7 research outputs found

    Macronutrient contents in the leaves and fruits of red raspberry as affected by liming in an extremely acid soil

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    The study evaluates the effect of liming materials application in combination with NPK fertilizer and borax on macronutrient contents (nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg)), in an extremely acid soil and raspberry leaves and fruits during a two-year period. Liming increased soil pH, N mineral content, P, Ca and Mg soil content, while K content either increased (dolomite and borax application), or decreased (lime application). The N and P contents in raspberry leaves after liming increased significantly, but P content remained below the optimal values. Some treatments with lime caused a decrease in K content in leaves, while dolomite and borax application increased K content. Initially optimal Ca content in leaves increased significantly in the treatments with lime, but decreased after dolomite application. The Mg content in leaves increased after dolomite and borax application, but mainly remained below optimal values. Liming either did not alter or only slightly altered macronutrient contents in raspberry fruits

    Methods for the assessment of background limits of Cd and Cr in the soil of Moravicki district

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    У раду су приказане различите методе одређивања границе природ ног садржаја Cr и Cd у земљишту Моравичког округа. Дистрибуција садр жаја испитиваних елемената је десно асиметрична, са високом дисперзијом, посебно садржаја Cr. Применом графичких метода (кумулативна крива–CDF и boxplot) добијене су границе природног садржаја за Cd 1,40 mg kg-1, и за Cr око 230 mg kg-1. За емпиријске методе коришћени су природни подаци и ло гаритамски трансформисани, при чему су добијене знатно веће вредности него у природној симулацији. Граничне вредности добијене различитим ме тодама се разликују. Карте показују да највећи део територије има релативно ниске концентрације испитиваних елемената чије границе природног садр жаја највише одговарају вредностима израчунатим методом [Median±2MAD] и ниже. На деловима територије са повећаним садржајима погодније су ра чунске методе [Mean±2Sd] и boxplot–обрачун горњег прага. Дате су границе природног садржаја за поједине хомогене геохемијске целине

    Soil Properties and Trace Elements Contents Following 40 Years of Phosphate Fertilization

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    Long-term application of P fertilizers may eventually result: in excess and/or toxic accumulations of trace elements and microelements in soil. The effect of monoammonium-phosphate (MAP) on basic soil properties (pH, CEC, texture), the total content of C N, and F, hot acid-extractable Cu, Zn, Ni, Cr, Pb, Cd, Co, As, Hg, and F, and the content of extractable macro- and trace elements (P, K, Ca, Mg, Al, Fe, Zn, Cu, Ni, Pb, Cd, F) were Studied on a Stagnosol soil. Phosphate fertilizer had been applied (26, 39, and 52 kg P ha(-1)) over a 40-yr period. Phosphorus fertilization significantly decreased pH and increased clay content of the soil. Increases were detected in available P, exchangeable Al, Ca, cation exchange capacity (CEC), and clay content. The content of hot acid-ex tractable Pb increased, whereas the content of diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid-extractable Pb decreased in accordance with applied rates of MAP. The status of some hot acid-extractable trace elements (Cu, Zn, Ni, and Co) did not change after 40 yr of MAP application, whereas Hg and Cd increased. However, despite the statistically significant increases in the amounts of some potentially toxic elements, they did riot accumulate to concentrations considered toxic as overall concentrations are far below the maximum allowed concentrations for natural unpolluted soils

    Identification of Different Sources and Forms of Arsenic in the Vicinity of Ore Mining in Serbia

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    Plant available arsenic (As) is not defined by its total content but by the various forms in soil. The aims of this study were to determine the amounts of As phases in soils extracted in the vicinity of the antimony mines; to study soil surface processes affecting formation of most mobile phases of As and the identification of sources of As phases in C soil horizon. Five fractions of soil As were determined by sequential extraction analyses (As F1, As F 2, As F 3, As F 4 and As F 5) in A and C horizons. The identification of the origin of As fractions were made by mean of principal component analyses (PCA) including Pearson correlations. The amount of the most mobile forms of As (As F1 and F2) was below 1%. The content of As F1, As F2 and As F4 decrease with soil depth, while aqua regia As and phases F3 and F5 increase with depth. Principal component analyses (PCA) showed that the content of As F2 is affected by anthropogenic factor and the content of As F4 by biological factor. In C horizon, As F2 and F4 are influenced by the leaching processes in soil. Arsenic F5 is bound to sediment rocks. The soil surface processes increases the availability of As in soil. The most mobile forms of As were found in deeper soil horizon that is due to the leaching of As with water from biological sources. The content of semi available phase of As F3 increases with depth, with stronger bounds due to the linkage to the amorphous Fe hydroxides

