12 research outputs found

    Perioperacijske promjene subpopulacija limfocita u bolesnika operiranih zbog kolorektalnog karcinoma

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    Surgical procedure has immense impact on the immune balance. However, little is known about perioperative changes in T regulatory and Th17 lymphocyte subpopulations in patients undergoing colorectal resection. Patients with resectable colon cancer were enrolled in the study. Blood samples were obtained on two occasions, i.e. before the procedure and two days after the surgery. We also recruited a control group of young, healthy individuals. Lymphocyte subpopulations were analyzed with the use of flow cytometry. Investigated subpopulations consisted of total lymphocyte count, CD4+, CD8+, T regulatory Foxp3+ (Tregs), Th17 lymphocytes and white blood cell (WBC) count. There were significant differences in immune cell levels before and after the surgery. Reduction was recorded in the CD4+, CD8+, Tregs and total lymphocyte counts (p=0.002, p=0.01, p=0.008 and p=0.001, respectively). Increase was observed in total WBC and Th17 cells, however, Th17 lymphocytes did not reach statistical significance (p=0.01 and p=0.5, respectively). In conclusion, surgical intervention caused changes in all lymphocyte subpopulations investigated in patients undergoing surgery for colorectal cancer. However, it seemed to be an effect of perioperative trauma. Further studies are needed to investigate the impact of surgical intervention on lymphocyte subpopulations.Kirurški zahvat ima golem učinak na ravnotežu imunog sustava. Međutim, malo se zna o perioperacijskim promjenama u subpopulacijama T regulatornih i Th17 limfocita u bolesnika podvrgnutih resekciji kolorektuma. U istraživanje su bili uključeni bolesnici s resektabilnim karcinomom kolona. Uzorci krvi prikupljeni su dva puta: prije zahvata i dva dana nakon operacije. Uključena je bila i kontrolna skupina sastavljena od mladih i zdravih osoba. Subpopulacije limfocita analizirane su protočnom citometrijom. Istraživane su sljedeće subpopulacije: ukupan broj limfocita, CD4+, CD8+, T regulatorni Foxp3+ (Tregs), Th17 i bijela krvna slika. Utvrđene su značajne razlike u razinama imuno stanica prije i nakon operacije. Snižene razine zabilježene su za CD4+, CD8+, Tregs i ukupni broj limfocita (p=0,002, p=0,01, p=0,008 odnosno p=0,001). Povišenje je zapaženo za bijelu krvnu sliku i Th17 stanice, međutim, Th17 limfociti nisu postigli statističku značajnost (p=0,01 odnosno p=0,5). Zaključujemo da je kirurški zahvat uzrokovao promjene u svim istraživanim subpopulacijama limfocita kod bolesnika podvrgnutih operaciji kolorektalnog karcinoma. Međutim, čini se da je to bio učinak perioperacijske traume. Potrebna su daljnja istraživanja kako bi se ispitao utjecaj kirurškog zahvata na subpopulacije limfocita

    Lingwistyczne porównanie dyskursu medialnego w brytyjskiej prasie opiniotwórczej i popularnej (The Daily Telegraph i The Sun)

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    W mojej pracy podjęłam próbę porównania języka używanego w prasie opiniotwórczej I popularnej, w oparciu o przykłady ze współczesnej prasy brytyjskiej, a mianowicie The Daily Telegraph i The Sun. W rozdziale pierwszym przedstawiłam opis zagadnień, które są istotne dla mojej pracy i związane z tematem dyskursu medialnego. Rozdział ma na celu przedstawienie metody badawczej, która będzie wykorzystana w analizie wybranych artykułów. W związku z tym, przedstawiłam tu wybraną metodę badawczą, którą dostosowałam do konkretnego przypadku danych, które będę analizować. Rozdział trzeci zawiera analizę wybranych artykułów prasowych. W konkluzji przedstawiłem różnicę w stylu pomiędzy artykułami prasy opiniotwórczej i popularnej, potwierdzając, że zasadnicza różnica wynika z użycia formalnego lub nieformalnego języka oraz poufałości w stosunku do czytelnika.In my thesis I have attempted to compare the language use in the quality and popular press basing on examples form contemporary British press, namely The Daily Telegraph and The Sun.In Chapter One I have provided a description of the topics which are relevant for my work and related to the subject of media discourse. Chapter Two presents the approach that I am going to use in the analysis of the chosen articles. I have adjust a given method to the specific case of my data to be studied in the next chapter. Chapter Three contains the analysis of the chosen press articles, representing the journalistic genre of hard news.In Conclusion I presented the difference in style between the quality and popular press, verifying that major difference lies in their level of formality and familiarity towards the reader


