3 research outputs found

    Synergistic effects of iron and temperature on Antarctic phytoplankton and microzooplankton assemblages

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    Iron availability and temperature are important limiting factors for the biota in many areas of the world ocean, and both have been predicted to change in future climate scenarios. However, the impacts of combined changes in these two key factors on microbial trophic dynamics and nutrient cycling are unknown. We examined the relative effects of iron addition (+1 nM) and increased temperature (+4 degrees C) on plankton assemblages of the Ross Sea, Antarctica, a region characterized by annual algal blooms and an active microbial community. Increased iron and temperature individually had consistently significant but relatively minor positive effects on total phytoplankton abundance, phytoplankton and microzooplankton community composition, as well as photosynthetic parameters and nutrient drawdown. Unexpectedly, increased iron had a consistently negative impact on microzooplankton abundance, most likely a secondary response to changes in phytoplankton community composition. When iron and temperature were increased in concert, the resulting interactive effects were greatly magnified. This synergy between iron and temperature increases would not have been predictable by examining the effects of each variable individually. Our results suggest the possibility that if iron availability increases under future climate regimes, the impacts of predicted temperature increases on plankton assemblages in polar regions could be significantly enhanced. Such synergistic and antagonistic interactions between individual climate change variables highlight the importance of multivariate studies for marine global change experiments

    Islands of stability of the d-wave order parameter in s-wave anisotropic superconductors

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    In this paper we find and present on diagrams in the coordinates of η=2t 1/t 0 (the ratio of the second and the first nearest neighbor hopping integrals) and n (the carrier concentration) the areas of stability for the superconducting spin-singlet s- and d-wave and the spin-triplet p-wave order parameters hatching out during the phase transition from the normal to the superconducting phase. The diagrams are obtained for an anisotropic two-dimensional superconducting system with a relatively wide partially-filled conduction band. We study a tight-binding model with an attractive nearest neighbor interaction with the amplitude V 1, and the on-site interaction (with the amplitude V 0) taken either as repulsive or attractive. The problem of the coexistence of the s-, p- and d-wave order parameters is addressed and solved for chosen values of the ratio V 0/V 1. A possible island of stability of the d-wave order parameter in the s-wave order parameter environment for a relatively strong on-site interaction is revealed. The triple points, around which the s-, d-, and p-wave order parameters coexist, are localized on diagrams. It is shown that results of the calculations performed for the two-dimensional tight-binding band model are dissimilar with some obtained within the BCS-type approximation. Copyright EDP Sciences/Società Italiana di Fisica/Springer-Verlag 200874.20.Rp Pairing symmetries (other than s-wave), 74.62.Yb Other effects,