3 research outputs found


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    The goal of this research was to determine whether there is a difference in themanifestation of measured anthropometric characteristics and tested motor abilities offemale volleyball players that are 13-15 years old. The sample of participants consists of 62female volleyball players divided into three groups according to their age. The sample ofvariables has two sub-samples: 18 variables belonging to anthropometric space and 14variables belonging to the space of motor skills. A variance analysis has indicatedsignificant intragroup differences in all the analyzed variables, except the variable forassessment of flexibility in the shoulder angle region. The results of a post hoc test - theBoniferroni procedure - have determined that the level of differences between the groups, inrelation to the examined variables, ranges from those that have statistical significance ofp<0,05, for variables of anthropometric space (Body weight, arm span, Body mass index,the Single arm reach test, Both arm reach test, Upper arm and forearm volume) and thesame value for the motor skills space (Hip joint flexibility, Squat jump with arm swing,Counter-movement jump with, and without the arm swing), to those that reach p<0,00 forvariables of the anthropometric space (Sitting height, Body mass, Chest Volume , Waistvolume, Hips, Upper leg, and Lower leg volume) and for variables of the space of motorskills (the Long jump, Medicine ball throw, “Sit and reach” test, the 5,15 and 20 meter run,T-test, Squat jump without arm swing and Squat jump with arms in the block position).Because the applied instruments validate the assumption that these instruments can be usedto isolate dimensions in experimental sample, and because these dimensions are significantfor success in a motor activity such as volleyball, the results of this research will have broadapplication, and thus are of both theoretical and practical importanc

    Competitive activity analysis in play-off stage of 'Wiener Stadtische' Serbian volleyball league for men in 2012/2013 season

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    Sport is defined as an activity that involves competition, specific preparation for the competition, specific relationships and connections in that area of activity taken as a whole. Analysis of competitive activity is the basis for a rational approach to the planning, programming, implementation and evaluation of the effects of systematic training process. Subject to this study was to analyze competitive activities of volleyball players in the play-off stage of 'Wiener Statische' Serbian league in season 2012/2013. The aim of the research is to determine characteristics of the volleyball game structure in competitive activity, to determine the technical-tactical elements with a statistically significant contribution to the achievement of positive results in the competition and to perform certain conclusions, with the help of research results, regarding the design of the training process. Description of elements was performed in the research, the contents that describe competitive activity in men's volleyball were explored, and then comparative analysis of these elements was performed for different levels of team performance. We can conclude that, based on these results, there is a statistically significant difference between successful and less successful men volleyball teams in only three variables, namely: the efficiency coefficient of serve, efficiency coefficient of block, efficiency coefficient of attack. This data is absolutely correspond to considerations in practice, which is that these three elements directly bring a point in the field, and therefore by observing them we can determine the winner of the match, with the highest certainty. Other elements, though necessary may influence the final outcome in men's volleyball to a lesser extent. Data from this study should be used primarily for modeling volleyball players training, with the ultimate projection on training improvement and game efficiency increase

    Green urban policies –the case of Belgrade [Tenth International Landscape Architecture Exhibition]

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    Рад студената мастер програма је био усмерен на боље разумевање теме ''политике, као намере да се нешто заиста учини'', и као део савремених напора на пољу повезивања и планирања са реалним изворима финансирања, који су утврђени мерама, како УН и ЕУ политика (Париски договор, Циљеви одрживог развоја, Нова ЕУ Кохезиона политика 2021-27, Зелени договор за Западни Балкан), националним и локалним политикама урбаног развоја (Стратегија развоја Града Београда, Стратегија пошумљавања Града Београда, План одрживе урбане мобилности, Акциони план за одрживу енергију и климу за Град Београд, Акциони план за зелени град). Фокус је био на пројектима које Град реализује у сарадњи са међународним програмима и банкама, уз подршку националних институција, градске управе, организација и установа, невладиних организација. Приказ мапираних пројеката није коначан. У питању је модел за приказивање, праћење реализације и евалуацију пројеката од значаја за урбани развој урбаних насеља. Анализа указује на значајан број реализованих пројеката у домену Зелене агенде - заштите животне средине и климатских промена.The work of the master's students was aimed at better understanding the topic of "policy as an intention to actually do something", as part of contemporary efforts to connect planning with real sources of funding outlined in UN and EU policy (Paris Agreement, Sustainable Development Goals, New EU Cohesion Policy 2021-27, Green Deal for the Western Balkans), as well as national and local urban development policies (Development Strategy of the City of Belgrade, Afforestation Strategy of the City of Belgrade, Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan, Action Plan for Sustainable Energy and Climate for the City of Belgrade, Action Plan for a Green City). The focus was on projects that the city implements through cooperation with international programs and banks, with the support of national institutions, city administration, organizations and institutions, and non- governmental organizations. The display of mapped projects is not final, and it represents a model for presenting, monitoring the implementation and evaluating projects of importance for the urban development of urban settlements. The analysis indicates a significant number of implemented projects in the field of the Green Agenda - environmental protection and climate change