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    Pandangan Mahasiswa Universitas Bakrie Atas Fitur “Life At Google” sebagai Bentuk Employer Branding Google Inc. dalam Mempertahankan Reputasi The Most Wanted Company

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    Konsep Employer Branding memang belum populer di kalangan public relation officer Indonesia. Namun, permasalahan tenaga kerja Indonesia terkait war for talent atau kompetisi mendapatkan tenaga kerja profesional sesuai kualifikasi antar Perusahaan di Indonesia telah nyata terlihat. Sebagai Perusahaan nomor 1 oleh majalah Fortune kategori 100 Best Companies to Work For 2007, Google telah menjadi Perusahaan yang telah sukses membangun dan mempertahankan employer brand ‘Don\u27t be evil\u27-nya melalui fitur “Life at Google”. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan tujuan mengetahui pandangan mahasiswa Universitas Bakrie terhadap fitur “Life at Google” sebagai bentuk employer branding Google Inc. dalam mempertahankan reputasi the most wanted company. Penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa fitur “Life at Google” memberikan peneguhan atau reinforcement kepada mahasiswa Universitas Bakrie atas kognisi dan afeksi yang baik (positif) dan mendukung pandangan reputasi Google sebagai the most wanted company. Kata kunci : Employer branding, brand equity, brand association, company reputation, website. Employer Branding concept is not popular yet among the public relations officer in Indonesia. However, Indonesian labor issue related to war for talent or competition to get qualified professional workforce among companies in Indonesia has been real. As the first company by Fortune magazine in 100 Best Companies to Work For 2007 category, Google has successfully built and maintained its “Don\u27t be evil” employer brand through "Life at Google" feature. This qualitative research aims to identify the perspective of Bakrie University students on "Life at Google" feature as employer branding Google Inc. in maintaining the reputation of the most wanted company. This study proves that "Life at Google" feature provide reinforcement to Bakrie University student for their good (positive) cognitive and affective and support the views of Google\u27s reputation as the most wanted company. Key words : Employer branding, brand equity, brand association, company reputation, website. DAFTAR PUSTAKA Ambler, T and Barrow, S. 1996. The employer brand. Journal of Brand Management, Vol. 4, pp. 185-206. ISSN 1350-231X Ardianto, E. (2011). Metodologi Penelitian untuk Public Relation Kuantitatif dan Kualitatif. Bandung: Simbiosa Rekatama Media. Argenti, P. A. (2009). Corporate Communication Ed. 5. . Singapore: McGrawHill. Arifin, Z. (2012). Penelitian Pendidikan Metode dan Paradigma Baru. Bandung: Rosdakarya. 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