7 research outputs found

    Calvitie chez l’Homme et estime de Soi

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    Bien que la majorité des hommes soit résignée face à la calvitie qui apparaît comme un fait inévitable, aucun n'aime perdre des cheveux. Cet évènement est d’autant plus insupportable quand il affecte un sujet jeune. Notre étude vise à mettre en évidence ce mal être à travers une comparaison entre une population souffrant de calvitie et un groupe témoin. Notre but étant de rechercher une éventuelle altération de l’estime de soi en rapport avec ce phénomène. De la chute des cheveux à la perte de l’estime de soi, il n’y aurait donc qu’un tout petit pas. Difficile de se sentir homme et sûr de soi quand on est privé de ce qui représente, plus ou moins consciemment, la force et la vitalité. Pour mettre un terme au cercle vicieux, certains sont alors tentés d’expérimenter toutes les méthodes disponibles, en la matière mais les résultats encore peu prometteurs

    Perceived Stress among Moroccan Nurses Student: Effect of the Emotional Self-efficacy

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    AIM: This study examines the impact of emotional self-efficacy on perceived stress among nursing students. METHODS: To conduct this study, two instruments were used. The first is the 10-item perceived stress scale version and the second is the emotional self-efficacy test. RESULTS: The study shows that 59.10% of the nurses’ students have a risk perception of the situations stressful. About 19.20% have a psychopathological perception. In addition, the seven dimensions of emotional self-efficacy contribute to the perceived stress levels at 69%. However, the managing own emotions is the main contributor of the perceived stress level (β = −0.67**). CONCLUSION: These results show the importance of the emotional self-efficacy to prevent the stress and these harmful consequences. Therefore, it is important to integrate a specific emotion management module into the nursing students basic training program. Furthermore, special interest should be given to promote the nurses’ students psychological health

    Suicidal attempt among patients with schizophrenia: A cross-sectional study from Morocco

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    Suicide constitutes the greatest risk factor for mortality in individuals with schizophrenia. Although numerous risk factors have been suggested as important predictors of suicidality in schizophrenia, most studies have focused on Caucasian and Chinese patients. This study aimed to examine the prevalence of suicide attempts in schizophrenia patients in Rabat-Sale-Kenitra, Morocco, and to identify associated clinical and sociodemographic characteristics. A cross-sectional study was conducted at the Ar-RAZI Psychiatric Center of Ibn Sina Hospital in Rabat. We examined 175 Moroccan schizophrenic patients. The sociodemographic and clinical variables were analyzed based on the presence or absence of suicide attempts. The prevalence of suicide attempts among patients was 32%. 43% of them had reported multiple suicide attempts. The majority of those who attempted suicide were single, younger, and with a lower economic status. Visual hallucinations were significantly prevalent among attempter patients compared to non-attempters (p =0.032). Consequently, visual hallucinations could be a risk factor for suicide attempts in the Moroccan population. Understanding sociodemographic and clinical characteristics associated with suicide attempts can help identify patients at higher risk and provide appropriate support and interventions to prevent suicide among the Moroccan population

    Vécu des parents face à la première hospitalisation en milieu psychiatrique

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    RESUME : Face au mouvement de désinstitutionalisation des malades mentaux, la famille prend de plus en plus de place dans le système de soins. Notre but est de savoir comment les parents vivent la première hospitalisation de leur enfant dans des structures psychiatriques ? Nous essaierons de mettre en exergue le ressenti des parents. Certes chaque parent a sa propre représentation de l’hôpital et celle-ci va avoir une influence sur la façon dont il va appréhender l’hospitalisation de son enfant ; ceci n’est pas sans faire resurgir la souffrance liée à l’annonce de la maladie psychiatrique et toutes ses conséquences sur l’ensemble de la famille. Pour les équipes soignantes, la culpabilité des familles est quelque chose d’habituel et de facilement repérable, car la quasi-totalité de ces dernières la subissent lors des hospitalisations à la demande d’un tiers d’un de leur enfant. Les familles mettent en avant le manque réel d’informations et de documentation écrite. La prise en charge des familles est, dans le cas de ce sujet, quelque chose d’important car elle permet une alliance thérapeutique et permet au patient lui-même d’avoir une meilleure adhérence aux soins.

    Suicidal attempt among patients with schizophrenia: A cross-sectional study from Morocco

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    Suicide constitutes the greatest risk factor for mortality in individuals with schizophrenia. Although numerous risk factors have been suggested as important predictors of suicidality in schizophrenia, most studies have focused on Caucasian and Chinese patients. This study aimed to examine the prevalence of suicide attempts in schizophrenia patients in Rabat-Sale-Kenitra, Morocco, and to identify associated clinical and sociodemographic characteristics. A cross-sectional study was conducted at the Ar-RAZI Psychiatric Center of Ibn Sina Hospital in Rabat. We examined 175 Moroccan schizophrenic patients. The sociodemographic and clinical variables were analyzed based on the presence or absence of suicide attempts. The prevalence of suicide attempts among patients was 32%. 43% of them had reported multiple suicide attempts. The majority of those who attempted suicide were single, younger, and with a lower economic status. Visual hallucinations were significantly prevalent among attempter patients compared to non-attempters (p =0.032). Consequently, visual hallucinations could be a risk factor for suicide attempts in the Moroccan population. Understanding sociodemographic and clinical characteristics associated with suicide attempts can help identify patients at higher risk and provide appropriate support and interventions to prevent suicide among the Moroccan population