5 research outputs found

    Summary of marine cyanopodovirus genomes.

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    <p>Summary of marine cyanopodovirus genomes.</p

    Distribution pattern of accessory genes (n = 99) among the 20 marine cyanopodovirus genomes.

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    <p>A black box represents a presence. Cyano_T7_GC stands for T7-like cyanophage gene cluster. The dendrograms were created based on the presence/absence matrix of accessory genes. The UPGMA and WPGMA methods were used to cluster the genes and the phages, respectively. The right column lists those genes with known/putative functions. Red boxes (A-H) indicate genes which were enriched or absent in certain phage groups. All the 349 COGs found among the 20 genomes were listed in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0142962#pone.0142962.s001" target="_blank">S1 File</a>.</p

    Maximum likelihood phylogenetic analysis of thymidylate synthase gene <i>thyX</i> in cyanophages and cyanobacteria.

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    <p>Cyanobacterial and cyanophage sequences were shown in color and other bacterial and viral sequences in black. Bootstrap test values higher than 75% were shown.</p

    Whole genome phylogenies and network of cyanopodoviruses.

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    <p>A, a phylogenetic tree based on the concatenated core genes built by using the distance method; B, a consensus tree inferred from ML trees built for the 15 core genes; C, a dendrogram built by using ML distance measurement based on gene content; D, a whole genome network constructed based on gene content. <i>Synechococcus</i> podoviruses were shown in blue and <i>Prochlorococcus</i> podoviruses shown in green. Black, grey and open circles respectively represent bootstrap supports of 100%, 75–99% and 50–74%. The grey shading in panel A indicates cluster MPP-A and subclusters MPP-B1, B2, B3 and B4, and those cluster/subclusters that exist in panel B and C are also marked with shading.</p

    Alignment of the 20 marine cyanopodovirus genomes.

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    <p>Core genes are indicated by light blue arrows. The other arrows that are colored and linked by lines represent a few shared non-core genes with known or putative function. Abbreviation: MarR, MarR family transcriptional regulator; RNA pol, RNA polymerase; SSB, single-stranded DNA binding protein; endonuc., endonuclease; prim./hel., primase/helicase; DNA pol, DNA polymerase; exonuc., exonuclease; MazG, pyrophosphatase; RNR, ribonucleotide reductase; Hli, high light inducible protein; PsbA, photosystem II D1 protein; MCP, major capsid protein; ICP, internal core protein; TalC, transaldolase; ThyX, thymidylate synthase; HP, hypothetical protein.</p