7 research outputs found

    Survival probabilities and Hazard Ratios for all cause mortality by pN classification and LNR.

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    *<p>Model A is adjusted for: age, radiotherapy, surgery type, grade and tumor size and pN stage and stratified by ER Status. Model B is adjusted for: age, radiotherapy, surgery type, grade and tumor size and LNR and stratified by ER Status. Both models were internally validated using bootstrap resampling.</p

    Subgroup analysis to check the added prognostic value of LNR over pN within specific subgroups.

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    a<p>Model adjusted for age at diagnosis, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery type, grade and tumor size and stratified by ER status.</p>b<p>Model adjusted for age at diagnosis, chemotherapy, surgery type and tumor size.</p>c<p>Model adjusted for age at diagnosis, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery type and tumor size and stratified by ER status. All models were internally validated using bootstrap resampling.</p

    Risk reclassification table at 3 years of follow up based on models including pN stage and LNR respectively.

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    <p>Net Reclassification Index (NRI) = 3.2% (p value 0.08). Patients are categorized into risk categories of death based on their individual survival probabilities obtained from models A and B such that a patient with a high survival probability is categorized into the ‘low risk of death’ group and so on.</p

    Association between Ethnicity and All-Cause Mortality Following Diagnosis with Breast Cancer in 5,264 Southeast Asian Women.

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    a<p>Estimated from Cox regression model adjusted for age at diagnosis, center, and year of diagnosis.</p>b<p>Estimated from Cox regression model adjusted for age at diagnosis, center, year of diagnosis, tumor size, lymph node involvement, distant metastasis, estrogen receptor status, progesterone receptor status, and tumor grade.</p>c<p>Estimated from Cox regression model adjusted for age at diagnosis, center, year of diagnosis, tumor size, lymph node involvement, distant metastasis, estrogen receptor status, progesterone receptor status, tumor grade, loco-regional therapy, chemotherapy, and hormone therapy.</p

    Distribution of Patient Profile, Tumor Characteristics and Treatment According to Ethnicity in 5,264 Southeast Asian Women with Breast Cancer.

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    a<p>Column percentage is presented except for center where row percentage is presented.</p>b<p>Compared using χ<sup>2</sup> test for categorical variables and Kruskal Wallis test for continuous variables.</p>c<p>Absolute tumor size was only available in 4 359 patients i.e. in 80.4% of the Chinese, 89.2% of Malays and 88.5% of Indians.</p>d<p>Only includes 4,589 patients with TNM stage I to stage III breast cancer. Complete treatment consists of mastectomy, or breast conserving surgery followed by radiotherapy. Incomplete treatment includes breast conserving surgery only or radiotherapy only.</p>e<p>Only includes 2 772 patients with estrogen or progesterone receptor positive tumors.</p