3 research outputs found

    Contemporary Architectural Space - and Design Methodology

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    A Pécsi Tudományegyetem Pollack Mihály Műszaki és Informatikai Karán kezdett, majd Breuer Marcell nevét őrző Doktori Iskolában folytatott tanulmányi éveim során teljesedett ki bennem a szakma iránti elhivatottság, az alkotói munkától kezdve az oktatás tisztségéig. Bár az építészet iránti vonzalmam már egészen gyerekkoromig visszavezethető, vallom, hogy az iskolám és tanáraim által nyújtott kép és oktatási módszertan erős hatással volt ennek a szerelemnek a beteljesedésére. A Doktori Iskolában töltött éveim alatt számos olyan munkához volt szerencsém, melyben különböző oktatási intézmények tervezés módszertanát sajátíthattam el a gyakorlatban, kezdve a bölcsőde és óvoda alapjaitól, az általános iskolán át egészen a felsőoktatási intézményekig. Legszerencsésebbnek mégis azért tartom magam, mivel mestermunkámban egy olyan épület tervezésmódszertanát vizsgálhattam, mely az egész életemre kihatott. Ez az épület nem más, mint a pécsi építészképzés új színtere, az É81 építész csarnok épülete

    Concepts for University developments, focusing on campus of Rokus str., Pécs, Hungary

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    The university faculties are situated in different parts of the city and they are not connected to each other. The faculties are located in minimal areas, they are surrounded by residential and public functions. The communication between the faculties and the transport network are not solved for the students and for the city. Traditional campuses have not been established around the universities and the development goals of the university to create them were ineffective. The University of Pécs – as a campus – can only work optimally if the faculties and their surroundings are interconnected by suitable transport, infrastructure network. Within the framework of ’Modern Cities’ University Development Program, it is possible to reconsider the existing premises and to regroup the faculties – when the disunity of the Faculty of Engineering was solved, the significant property stock of the campus in Rókus street partly lost its function due to reorganization. The maintenance of the cadastre in its current form is expensive due to its under-utilized operation. However, the existing properties should be considered an opportunity rather than a problem. With the planned increase in the educational capacity of the Faculty of Pharmacy, we are able to create spaces for transparent education of international standards with a functional change in new emerging development areas in the existing buildings

    The Development of the ’Western Campus’

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    With the Modern Városok Program (’Modern Cities Program’) Pécs has gained a development opportunity with the help of which not only the buildings and premises of the university faculties participating in international training can form more sustainable, unified university campuses, but with urban planning infrastructure development is being prepared both in short and long term. One of the main development areas of the ’Modern Cities Program’ is the establishment of the ’Western Campus’.In the first stage, the formation of a migration map and the grouping of the faculties and buildings inside and outside the premises were necessary for the unified Campus. During the preparatory phase, the infrastructure connecting university areas were developed and the pedestrian and bicycle road networks were redesigned/expanded. In the second phase, the faculties were complemented in accordance with their needs, some faculties were redesigned inside the building (Faculty of Pharmacy), others were enlarged (Faculty of Sciences), but new buildings were also designed (Medical School, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology ÉG 81-56). The International Studies Centre and the Centre for Foreign Languages are placed in this homogeneous structure, which also indicates the essence of the Campus