2,157 research outputs found

    Doping behaviour of implanted magnesium in silicon

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    Nonadiabatic Electron Pumping: Maximal Current with Minimal Noise

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    The noise properties of pump currents through an open double quantum dot setup with non-adiabatic ac driving are investigated. Driving frequencies close to the internal resonances of the double dot-system mark the optimal working points at which the pump current assumes a maximum while its noise power possesses a remarkably low minimum. A rotating-wave approximation provides analytical expressions for the current and its noise power and allows to optimize the noise characteristics. The analytical results are compared to numerical results from a Floquet transport theory.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, replaced Fig. 1, added new inset in Fig. 2, extended paragraph on symmetry consideration

    Punishing and Abstaining for Public Goods

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    The evolution of cooperation within sizeable groups of non-related humans offers many challenges for our understanding. Current research has highlighted two factors boosting cooperation in public goods interactions, namely costly punishment of defectors, and the option to defer from the joint enterprise. A recent modeling approach has suggested that the autarctic option acts as a catalyzer for the ultimate fixation of altruistic punishment. We present an alternative, more micro-economically based model which yields a bistable outcome instead. Evolutionary dynamics can either lead to a Nash equilibrium of punishing and non-punishing cooperators, or to an oscillating state without punishers

    A Survey on Indirect Reciprocity

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    This survey deals with indirect reciprocity, i.e., with the possibility that altruistic acts are returned, not by the recipient, but by a third party. After briefly sketching how this problem is dealt with in classical game theory, we describe recent work on the assessment on interactions, and the evolutionary stability of strategies for indirect reciprocation. All stable strategies ( the 'leading eight') distinguish between justified and non-justified defections, and therefore are based on non-costly punishment. Next we consider the replicator dynamics of populations consisting of defectors, discriminators and undiscriminating altruists. We stress that errors can destabilise cooperation for strategies not distinguishing justified from unjustified defections, but that a fixed number of rounds, or the assumption of an individual's social network growing with age, can lead to cooperation based on a stable mixture of undiscriminating altruists and of discriminators who do not distinguish between justified and unjustified defection. We describe previous work using agent-based simulations for 'binary-score' and 'full score' models. Finally, we survey the recent results on experiments with the indirect reciprocation game

    Nonadiabatic electron heat pump

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    We investigate a mechanism for extracting heat from metallic conductors based on the energy-selective transmission of electrons through a spatially asymmetric resonant structure subject to ac driving. This quantum refrigerator can operate at zero net electronic current as it replaces hot by cold electrons through two energetically symmetric inelastic channels. We present numerical results for a specific heterostructure and discuss general trends. We also explore the conditions under which the cooling rate may approach the ultimate limit given by the quantum of cooling power.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; published version, typos correcte

    To what extent are temperature levels changing due to greenhouse gas emissions?

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    Weather and temperatures vary in ways that are difficult to explain and predict precisely. In this article we review data on temperature variations in the past as well possible reasons for these variations. Subsequently, we review key properties of global climate models and statistical analyses conducted by others on the ability of the global climate models to track historical temperatures. These tests show that standard climate models are rejected by time series data on global temperatures. Finally, we update and extend previous statistical analysis of temperature data (Dagsvik et al., 2020). Using theoretical arguments and statistical tests we find, as in Dagsvik et al. (2020), that the effect of man-made CO2 emissions does not appear to be strong enough to cause systematic changes in the temperature fluctuations during the last 200 years

    Molecular wires acting as quantum heat ratchets

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    We explore heat transfer in molecular junctions between two leads in the absence of a finite net thermal bias. The application of an unbiased, time-periodic temperature modulation of the leads entails a dynamical breaking of reflection symmetry, such that a directed heat current may emerge (ratchet effect). In particular, we consider two cases of adiabatically slow driving, namely (i) periodic temperature modulation of only one lead and (ii) temperature modulation of both leads with an ac driving that contains a second harmonic, thus generating harmonic mixing. Both scenarios yield sizeable directed heat currents which should be detectable with present techniques. Adding a static thermal bias, allows one to compute the heat current-thermal load characteristics which includes the ratchet effect of negative thermal bias with positive-valued heat flow against the thermal bias, up to the thermal stop-load. The ratchet heat flow in turn generates also an electric current. An applied electric stop-voltage, yielding effective zero electric current flow, then mimics a solely heat-ratchet-induced thermopower (``ratchet Seebeck effect''), although no net thermal bias is acting. Moreover, we find that the relative phase between the two harmonics in scenario (ii) enables steering the net heat current into a direction of choice.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Time-Resolved Measurement of a Charge Qubit

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    We propose a scheme for monitoring coherent quantum dynamics with good time-resolution and low backaction, which relies on the response of the considered quantum system to high-frequency ac driving. An approximate analytical solution of the corresponding quantum master equation reveals that the phase of an outgoing signal, which can directly be measured in an experiment with lock-in technique, is proportional to the expectation value of a particular system observable. This result is corroborated by the numerical solution of the master equation for a charge qubit realized with a Cooper-pair box, where we focus on monitoring coherent oscillations.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Conditional strategies and the evolution of cooperation in spatial public goods games

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    The fact that individuals will most likely behave differently in different situations begets the introduction of conditional strategies. Inspired by this, we study the evolution of cooperation in the spatial public goods game, where besides unconditional cooperators and defectors, also different types of conditional cooperators compete for space. Conditional cooperators will contribute to the public good only if other players within the group are likely to cooperate as well, but will withhold their contribution otherwise. Depending on the number of other cooperators that are required to elicit cooperation of a conditional cooperator, the latter can be classified in as many types as there are players within each group. We find that the most cautious cooperators, such that require all other players within a group to be conditional cooperators, are the undisputed victors of the evolutionary process, even at very low synergy factors. We show that the remarkable promotion of cooperation is due primarily to the spontaneous emergence of quarantining of defectors, which become surrounded by conditional cooperators and are forced into isolated convex "bubbles" from where they are unable to exploit the public good. This phenomenon can be observed only in structured populations, thus adding to the relevance of pattern formation for the successful evolution of cooperation.Comment: 7 two-column pages, 7 figures; accepted for publication in Physical Review