statistics with a continuous-time autoregressive error model. In addition, we propose a concise procedure to derive prior parameter distributions from base data and successfully apply the methodology to an urban catchment in Warsaw, Poland. Based on our results, we are able to demonstrate that the autoregressive error model greatly helps to meet the statistical assumptions and to compute reliable prediction intervals. In our study, we found that predicted peak flows were up to 7 times higher than observations. This was reduced to 5 times with Bayesian updating, using only few discharge measurements. In addition, our analysis suggests that imprecise rainfall information and model structure deficits contribute mostly to the total prediction uncertainty. In the future, flood predictions in ungauged basins will become more important due to ongoing urbanization as well as anthropogenic and climatic changes. Thus, providing reliable measures of uncertainty is crucial to support decision making

    Developmental parallelism in primates

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    The authors examined a large random sample of skulls from two species of macaques: rhesus monkeys and cynomolgus monkeys. The skulls were measured, divided into age and sex groups and thoroughly analysed using statistical methods. The analysis shows that skulls of young rhesuses are considerably more domed, i.e. have better-developed neurocrania, than their adult counterparts. Male and female skulls, on the other hand, were found to be very similar, which means that sexual dimorphism of the rhesus macaque was suppressed. Both of these patterns are known from the human evolutionary pattern. No such parallelism to the development of Homo sapiens was found in the cynomolgus monkeys. The authors conclude that mosaic hominisation trends may have featured in the evolution of all primates. This would mean that apes were not a necessary step on the evolutionary way leading to the development of Homo sapiens, who may have started to evolve at an earlier stage of monkeys

    Sprawozdanie z I Kongresu Onkologii Polskiej

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    84. Objawy uszkodzenia centralnego układu nerwowego, będące maską rozpoznania sarcoma granulocytium

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    Przedstawiono przypadek 26 letniego chorego z rozpoznaniem Sarcoma granulocyticum (SG), u którego pierwsze objawy pod postacią dolegliwości bólowych, okolicy krzyżowobiodrowej, wystąpiły w przebiegu urazu, powtarzając się regularnie co ok. 3 tygodnie. Badanie rezonansu magnetycznego (NMR) w 7 miesięcy później wykazało guzowatą, masę na poziomie S1-2 o wymiarach 7×1,5 cm wrastającą do kanału kręgowego, wypełniającą jego światło i uciskającą korzenie nerwowe. Po wykonaniu laminectomi L5 -S2 z podejrzeniem rozrostu (na podstawie wyniku badania histopatologicznego) z komórek układu chłonnego pacjenta przeniesiono do dalszego leczenia Wdrożono 2-etapową radioterapię na okolicę krzyżową w łącznej dawce 72 Gy. Dwa miesiące później stwierdzono bolesność uciskową skóry głowy, a w 6 tyg. później doszło do nagłej utraty przytomności. Badanie CT mózgu uwidoczniło patologiczną przymózgową masę o wymiarach 3,1×2,5 cm przylegającą do kości pokrywy czaszki w okolicy ciemieniowo-skroniowej. Przeprowadzono kraniotomię skroniowo-ciemieniową lewostronnąW wyniku konsultacji wszystkich preparatów obraz histologiczny i fenotyp odpowiadały rozpoznaniu SG. Po miesiącu, na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań nie stawierdzono zmian dla ostrej białaczki, a jedynie wykryto duży guz części przymostkowej obojczyka lewego. Materiał z pobranej biopsji potwierdził rozpoznanie SG. Pacjent otrzymał 3 cykle chemioterapii: Daunorucicyna – 120 mg / 24 h + Arabinozyd Cytarabiny – 400 mg – 3 g / 24 h, po których uzyskano całkowitą remisję. Z uwagi na przynależność do, grupy wysokiego ryzyka” (kariotyp: 46, XY, del(7q), del(20q)/ 47, idem,+mar/46, XY [21]) chory został zakwalifikowany do zabiegu transplantacji szpiku kostnego od dawcy niespokrewnionego. Sarcoma granulocyticum to typ nowotworu, w którym allogeniczny przeszczep szpiku może dać pacjentowi szansę na wyleczenie

    Evolution of motif variants and positional bias of the cyclic-AMP response element

