192 research outputs found

    Hey, y\u27guys! : A diachronic usage-based approach to changes in American English address

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    This dissertation adopts a functional, usage-based perspective on language to highlight key changes in American English address over the past century, especially the development of \u27you guys\u27 and its expansion across second-person plural contexts. Based on data from the Corpus of Historical American English and the Corpus of Contemporary American English (among other corpora), the study tracks the increasing usage, gradual restructuring, semantic generalization, and shifting registers of \u27you guys\u27, including the interactions of those changes as the form has grammaticalized. This work offers an explanation, therefore, as to why \u27you guys\u27 has been uniquely reshaped into a pronominal unit with non-masculine meanings in American English, while other appositive uses such as \u27you men\u27 and \u27you fellows\u27 have retained their structural and semantic properties with far greater fidelity

    On the origins of linguistic structure : three models of regular and irregular past tense formation

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    You Know, You Grow

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    As we have studied the nature of wicked problems and connected with local case studies, our team has come to the conclusion that in order for communities to grow and develop deeper connections, healthier neighborhoods, and happier residents, there must be inclusive dialogue and participatory action. Addressing a neighborhood’s nutritional needs is messy, involving complex social dynamics and disparate stakeholders. Through community connections and dialogic inquiry we have begun to recognize needs related to the local food system. We strive to empower residents to pursue self-directed, neighborhood oriented change. Our team first worked to develop a model of community engagement that can be adapted, copied, and spread to any community setting. The model explained how to conduct inclusive, participatory dialogue that aims to encourage story-telling and camaraderie rather than debate or opposition. Secondly, our team has engaged with several community members over the course of the semester to practice having these dialogic conversations in order to learn, change, and grow as individuals better equipped to understand and progress the dialogue on local food systems. This article synthesizes our findings, describes what we have learned, and offers a model for healthy community conversations that drive locally directed growth

    Réappropriations du genre policier dans le roman français du 20e siècle : parodies et prolongements d'une forme paralittéraire

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    La sphère littéraire a tôt fait de séparer la paralittérature de la littérature restreinte. Pourtant, une tendance émerge dans la seconde moitié du 20e siècle, rapprochant les deux sphères, alors que plusieurs auteurs de la modernité se réapproprient le genre du roman policier pour élaborer des œuvres qui rompent avec les attentes de l'époque. Ce mémoire porte sur trois de ces œuvres, L'Emploi du temps, de Michel Butor, Rue des Boutiques Obscures, de Patrick Modiano, et Pandore et l'ouvre-boîte, de Postel et Duchâtel, que nous analyserons afin de comprendre l'intérêt qu'a la littérature restreinte d'emprunter à un genre paralittéraire comme le roman policier. En partant du postulat que ces œuvres constituent des parodies du genre policier, nous allons tout d'abord nous attarder sur le rôle du détective qui, entre la quête personnelle et l'enquête policière, symbolise l'entre-deux générique qui caractérise les romans du corpus. Ensuite, nous analyserons le processus de l'enquête et la structure des œuvres, pour voir comment Butor, Modiano, Postel et Duchâtel subvertissent le mécanisme de la « double histoire » policière afin de proposer des formes romanesques novatrices, qui s'affichent comme constructions. Finalement, nous verrons comment l'absence (ou la multiplicité) de solution en fin de récit contribue au projet moderniste des auteurs, ces parodies refusant à la fois le positivisme du roman policier et l'illusion réaliste véhiculée jusque-là par le roman traditionnel

    Extension of the supercritical carbon dioxide brayton cycle to low reactor power operation: investigations using the coupled anl plant dynamics code-SAS4A/SASSYS-1 liquid metal reactor code system.

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    Significant progress has been made on the development of a control strategy for the supercritical carbon dioxide (S-CO{sub 2}) Brayton cycle enabling removal of power from an autonomous load following Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor (SFR) down to decay heat levels such that the S-CO{sub 2} cycle can be used to cool the reactor until decay heat can be removed by the normal shutdown heat removal system or a passive decay heat removal system such as Direct Reactor Auxiliary Cooling System (DRACS) loops with DRACS in-vessel heat exchangers. This capability of the new control strategy eliminates the need for use of a separate shutdown heat removal system which might also use supercritical CO{sub 2}. It has been found that this capability can be achieved by introducing a new control mechanism involving shaft speed control for the common shaft joining the turbine and two compressors following reduction of the load demand from the electrical grid to zero. Following disconnection of the generator from the electrical grid, heat is removed from the intermediate sodium circuit through the sodium-to-CO{sub 2} heat exchanger, the turbine solely drives the two compressors, and heat is rejected from the cycle through the CO{sub 2}-to-water cooler. To investigate the effectiveness of shaft speed control, calculations are carried out using the coupled Plant Dynamics Code-SAS4A/SASSYS-1 code for a linear load reduction transient for a 1000 MWt metallic-fueled SFR with autonomous load following. No deliberate motion of control rods or adjustment of sodium pump speeds is assumed to take place. It is assumed that the S-CO{sub 2} turbomachinery shaft speed linearly decreases from 100 to 20% nominal following reduction of grid load to zero. The reactor power is calculated to autonomously decrease down to 3% nominal providing a lengthy window in time for the switchover to the normal shutdown heat removal system or for a passive decay heat removal system to become effective. However, the calculations reveal that the compressor conditions are calculated to approach surge such that the need for a surge control system for each compressor is identified. Thus, it is demonstrated that the S-CO{sub 2} cycle can operate in the initial decay heat removal mode even with autonomous reactor control. Because external power is not needed to drive the compressors, the results show that the S-CO{sub 2} cycle can be used for initial decay heat removal for a lengthy interval in time in the absence of any off-site electrical power. The turbine provides sufficient power to drive the compressors. Combined with autonomous reactor control, this represents a significant safety advantage of the S-CO{sub 2} cycle by maintaining removal of the reactor power until the core decay heat falls to levels well below those for which the passive decay heat removal system is designed. The new control strategy is an alternative to a split-shaft layout involving separate power and compressor turbines which had previously been identified as a promising approach enabling heat removal from a SFR at low power levels. The current results indicate that the split-shaft configuration does not provide any significant benefits for the S-CO{sub 2} cycle over the current single-shaft layout with shaft speed control. It has been demonstrated that when connected to the grid the single-shaft cycle can effectively follow the load over the entire range. No compressor speed variation is needed while power is delivered to the grid. When the system is disconnected from the grid, the shaft speed can be changed as effectively as it would be with the split-shaft arrangement. In the split-shaft configuration, zero generator power means disconnection of the power turbine, such that the resulting system will be almost identical to the single-shaft arrangement. Without this advantage of the split-shaft configuration, the economic benefits of the single-shaft arrangement, provided by just one turbine and lower losses at the design point, are more important to the overall cycle performance. Therefore, the single-shaft configuration shall be retained as the reference arrangement for S-CO{sub 2} cycle power converter preconceptual designs. Improvements to the ANL Plant Dynamics Code have been carried out. The major code improvement is the introduction of a restart capability which simplifies investigation of control strategies for very long transients. Another code modification is transfer of the entire code to a new Intel Fortran complier; the execution of the code using the new compiler was verified by demonstrating that the same results are obtained as when the previous Compaq Visual Fortran compiler was used
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