    Macronutrient contents in the leaves and fruits of red raspberry as affected by liming in an extremely acid soil

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    The study evaluates the effect of liming materials application in combination with NPK fertilizer and borax on macronutrient contents (nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg)), in an extremely acid soil and raspberry leaves and fruits during a two-year period. Liming increased soil pH, N mineral content, P, Ca and Mg soil content, while K content either increased (dolomite and borax application), or decreased (lime application). The N and P contents in raspberry leaves after liming increased significantly, but P content remained below the optimal values. Some treatments with lime caused a decrease in K content in leaves, while dolomite and borax application increased K content. Initially optimal Ca content in leaves increased significantly in the treatments with lime, but decreased after dolomite application. The Mg content in leaves increased after dolomite and borax application, but mainly remained below optimal values. Liming either did not alter or only slightly altered macronutrient contents in raspberry fruits

    Pedogeochemical mapping and background limit of trace elements in soils of Branicevo Province (Serbia)

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    Main soil properties, contents, distribution and background limits of hot acid extractable forms of trace elements: Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Hg, Pb, Zn have been analysed in Branicevo Province in Eastern Serbia. Contents of selected trace elements are relatively low and exploratory data analyses (EDA graphs) show that elements have asymmetrical distribution and great dispersion. This primarily applies to Cu, Cd, Hg, which at same time, have similar distribution patterns. Branicevo Province comprises 8 smaller districts, and is characterized by highly heterogenic natural conditions, which additionally complicate assessment of background limits. Different methods (classical [Mean+2Sdev], [Median+2MAD], box-plot and CDF) have been used for the evaluation of background limits, and for some methods besides natural, logtransformed values have also been used (Sdev - standard deviation, MAD - median of the absolute deviations from the data's median, CDF cumulative probability plot). Values from [Median+2MAD] procedure have the lowest background limit, followed by the box-plot, while the classical method produces the highest background limits. Results for CDF, (where the background limits for all elements are approximately at cumulative 95%) are similar to those from logtransformed data of box-plot method (except for Cd and Ni). Thus, percentage of outliers in classical methods ranges from 1.1 to 4.2% for natural data (and 0.5-3.75 for logtransformed data), for box-plots method ranges from 0.8 to 11.0% (and 0.6-9.6%), and for [Median+2MAD] ranges from 3.4 to 22.0% (and from 1.4 to 15.8%). The smallest outliers percentage is for Cd, followed by Hg, than Cr and Ni, and it is higher for other elements. Outliers of Ni and Cr are most frequent in western disticts in Fluvisols of the Velika Morava River, Hg and Cd outliers are the commonest in the eastern district, while outliers of other elements are more evenly distributed. Since there is a statistically significant difference in distribution of trace elements per district, data have been arranged by homogeneous units, and then new, more realistic background limits have been determined

    Identification of Different Sources and Forms of Arsenic in the Vicinity of Ore Mining in Serbia

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    Plant available arsenic (As) is not defined by its total content but by the various forms in soil. The aims of this study were to determine the amounts of As phases in soils extracted in the vicinity of the antimony mines; to study soil surface processes affecting formation of most mobile phases of As and the identification of sources of As phases in C soil horizon. Five fractions of soil As were determined by sequential extraction analyses (As F1, As F 2, As F 3, As F 4 and As F 5) in A and C horizons. The identification of the origin of As fractions were made by mean of principal component analyses (PCA) including Pearson correlations. The amount of the most mobile forms of As (As F1 and F2) was below 1%. The content of As F1, As F2 and As F4 decrease with soil depth, while aqua regia As and phases F3 and F5 increase with depth. Principal component analyses (PCA) showed that the content of As F2 is affected by anthropogenic factor and the content of As F4 by biological factor. In C horizon, As F2 and F4 are influenced by the leaching processes in soil. Arsenic F5 is bound to sediment rocks. The soil surface processes increases the availability of As in soil. The most mobile forms of As were found in deeper soil horizon that is due to the leaching of As with water from biological sources. The content of semi available phase of As F3 increases with depth, with stronger bounds due to the linkage to the amorphous Fe hydroxides