10 research outputs found

    Endocentryzm i egzocentryzm moralny, aprobata społeczna i empatia u wolontariuszy hospicyjnych

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    In this paper author decide to analyzed endocentric and exocentric and moral self-centeredness in conjunction with the level of empathy and the level of social approval, which appear to be significant in the context of work by volunteers of hospice. Therefore, the aim of the study and performed the research led to the question: What factors can predict volunteering? Are hospice volunteers different from people who never take volunteering? Volunteers presents higher levels of empathy, a lower need for social approval? The conclusions of the study focused on several areas. There was no significant difference between the groups in terms of endocentric and exocentric motivation and empathy. Significant differences were noted in terms of social approval

    Edukacja psychologiczna w szkole rodzenia

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    Z roku na rok zwiększa się liczba kobiet w ciąży, które uczęszczają do szkół rodzenia. Coraz częściej, poza bardzo istotną sferą fizjologicznej opieki nad ciężarną, do programu włącza się blok zajęć z zakresu psychologii. Do jego celów należy między innymi zwiększanie poczucia sprawstwa u ciężarnej, praca nad negatywnymi przekonaniami dotyczącymi macierzyństwa i porodu oraz zwiększenie poczucia przynależności. W poniższym artykule zostaną zaprezentowane szczegółowo cele, obszary i formy edukacji psychologicznej w szkole rodzenia w kontekście najnowszych doniesień naukowych

    Characterisation of the Average Worker Employed Under Flexible Forms of Employment - Report on the Study of Individual Differences in the Context of Sociodemographic Data Concerning Polish Workers

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    The paper presents the sociodemographic data obtained as a result of an empirical study carried out on a group of n=2118 workers employed under what is referred to as flexible forms of employment, within a more extensive research project entitled “Occupational problems of individuals working under flexible forms of employment – the psychological perspective”. The inspiration to focus on this particular part of the research was provided by a trend observed in the international literature, analysing the profile of an average flexible worker in highly developed countries. An analysis of the study sample of flexible workers shows that the group included rather young people, with a similar share of women and men, living in big cities, and with a rather short length of service; they were well-educated, married people with children, with a small number of previous employers, and mostly working in the private sector. The Polish study sample matches the descriptions of the average flexible European worker

    Doświadczenie macierzyństwa jako czynnik rozwojowy?

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    Motherhood is one of the most important experiences in woman’s life. It is connected not only with change in position within the social role, it is also a series of changes related to the psyche of women. Motherhood is a popular topic of many researchers, but most of them do not focus on motherhood and changes which are connected with it. The purpose of articles is to present the experience of motherhood from the perspective of woman development. More over it is important to recognized a motherhood like a developmental factor, which stimulates self-realization and shows motherhood from psychological perspective

    Orientacja na macierzyństwo. Przegląd literatury

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    Researchers recognize that women adaptation to the period of pregnancy is an important prerequisite to take the role of a mother. It is also an important role in transition to a parent (Benedek 1959 Bibring 1961 Leifer 1977). Acceptance of the child in the prenatal period and understanding the changes which are associated with pregnancy affects the subsequent functioning in the role of parent. Joan Raphael-Leff (1983) based on their own clinical experience (working with pregnant women and young mothers) developed a theoretical model materna orientation, which explain women’s individual differences in becoming a mother. Joan Raphel-Leff (2009) shows that some women is relatively easy to adapt to pregnancy and early motherhood, for others it is more difficult to accept the changes in their body and lifestyle. The main principle of maternal orientation is the division of women on the mother „regulators”, which depends on the fact that the child adapted to their needs and lifestyle. The second group consists of mothers „moderators” follow the needs of the child and its natural rhythm. As part of the articles will be presented koncpecja orientation motherhood with a presentation of key research

    Potraumatyczny wzrost, wsparcie społeczne i zdrowie psychiczne w sytuacji doświadczenia śmierci dziecka

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    One of the most difficult and painful experiences in adult life is the death of a child. This article focuses on the parental trauma after loss of their child, analyzing this experience through the prism of potato growth, social support and mental health. The aim of this article is to present also interdependence of social support, mental health, posttraumatic growth in group of 52 parents, who have lost their child

    Supporting critical thinking as a main goal in higher education (psychology)

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    While the group of critical thinking supporters is growing in size, some higher education academics are still reluctant to use this approach on their students. There are many barriers in implementing the development of science and critical thinking in higher education. Teachers are not prepared as there was no emphasis on critical thinking during their training. In addition a lack of adequate textbooks and tools that properly equip teachers has meant interest in adopting critical thinking techniques has been low among academics. Despite the low availability of methods, some educators are trying to weave exercises for the development of critical thinking into the existing curriculum. There are however useful materials used in the United States and Great Britain that can be adapted. This article presents various definitions of critical thinking, legal justification for teaching critical thinking and foreign methods of the study of critical thinking

    Czynniki ryzyka i czynniki ochronne dla zaburzeń depresyjnych i lękowych w ciąży

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    Researchers are more and more interested in mood disorders among pregnant women. The aim of this study was to identify the risk and protective factors for the discussed disorders. The research was conducted using the questionnaire method on a group of 165 pregnant women. Multiple hierarchical regression analysis with dominance analysis conducted for the received results have shown that such variables as: coexisting anxiety disorders, low subjective quality of life as well as abnormal pregnancy and patients image of low maternal care intensify the symptoms of depression in pregnant women. In turn, such variables as: depression during pregnancy, abnormal pregnancy, experience of a dead childbirth and ambivalent/anxious attachment style favor increased anxiety symptoms in pregnant women. Protective factors for depression during pregnancy are high quality of life and subjective image of caring mother

    Chitin and Chitosan as Polymers of the Future—Obtaining, Modification, Life Cycle Assessment and Main Directions of Application

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    Natural polymers are very widespread in the world, which is why it is so important to know about the possibilities of their use. Chitin is the second most abundant reproducible natural polymer in nature; however, it is insoluble in water and basic solvents. Chitin is an unused waste of the food industry, for which there are possibilities of secondary management. The research led to obtaining a soluble, environmentally friendly form of chitin, which has found potential applications in the many fields, e.g., medicine, cosmetics, food and textile industries, agriculture, etc. The deacetylated form of chitin, which is chitosan, has a number of beneficial properties and wide possibilities of modification. Modification possibilities mean that we can obtain chitosan with the desired functional properties, facilitating, for example, the processing of this polymer and expanding the possibilities of its application, also as biomimetic materials. The review contains a rich description of the possibilities of modifying chitin and chitosan and the main directions of their application, and life cycle assessment (LCA)—from the source of the polymer through production materials to various applications with the reduction of waste