45 research outputs found

    Level statistics across the many--body localization transition

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    Level statistics of systems that undergo many--body localization transition are studied. An analysis of the gap ratio statistics from the perspective of inter- and intra-sample randomness allows us to pin point differences between transitions in random and quasi-random disorder, showing the effects due to Griffiths rare events for the former case. It is argued that the transition in the case of random disorder exhibits universal features that are identified by constructing an appropriate model of intermediate spectral statistics which is a generalization of the family of short-range plasma models. The considered weighted short-range plasma model yields a very good agreement both for level spacing distribution including its exponential tail and the number variance up to tens of level spacings outperforming previously proposed models. In particular, our model grasps the critical level statistics which arise at disorder strength for which the inter-sample fluctuations are the strongest. Going beyond the paradigmatic examples of many-body localization in spin systems, we show that the considered model also grasps the level statistics of disordered Bose- and Fermi-Hubbard models. The remaining deviations for long-range spectral correlations are discussed and attributed mainly to the intricacies of level unfolding.Comment: 19pp. enlarged by including 1807.06983; version accepted in Phys. Rev.

    Many-body localization of bosons in optical lattices

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    Many-body localization for a system of bosons trapped in a one dimensional lattice is discussed. Two models that may be realized for cold atoms in optical lattices are considered. The model with a random on-site potential is compared with previously introduced random interactions model. While the origin and character of the disorder in both systems is different they show interesting similar properties. In particular, many-body localization appears for a sufficiently large disorder as verified by a time evolution of initial density wave states as well as using statistical properties of energy levels for small system sizes. Starting with different initial states, we observe that the localization properties are energy-dependent which reveals an inverted many-body localization edge in both systems (that finding is also verified by statistical analysis of energy spectrum). Moreover, we consider computationally challenging regime of transition between many body localized and extended phases where we observe a characteristic algebraic decay of density correlations which may be attributed to subdiffusion (and Griffiths-like regions) in the studied systems. Ergodicity breaking in the disordered Bose-Hubbard models is compared with the slowing-down of the time evolution of the clean system at large interactions.Comment: expanded second version, comments welcom

    Thouless time analysis of Anderson and many-body localization transitions

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    Spectral statistics of disordered systems encode Thouless and Heisenberg time scales whose ratio determines whether the system is chaotic or localized. Identifying similarities between system size and disorder strength scaling of Thouless time for disordered quantum many-body systems with results for 3D and 5D Anderson models, we argue that the two-parameter scaling breaks down in the vicinity of the transition to the localized phase signalling subdiffusive dynamics.Comment: 2nd version, several minor changes in text and discussions expanded, 4+1 pages, 3+1 figures, comments welcom

    Many-body localization due to random interactions

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    The possibility of observing many body localization of ultracold atoms in a one dimensional optical lattice is discussed for random interactions. In the non-interacting limit, such a system reduces to single-particle physics in the absence of disorder, i.e. to extended states. In effect the observed localization is inherently due to interactions and is thus a genuine many-body effect. In the system studied, many-body localization manifests itself in a lack of thermalization visible in temporal propagation of a specially prepared initial state, in transport properties, in the logarithmic growth of entanglement entropy as well as in statistical properties of energy levels.Comment: 5pp, 4figs. version close to published on

    Energy level dynamics across the many-body localization transition

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    The level dynamics across the many body localization transition is examined for XXZ-spin model with a random magnetic field. We compare different scenaria of parameter dependent motion in the system and consider measures such as level velocities, curvatures as well as their fidelity susceptibilities. Studying the ergodic phase of the model we find that the level dynamics does not reveal the commonly believed universal behavior after rescaling the curvatures by the level velocity variance. At the same time, distributions of level curvatures and fidelity susceptibilities coincide with properly rescaled distributions for Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble of random matrices. Profound differences exists depending on way the level dynamics is imposed in the many-body localized phase of the model in which the level dynamics can be understood with the help of local integrals of motion.Comment: version close to that accepted in PR

    Polynomially filtered exact diagonalization approach to many-body localization

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    Polynomially filtered exact diagonalization method (POLFED) for large sparse matrices is introduced. The algorithm finds an optimal basis of a subspace spanned by eigenvectors with eigenvalues close to a specified energy target by a spectral transformation using a high order polynomial of the matrix. The memory requirements scale better with system size than in the state-of-the-art shift-invert approach. The potential of POLFED is demonstrated examining many-body localization transition in 1D interacting quantum spin-1/2 chains. We investigate the disorder strength and system size scaling of Thouless time. System size dependence of bipartite entanglement entropy and of the gap ratio highlights the importance of finite-size effects in the system. We discuss possible scenarios regarding the many-body localization transition obtaining estimates for the critical disorder strength.Comment: 4+5 pages, version accepted in Physical Review Letters, comments welcom

    Controlling entanglement at absorbing state phase transitions in random circuits

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    Many-body unitary dynamics interspersed with repeated measurements display a rich phenomenology hallmarked by measurement-induced phase transitions. Employing feedback-control operations that steer the dynamics toward an absorbing state, we study the entanglement entropy behavior at the absorbing state phase transition. For short-range control operations, we observe a transition between phases with distinct sub-extensive scalings of entanglement entropy. In contrast, the system undergoes a transition between volume-law and area-law phases for long-range feedback operations. The fluctuations of entanglement entropy and of the order parameter of the absorbing state transition are fully coupled for sufficiently strongly entangling feedback operations. In that case, entanglement entropy inherits the universal dynamics of the absorbing state transition. This is, however, not the case for arbitrary control operations, and the two transitions are generally distinct. We quantitatively support our results by introducing a framework based on stabilizer circuits with classical flag labels. Our results shed new light on the problem of observability of measurement-induced phase transitions.Comment: 4+6pp, comments welcome

    Error-resilience Phase Transitions in Encoding-Decoding Quantum Circuits

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    Understanding how errors deteriorate the information encoded in a many-body quantum system is a fundamental problem with practical implications for quantum technologies. Here, we investigate a class of encoding-decoding random circuits with coherent errors. The existence of a phase transition separating an error-protecting phase at weak error strength from an error-vulnerable phase is analytically demonstrated. We derive exact expressions showing that this transition is accompanied by an area-to-volume law entanglement transition and a localization transition in the computational basis. The emergence of multifractal features in the considered system is highlighted.Comment: 4+9 pages, comments welcome

    Universal behavior beyond multifractality of wave-functions at measurement--induced phase transitions

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    We investigate the structure of many-body wave functions of 1D quantum circuits with local measurements employing the participation entropies. The leading term in system size dependence of participation entropy indicates a model dependent multifractal scaling of the wave-functions at any non-zero measurement rate. The sub-leading term contains universal information about measurement-induced phase transitions and plays the role of an order parameter, being constant non-zero in the error correcting phase and vanishing in the quantum Zeno phase. We provide robust numerical evidence investigating a variety of quantum many-body systems, and provide an analytical interpretation of this behavior expressing the participation entropy in terms of partition functions of classical statistical models in 2D.Comment: 4+16 pages, added new results on universality and extended discussions, comments welcom