1,914 research outputs found

    Generation of Intrinsic Vibrational Gap Modes in Three-Dimensional Ionic Crystals

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    The existence of anharmonic localization of lattice vibrations in a perfect 3-D diatomic ionic crystal is established for the rigid-ion model by molecular dynamics simulations. For a realistic set of NaI potential parameters, an intrinsic localized gap mode vibrating in the [111] direction is observed for fcc and zinc blende lattices. An axial elastic distortion is an integral feature of this mode which forms more readily for the zinc blende than for the fcc structure. Molecular dynamics simulations verify that in each structure this localized mode may be stable for at least 200 cycles.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, RevTeX, using epsf.sty. To be published in Phys. Rev. B. Also available at http://www.msc.cornell.edu/~kiselev

    N=2 supergravity models with stable de Sitter vacua

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    In the present talk I shall review the construction of N=2 supergravity models exhibiting stable de Sitter vacua. These solutions represent the first instance of stable backgrounds with positive cosmological constant in the framework of extended supergravities (N >=2). After briefly reviewing the role of de Sitter space--times in inflationary cosmology, I shall describe the main ingredients which were necessary for the construction of gauged N=2 supergravity models admitting stable solutions of this kind.Comment: Prepared for Workshop on the Quantum Structure of Spacetime and the Geometric Nature of Fundamental Interactions, Leuven, Belgium, September 13-19 200

    Modulation of CMB polarization with a warm rapidly-rotating half-wave plate on the Atacama B-Mode Search (ABS) instrument

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    We evaluate the modulation of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) polarization using a rapidly-rotating, half-wave plate (HWP) on the Atacama B-Mode Search (ABS). After demodulating the time-ordered-data (TOD), we find a significant reduction of atmospheric fluctuations. The demodulated TOD is stable on time scales of 500-1000 seconds, corresponding to frequencies of 1-2 mHz. This facilitates recovery of cosmological information at large angular scales, which are typically available only from balloon-borne or satellite experiments. This technique also achieves a sensitive measurement of celestial polarization without differencing the TOD of paired detectors sensitive to two orthogonal linear polarizations. This is the first demonstration of the ability to remove atmospheric contamination at these levels from a ground-based platform using a rapidly-rotating HWP.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, Published in RSI under the title "Modulation of cosmic microwave background polarization with a warm rapidly rotating half-wave plate on the Atacama B-Mode Search instrument.

    Regression of atherosclerosis in cholesterol-fed rabbits: Effects of fish oil and verapamil

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    AbstractPrevious studies have shown that either fish oil or verapamil can attenuate the development of atherosclerosis in the lipid-fed rabbit. The present study was designed to evaluate the individual and combined effects of these two interventions on regression.Seventy New Zealand rabbits in seven groups (10 each) were fed a 0.3% cholesterol diet for 10 weeks. Control group C10 was then killed. Control group C20 was fed a 0.3% cholesterol diet and the other five groups were fed a normal diet for an additional 10 weeks. Group F in three treated groups received 2 ml/day of fish oil (Proto-Chol, eicosapentaenoic acid, 180 mg/ml and docosahexaenoic acid, 120 mg/ml) by gavage. Group V received verapamil, 2 g/1,000 ml drinking water, and group FV received both fish oil and verapamil for an additional 10 weeks. Group CF (control for fish oil) received 2 ml/day of water by gavage and group CV (control for verapamil) received water without gavage for an additional 10 weeks.The percent of aortic and pulmonary atherosclerosis was measured by planimetry of sudanophilic lesions. The percent of aortic lesions in the four control groups (C20, C10, CF and CV) was 57 ± 22, 40 ± 15, 40 ± 14 and 33 ± 25%, respectively. The fish oil or verapamil groups (F, V, FV) showed a significant reduction in aortic lesions: 15 ± 17%, p < 0.05; 16 ± 12%, p < 0.05; and 26 ± 24%, p = NS, respectively. The area of pulmonary artery lesions was significantly higher in the control group (CF, 24 ± 9%) than in group F (11 ± 9%, p < 0.05), group V (12 ± 9%, p < 0.05) and group FV (17 ± 14%, p = NS).These data demonstrate that either fish oil or verapamil can decrease atherosclerosis in cholesterol-fed rabbits placed on a normal diet. However, there was no additive effect of fish oil and verapamil. Although not statistically significant, there was a suggestive antagonistic effect between fish oil and verapamil

    The F-GAMMA program: Multi-frequency study of Active Galactic Nuclei in the Fermi era. Program description and the first 2.5 years of monitoring