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    BACKGROUND: Transcription factors regulate gene expression by interacting with their specific DNA binding sites. Some transcription factors, particularly those involved in transcription initiation, always bind close to transcription start sites (TSS). Others have no such preference and are functional on sites even tens of thousands of base pairs (bp) away from the TSS. The Cyclic-AMP response element (CRE) binding protein (CREB) binds preferentially to a palindromic sequence (TGACGTCA), known as the canonical CRE, and also to other CRE variants. CREB can activate transcription at CREs thousands of bp away from the TSS, but in mammals CREs are found far more frequently within 1 to 150 bp upstream of the TSS than in any other region. This property is termed positional bias. The strength of CREB binding to DNA is dependent on the sequence of the CRE motif. The central CpG dinucleotide in the canonical CRE (TGACGTCA) is critical for strong binding of CREB dimers. Methylation of the cytosine in the CpG can inhibit binding of CREB. Deamination of the methylated cytosines causes a C to T transition, resulting in a functional, but lower affinity CRE variant, TGATGTCA. RESULTS: We performed genome-wide surveys of CREs in a number of species (from worm to human) and showed that only vertebrates exhibited a CRE positional bias. We performed pair-wise comparisons of human CREs with orthologous sequences in mouse, rat and dog genomes and found that canonical and TGATGTCA variant CREs are highly conserved in mammals. However, when orthologous sequences differ, canonical CREs in human are most frequently TGATGTCA in the other species and vice-versa. We have identified 207 human CREs showing such differences. CONCLUSION: Our data suggest that the positional bias of CREs likely evolved after the separation of urochordata and vertebrata. Although many canonical CREs are conserved among mammals, there are a number of orthologous genes that have canonical CREs in one species but the TGATGTCA variant in another. These differences are likely due to deamination of the methylated cytosines in the CpG and may contribute to differential transcriptional regulation among orthologous genes

    83. Astrocytoma u chorego z wieloletnim przebiegiem białaczki włochatokomórkowej

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    WstępNowotwory wtórne centralnego układu nerwowego u chorych z chorobami rozrostowymi układu krwiotwórczego należą do rzadkości.Celem pracyBył opis przypadku chorego E.R. 1.51 z przewlekłą białaczką. włochatokomórkową, u którego po 58 miesiącach od rozpoznania choroby stwierdzono astrocytoma mózgu.Opis przypadkuRozpoznanie przewlekłej białaczki włochatokomórkowej postawiono na podstawie badań trepanobiopsji szpiku (obecność rozległych nacieków “hairy cells”: L26 i DBA44-dodatnie), dodatniego wyniku fosfatazy kwaśnej opornej na winian (w 60% komórek), a w badaniu klinicznym – splenomegalii (163 mm). U pacjenta wdrożono leczenie 2-Chlorodeoksyadenozyną (2-CdA) w dawce 0,1 mg/kg/24 h przez 5 dni uzyskując częściową remisję (PR) po 2 cyklach leczenia trwającą 30 m-cy, a następnie po stwierdzeniu wznowy choroby stosowano Roferon w dawce 3–6 mln j. × 3 w tygodniu przez 6 m-cy, wykonano splenektomię i ponownie leczono za pomocą. 2-CdA w dawce 0,1 mg/kg podawanej raz w tygodniu (6 dawek w 1 cyklu) – łącznie 4 cykle. Ponownie uzyskano PR, która trwała 2 m-ce. W okresie trwania II PR tj. Po 58 m-cach od rozpoznania u chorego pojawiły się. zaburzenia orientacji co do czasu i przestrzeni, bóle głowy, omamy słuchowe oraz niedowład prawostronny. W badaniu MR mózgu stwierdzono w obu półkulach mózgu w istocie białej w płatach czołowych ogniska o podwyższonej intensywności sygnałów w czasie T2 i obniżonej w czasie T1 oraz nacieczenie ciała modzelowatego. Nie było widocznego efektu masy- obraz MR odpowiadał naciekom białaczkowym. W badaniu CT mózgu w płatach czołowych obu półkul mózgu wykryto 2 ogniska hypodensyjne w istocie białej płatów czołowych: w prawej ognisko o średnicy 15–20 mm, a w lewej 50 mm. U chorego wykonano biopsję, sterotaktyczną, mózgu, a po ocenie histopatologicznej pobranych wycinków postawiono rozpoznanie Astrocytoma. U pacjenta wykonano radykalną operację guzów. Chory zmarł w drugiej dobie po zabiegu operacyjnym.WniosekU pacjentów z chorobami rozrostowymi układu krwiotwórczego po wieloletnim leczeniu immunosupresyjnym mogą wystąpić wtórne nowotwory centralnego układu nerwowego

    Limited ER quality control for GPI-anchored proteins

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    Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) quality control mechanisms target terminally misfolded proteins for ER-associated degradation (ERAD). Misfolded glycophosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins (GPI-APs) are, however, generally poor ERAD substrates and are targeted mainly to the vacuole/lysosome for degradation, leading to predictions that a GPI anchor sterically obstructs ERAD. Here we analyzed the degradation of the misfolded GPI-AP Gas1* in yeast. We could efficiently route Gas1* to Hrd1-dependent ERAD and provide evidence that it contains a GPI anchor, ruling out that a GPI anchor obstructs ERAD. Instead, we show that the normally decreased susceptibility of Gas1* to ERAD is caused by canonical remodeling of its GPI anchor, which occurs in all GPI-APs and provides a protein-independent ER export signal. Thus, GPI anchor remodeling is independent of protein folding and leads to efficient ER export of even misfolded species. Our data imply that ER quality control is limited for the entire class of GPI-APs, many of them being clinically relevantEspaña, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación BFU2014-59309-PEspaña, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación BFU2009-07290España, Junta de Andalucía P09-CVI-450