19 research outputs found

    Integration of Consonant and Pitch Processing as Revealed by the Absence of Additivity in Mismatch Negativity

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    Consonants, unlike vowels, are thought to be speech specific and therefore no interactions would be expected between consonants and pitch, a basic element for musical tones. The present study used an electrophysiological approach to investigate whether, contrary to this view, there is integrative processing of consonants and pitch by measuring additivity of changes in the mismatch negativity (MMN) of evoked potentials. The MMN is elicited by discriminable variations occurring in a sequence of repetitive, homogeneous sounds. In the experiment, event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded while participants heard frequently sung consonant-vowel syllables and rare stimuli deviating in either consonant identity only, pitch only, or in both dimensions. Every type of deviation elicited a reliable MMN. As expected, the two single-deviant MMNs had similar amplitudes, but that of the double-deviant MMN was also not significantly different from them. This absence of additivity in the double-deviant MMN suggests that consonant and pitch variations are processed, at least at a pre-attentive level, in an integrated rather than independent way. Domain-specificity of consonants may depend on higher-level processes in the hierarchy of speech perception

    Appealing to Individual Fears or Social Norms: How Can the Public Be Persuaded to Accept COVID-19 Vaccination through Risk Communication?

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    In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, improving the public’s understanding of the increased efficacy and safety of the COVID-19 vaccines through scientific risk communication campaigns, promoting the public’s acceptance and willingness to receive COVID-19 vaccines, and forming collective actions at the social level will deeply impact on the effect of COVID-19 prevention in various countries, which is also a key factor that governments need to address urgently. Previous research on risk communication has mostly focused on microscopic perspectives of how to stimulate individual self-protection behaviors by awakening threat and efficacy perceptions; however, a lack of observation of social collective actions means there is a risk of failure regarding COVID-19 epidemic reduction and prevention. In this regard, this study was based on the issue of vaccination in the context of the COVID-19 epidemic through a highly regulated and controlled research experiment in China (n = 165), which was designed to examine the impact of two risk communication frameworks, appealing to individual fears and appealing to social norms, on the public’s acceptance and recommendations of COVID-19 vaccines, thus outlining the path of action from individual protection to collective epidemic prevention. Both the “fear appeals” framework and the “social norms” framework were found to have a positive effect on the Chinese public’s vaccination acceptance. Specifically, social norms information may increase vaccination acceptance by enhancing the public’s perceptions of social responsibility, while fear appeals information may reduce their perceptions of threat and social pressure to get the vaccine. Female and highly educated groups were more likely to refuse to recommend vaccination after reading the risk communication information. These results can be a useful supplement to the theory and practice of risk communication

    Regulatory Effects of Three-Dimensional Cultured Lipopolysaccharide-Pretreated Periodontal Ligament Stem Cell-Derived Secretome on Macrophages

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    Phenotypic transformation of macrophages plays important immune response roles in the occurrence, development and regression of periodontitis. Under inflammation or other environmental stimulation, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) exert immunomodulatory effects through their secretome. It has been found that secretome derived from lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-pretreated or three-dimensional (3D)-cultured MSCs significantly reduced inflammatory responses in inflammatory diseases, including periodontitis, by inducing M2 macrophage polarization. In this study, periodontal ligament stem cells (PDLSCs) pretreated with LPS were 3D cultured in hydrogel (termed SupraGel) for a certain period of time and the secretome was collected to explore its regulatory effects on macrophages. Expression changes of immune cytokines in the secretome were also examined to speculate on the regulatory mechanisms in macrophages. The results indicated that PDLSCs showed good viability in SupraGel and could be separated from the gel by adding PBS and centrifuging. The secretome derived from LPS-pretreated and/or 3D-cultured PDLSCs all inhibited the polarization of M1 macrophages, while the secretome derived from LPS-pretreated PDLSCs (regardless of 3D culture) had the ability to promote the polarization of M1 to M2 macrophages and the migration of macrophages. Cytokines involved in the production, migration and polarization of macrophages, as well as multiple growth factors, increased in the PDLSC-derived secretome after LPS pretreatment and/or 3D culture, which suggested that the secretome had the potential to regulate macrophages and promote tissue regeneration, and that it could be used in the treatment of inflammation-related diseases such as periodontitis in the future

    In vitro Effects of Prebiotics and Synbiotics on Apis cerana Gut Microbiota

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    This study aimed to investigate in vitro effects of the selected prebiotics alone, and in combination with two potential probiotic Lactobacillus strains on the microbial composition of Apis cerana gut microbiota and acid production. Four prebiotics, inulin, fructo-oligosaccharides, xylo-oligosaccharides, and isomalto-oligosaccharides were chosen, and glucose served as the carbon source. Supplementation of this four prebiotics increased numbers of Bifidobacterium and lactic acid bacteria while decreasing the pH value of in vitro fermentation broth inoculated with A. cerana gut microbiota compared to glucose. Then, two potential probiotics derived from A. cerana gut at different dosages, Lactobacillus helveticus KM7 and Limosilactobacillus reuteri LP4 were added with isomalto-oligosaccharides in fermentation broth inoculated with A. cerana gut microbiota, respectively. The most pronounced impact was observed with isomalto-oligosaccharides. Compared to isomalto-oligosaccharides alone, the combination of isomalto-oligosaccharides with both lactobacilli strains induced the growth of Bifidobacterium, LAB, and total bacteria and reduced the proliferation of Enterococcus and fungi. Consistent with these results, the altered metabolic activity was observed as lowered pH in in vitro culture of gut microbiota supplemented with isomalto-oligosaccharides and lactobacilli strains. The symbiotic impact varied with the types and concentration of Lactobacillus strains and fermentation time. The more effective ability was observed with IMO combined with L. helveticus KM7. These results suggested that isomalto-oligosaccharides could be a potential prebiotic and symbiotic with certain lactobacilli strains on A. cerana gut microbiota