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    To fully exploit the scientific potential of the Fermi mission, we initiated the F-GAMMA program. Between 2007 and 2015 it was the prime provider of complementary multi-frequency monitoring in the radio regime. We quantify the radio variability of gamma-ray blazars. We investigate its dependence on source class and examine whether the radio variability is related to the gamma-ray loudness. Finally, we assess the validity of a putative correlation between the two bands. The F-GAMMA monitored monthly a sample of about 60 sources at up to twelve radio frequencies between 2.64 and 228.39 GHz. We perform a time series analysis on the first 2.5-year dataset to obtain variability parameters. A maximum likelihood analysis is used to assess the significance of a correlation between radio and gamma-ray fluxes. We present light curves and spectra (coherent within ten days) obtained with the Effelsberg 100-m and IRAM 30-m telescopes. All sources are variable across all frequency bands with amplitudes increasing with frequency up to rest frame frequencies of around 60 - 80 GHz as expected by shock-in-jet models. Compared to FSRQs, BL Lacs show systematically lower variability amplitudes, brightness temperatures and Doppler factors at lower frequencies, while the difference vanishes towards higher ones. The time scales appear similar for the two classes. The distribution of spectral indices appears flatter or more inverted at higher frequencies for BL Lacs. Evolving synchrotron self-absorbed components can naturally account for the observed spectral variability. We find that the Fermi-detected sources show larger variability amplitudes as well as brightness temperatures and Doppler factors, than non-detected ones. Flux densities at 86.2 and 142.3 GHz correlate with 1 GeV fluxes at a significance level better than 3sigma, implying that gamma rays are produced very close to the mm-band emission region.Comment: Accepted for publication in section 4. Extragalactic astronomy of Astronomy and Astrophysics (18 pages, 9 figures

    Intrinsic Localized Modes Observed in the High Temperature Vibrational Spectrum of NaI

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    Inelastic neutron measurements of the high-temperature lattice excitations in NaI show that in thermal equilibrium at 555 K an intrinsic mode, localized in three dimensions, occurs at a single frequency near the center of the spectral phonon gap, polarized along [111]. At higher temperatures the intrinsic localized mode gains intensity. Higher energy inelastic neutron and x-ray scattering measurements on a room-temperature NaI crystal indicate that the creation energy of the ground state of the intrinsic localized mode is 299 meV.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures Revised version; final versio

    The W51 Giant Molecular Cloud

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    We present 45"-47" angular resolution maps at 50" sampling of the 12CO and 13CO J=1-0 emission toward a 1.39 deg x 1.33 deg region in the W51 HII region complex. These data permit the spatial and kinematic separation of several spectral features observed along the line of sight to W51, and establish the presence of a massive (1.2 x 10^6 Mo), large (83 pc x 114 pc) giant molecular cloud (GMC), defined as the W51 GMC, centered at (l,b,V) = (49.5 deg, -0.2 deg, 61 km/s). A second massive (1.9 x 10^5 Mo), elongated (136 pc x 22 pc) molecular cloud is found at velocities of about 68 km/s along the southern edge of the W51 GMC. Of the five radio continuum sources that classically define the W51 region, the brightest source at lambda 6cm (G49.5-0.4) is spatially and kinematically coincident with the W51 GMC and three (G48.9-0.3, G49.1-0.4, and G49.2-0.4) are associated with the 68 km/s cloud. Published absorption line spectra indicate that the fifth prominent continuum source (G49.4-0.3) is located behind the W51 molecular cloud. The W51 GMC is among the upper 1% of clouds in the Galactic disk by size and the upper 5-10% by mass. While the W51 GMC is larger and more massive than any nearby molecular cloud, the average H2 column density is not unusual given its size and the mean H2 volume density is comparable to that in nearby clouds. The W51 GMC is also similar to other clouds in that most of the molecular mass is contained in a diffuse envelope that is not currently forming massive stars. We speculate that much of the massive star formation activity in this region has resulted from a collision between the 68 km/s cloud and the W51 GMC.Comment: Accepted for publication by the Astronomical Journal. 21 pages, plus 7 figures and 1 tabl

    Spitzer IRAC Observations of Star Formation in N159 in the LMC

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    We present observations of the giant HII region complex N159 in the LMC using IRAC on the {\it Spitzer Space Telescope}. One of the two objects previously identified as protostars in N159 has an SED consistent with classification as a Class I young stellar object (YSO) and the other is probably a Class I YSO as well, making these two stars the youngest stars known outside the Milky Way. We identify two other sources that may also be Class I YSOs. One component, N159AN, is completely hidden at optical wavelengths, but is very prominent in the infrared. The integrated luminosity of the entire complex is L 9×106\approx 9\times10^6L_{\odot}, consistent with the observed radio emission assuming a normal Galactic initial mass function (IMF). There is no evidence for a red supergiant population indicative of an older burst of star formation. The N159 complex is 50 pc in diameter, larger in physical size than typical HII regions in the Milky Way with comparable luminosity. We argue that all of the individual components are related in their star formation history. The morphology of the region is consistent with a wind blown bubble $\approx 1-2Myr-old that has initiated star formation now taking place at the rim. Other than its large physical size, star formation in N159 appears to be indistinguishable from star formation in the Milky Way.Comment: 14 figure

    Looking for the S-Z Effect towards Distant ROSAT Clusters of Galaxies

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    We report on observations of the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect towards X-ray ROSAT clusters taken with a double channel (1.2 and 2 mm) photometer installed at the focus of the 15m SEST antenna in Chile. This paper describes the first results obtained for the high-z clusters S1077, A2744 and S295. Marginal detections were found for A2744 and at 1 mm for S1077. We discuss these data in terms of contamination of sources along the line of sight and give a constraint on the amplitude of the kinematic effect.Comment: 17 pg Latex file (using aasms4.sty) gzip'd tar'd uuencoded file including 1 ps figure, ApJ Letter in pres