11 research outputs found

    A la recherche de l\u27art des cavernes du pays Maya

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    DĂ©couvertes dans les grottes mayas

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    A la recherche de l\u27art des cavernes du pays Maya

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    L\u27or des Gouffres: Decouvertes dans les Jungles Mayas

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    DĂ©couvertes dans les grottes mayas

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    L\u27or des Gouffres: Decouvertes dans les Jungles Mayas

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    Les variations circadiennes du temps de réaction et du tempo spontané au cours d'une expérience « hors du temps »

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    Summary During an expedition directed by M. Siffre, J.-P. M. remained for 174 days in a cave 70 meters below ground without means of temporal reference. We were able to observe the evolution of Spontaneous Tempo (ST) and Reaction Time (RT) of J.-P. M. Analysis of the results leads to the distinction of five periods of relative stability in the wake-sleep activity cycle. A double evolution of ST and of RT was noted : a) A longitudinal evolution during the course of the experiment : ST accelerated and RT increased ; these two variations are interpreted as a decrease in the vigilance level ; b) A circadian evolution of the two parameters associated with the rhythm of wake-sleep activity.Résumé Au cours de l'expédition dirigée par M. Siffre, J.-P. M. est demeuré 174 jours dans une grotte à 70 m sous terre, sans aucun repÚre temporel. A cette occasion, nous avons pu observer d'une maniÚre continue l'évolution du Tempo Spontané (TS) et du Temps de Réaction (TR) de J.-P. M. L'analyse des données nous a conduit à distinguer cinq périodes de stabilité relative du cycle d'activité veille-sommeil. On constate une double évolution du TS et du TR : a) Une évolution longitudinale au cours de l'expérience. Le TS s'accélÚre et le TR augmente. Ces deux variations sont interprétées comme une baisse du niveau de vigilance ; b) Une évolution circadienne des deux paramÚtres associés au rythme d'activité veille-sommeil.Oléron GeneviÚve, Fraisse Paul, Siffre Michel, Zuili Nadine. Les variations circadiennes du temps de réaction et du tempo spontané au cours d'une expérience « hors du temps ». In: L'année psychologique. 1970 vol. 70, n°2. pp. 347-356

    Fonte du glacier souterrain de Scarasson (Marguareis, Italie). Suivi instrumentĂ© de la tempĂ©rature, de l’humiditĂ© et du recul

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    Located in the italian massif of Marguareis, Scarasson is a famous cave because of its underground glacier and the operation “ Beyond Time” of Michel Siffre in 1962. Because of the quick melting of the glacier since the 2000 years, due to stop of snow feeding, a monitoring began in 2008 for temperature and humidity, and for measuring the retreat with ultrasonic sensors. The results show variations in temperature at different scales, the great dynamic complexity of an «open » underground climate system, and a remarkable transformation of the ice around the melting point.SituĂ© dans le massif du Marguareis (France-Italie), le gouffre de Scarasson est une cavitĂ© connue en raison de la prĂ©sence d’un glacier souterrain et de l’expĂ©rience «hors du temps » menĂ©e par Michel Siffre en 1962. La fonte accĂ©lĂ©rĂ©e du glacier depuis les annĂ©es 2000 en lien probable avec l’arrĂȘt de l’alimentation neigeuse a menĂ© Ă  une Ă©tude instrumentĂ©e de la cavitĂ©. DĂ©butĂ©e en 2008, elle a Ă©tĂ© conduite avec des capteurs de tempĂ©rature, d’humiditĂ© et de distance Ă  ultrasons. Les rĂ©sultats montrent des variations de la tempĂ©rature Ă  diffĂ©rentes Ă©chelles, la complexitĂ© du systĂšme climatique souterrain «ouvert » et la transformation de la glace autour du point de fusion.Morel Laurent, Maire Richard, Valla François, Decker Joan, Siffre Michel, Boscart Joffrey, Caillault Serge, Lambolglia Cathy, Lamboglia Jo, Petit Jean-robert, Ogand Michel. Fonte du glacier souterrain de Scarasson (Marguareis, Italie). Suivi instrumentĂ© de la tempĂ©rature, de l’humiditĂ© et du recul. In: Collection EDYTEM. Cahiers de gĂ©ographie, numĂ©ro 19, 2017. Monitoring en milieux naturels. Retours d’expĂ©riences en terrains difficiles. pp. 101-108

    Role of 3D volume growth rate for drug activity evaluation in meningioma clinical trials: the example of the CEVOREM study

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    International audienceAbstract Background We aimed to improve the assessment of the drug activity in meningioma clinical trials based on the study of the 3D volume growth rate (3DVGR) in a series of aggressive meningiomas. We secondarily aimed to correlate 3DVGR study with patient outcome. Methods We performed a post hoc analysis based on volume data and 3DVGR extracted from CEVOREM study including 18 patients with 32 recurrent high-grade meningiomas and treated with everolimus and octreotide. The joint latent class model was used to classify tumor 3DVGR undertreatment. Results Class 1 includes lesions responding to treatment with decrease in volume in the first 3 months, and then a stabilization thereafter (9.5% of tumors) (mean pretreatment 3DVGR = 6.13%/month; mean undertreatment 3DVGR = −18.7%/month within 3 first months and −0.14%/month after the 3 first months). Class 2 includes lesions considered as stable or with a slight increase in volume undertreatment (65.5%) (mean pretreatment 3DVGR = 6.09%/month; undertreatment 3DVGR = −0.09% within the first 3 months). Class 3 includes lesions without 3DVGR decrease (25%) (mean pretreatment 3DVGR = 46.9%/month; mean undertreatment 3DVGR = 19.2%/month within the first 3 months). Patients with class 3 lesions had a significantly worse progression-free survival (PFS) rate than class 1 and 2 ones. Conclusions Tumor 3DVGR could be helpful to detect early signal of drugs antitumoral activity or nonactivity. This volume response classification could help in the assessment of drug activity in tumors with mostly volume stabilization and rare response as aggressive meningiomas even with a low number of patients in complement to 6 months PFS