    Enhancing Nitrogen Removal and Reducing Aeration Energy for Wastewater Treatment with Intermittent Modified Ludzack-Ettinger Process: A Field Demonstration

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    Previously an enhanced nitrogen removal process, i.e., intermittent Modified Ludzack-Ettinger (iMLE), was developed by incorporating intermittent aeration into the MLE process. In this research, a field demonstration of iMLE process on enhancing nitrogen removal was conducted in Shenzhen Guangming Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) at a daily treatment capacity of 25,000 m3/d. Results indicated that, when operating the iMLE process with dissolved oxygen (DO) based control mode, its effluent chemical oxygen demand (COD) and ammonia concentrations were consistently less than 30 mg/L and 1.5 mg/L, respectively, similar to the original two-stage Anoxic/Oxic (A/O) process with continuous aeration. Even though the influent had insufficient organic matter (BOD5/TN = 2.5), the effluent TN concentration in the iMLE was still consistently below the new limit of 10 mg-N/L, with an average and removal rate of 6.1 ± 1.0 mg-N/L and 78%, respectively. This performance was similar to that in the two-stage A/O process equipped with step feed and external carbon addition. Without the addition of external carbon in the iMLE process, it saved approximately 0.16 Chinese yuan for one cubic meter of wastewater treated. In addition to eliminating external carbon addition, the iMLE process decreased the air consumption by 20-30%, which would also reduce operation cost. Therefore, the iMLE process operated with appropriate DO control could reduce chemical cost and aeration energy use synergistically, which provides a cost-effective approach for WWTP upgrade

    Rural Post-Earthquake Resettlement Mode Choices: Empirical Case Studies of Sichuan, China

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    Earthquakes occur frequently in rural areas of Sichuan, China, causing huge damage and high mortality. The built environment plays a significant role in providing residents with safe and resilient settlements in such areas. There is yet little research on how rural families in developing countries cope with geological disasters like earthquakes, and how built environmental factors would influence their resettlement choices which would directly affect their quality of life afterward. Urban planning activities should be accompanied by these insights to design and create human-centric resettlements accordingly. In this study, the resettlement choices after three major earthquakes in Sichuan were studied for this reason. Random sampling and face-to-face questionnaire surveys were combined with factor analysis and binary logistic regression to understand the resettlement modes desired by the residents and the influencing factors. The results show that residents who have lived in their current places long and whose houses were not built recently are more likely to choose the in-situ resettlement. Accessibility to employment and public services has a significant impact on residents' choice of in-situ resettlement or reallocated resettlement, and so does the previous resettlement experience. The research results can provide useful suggestions for Chinese rural area post-earthquake resettlement planning following a human-centric approach with empirical data.Design & Construction Managemen

    Characteristics and control factors of tectonic fractures of ultra-deep tight sandstone: Case study of the Lower Cretaceous reservoir in Bozi-Dabei area, Kuqa Depression, Tarim Basin, China

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    The Bozi-Dabei area in the Kuqa Depression host high-quality reservoirs in the Bashijiqike Formation and Baxigai Formation sandstones of the Lower Cretaceous, in which reservoirs yield significant industrial gas flow despite being situated at a considerable burial depth of 8200 m. The geological history of the target formation involves multiple phases of tectonic movements, resulting in the development of multi-genetic fractures that enhance the reservoir's storage and seepage capacity. Based on the results of the drilling core, field profile survey, imaging logging, and experimental analysis, this study presents an analysis of fractures in the Lower Cretaceous dense sandstone reservoir of the Bozi-Dabei area, andclarifies the characteristics and controlling factors of the multi-genesis and multi-period fractures. Additionally, it proposes an effective fracture development model that accounts for geo-stress control. In the Bozi-Dabei area, the prevailing high extrusion stress environment has led to the development of predominantly regional tectonic fractures and fault-related fractures, with relatively gentle deformation-related fractures. The results of a combination of multi-attribute data determination techniques, including fracture filling, inter-cutting relationship, fracture filling isotope, inclusions, and cathode luminescence tests, this study reveals that the reservoir fractures have experienced three major periods of tectonic movement. The regional tectonic fracture development is mainly controlled by stratigraphic lithology and thickness, while the proximity influences fault co-derived fractures to the fault and the relative positions of the upper and lower plates of the fault. The shift in the direction of the late horizontal maximum principal stress leads to the opening or closing of early fractures under different conditions in the Bozi-Dabei area, consequently affecting the degree of fracture opening and effectiveness. Notably, when the horizontal maximum principal stress is deflected to intersect with early fractures at a smaller angle or even superimpose, the fracture effectiveness of the related group system in the deflection direction improves, resulting in an overall coordination. The distribution characteristics of the fracture system in this highly productive reservoir are the result of dominant configurations from multi-phases of geological activities