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    Mieloidalne komórki supresorowe (myeloid derived suppressor cells - MDSC) to heterogenna populacja komórek, o działaniu immunosupresyjnym, wyrażanym poprzez aktywację limfocytów T regulatorowych (Treg), hamowanie aktywności limfocytów T cytotoksycznych (Tc) oraz szeregiem innych mechanizmów.Celem pracy było określenie poziomu komórek o immunofenotypie MDSC pochodzenia monocytarnego Mo-MDSC (CD11b⁺HLA-DR-CD15⁻CD14⁺) i granulocytarnego Gr-MDSC (CD11b⁺HLA-DR⁻CD15⁺CD14⁻) w krwi obwodowej pacjentów z pospolitym zmiennym niedoborem odporności (common variable immunodeficiency - CVID), przejściową hypogammaglobulinemią wieku dziecięcego (transient hypogammaglobulinemia of infancy – THI), rakiem prostaty, jelita grubego i spondyloartropatiami (SpA). Podjęto także próbę ustalenia zależności pomiędzy występowaniem tych komórek, a poziomem limfocytów Treg i Th17 w wybranych jednostkach chorobowych.Uzyskane wyniki wskazują na wzrost odsetka komórek o immunofenotypie Mo-MDSC w raku jelita grubego, raku prostaty, a także w THI, dodatkowo ich poziom dodatnio korelował z odsetkiem limfocytów Treg. Sugeruje to prawdopodobny udział tych komórek w patomechanizmie THI, gdyż limfocyty Treg mogą powodować obniżenie syntezy immunoglobulin w tej chorobie. W przypadku SpA i CVID wykazany wzrost poziomu komórek o immunofenotypie Gr-MDSC oraz znaczne obniżenie wartości stosunku limfocytów Treg/Th17 prawdopodobnie związane jest ze wzrostem odsetka granulocytów niskiej gęstości (low density granulocytes – LDGs) u tych pacjentów. Jednakże badania te powinny być poszerzone o testy funkcjonalne, gdyż stosowanie wyłącznie badań immunofnotypowych do identyfikacji MDSC jest niewystarczające.Myeloid derived suppressor cells (MDSC) are a heterogeneous population of cells responsible for the suppresion of the immune response that is expressed by activation of regulatory T cells (Treg), inhibition of cytotoxic T cells (Tc) and a number of other mechanisms. The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of cells which immunophenotypically meet criteria of MDSC, of monocyte Mo-MDSC (CD11b⁺HLA-DR-CD15⁻CD14⁺) and granulocyte Gr MDSC (CD11b⁺HLA-DR⁻CD15⁺CD14⁻) origin in peripheral blood of patients with common variable immunodeficiency (CVID), transient hypogammaglobulinemia of infancy (THI), prostate cancer, colon cancer and spondyloarthropathies (SpA). Attempt was also to determine the relationship between the level of examined cells, and the level of Treg and Th17 in selected diseases.The obtained results indicate the increase in percentage of cells with immunophenotype of Mo-MDSC in colon cancer, prostate cancer and also in THI, futhermore their level positively correlat with the level of Treg. This suggests the participation of Mo-MDSC in the pathogenesis of THI, becouse Treg may be responsible for the reduction of the immunoglobulin production in this disease. In case of SpA and CVID increased level of cells that immunophenotypically meet criteria of Gr-MDSC and a significant decrease of Treg/Th17 ratio may be associated with higher percentage of low density granulocytes (LDGs) in these patients. However, these studies should be broaden to functional assays, because immunofnotyping not sufficient to fully identify MDSC

    Mild and asymptomatic COVID-19 convalescents present long-term endotype of immunosuppression associated with neutrophil subsets possessing regulatory functions

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    The SARS-CoV-2 infection [coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)] is associated with severe lymphopenia and impaired immune response, including expansion of myeloid cells with regulatory functions, e.g., so-called low-density neutrophils, containing granulocytic myeloid-derived suppressor cells (LDNs/PMN-MDSCs). These cells have been described in both infections and cancer and are known for their immunosuppressive activity. In the case of COVID-19, long-term complications have been frequently observed (long-COVID). In this context, we aimed to investigate the immune response of COVID-19 convalescents after a mild or asymptomatic course of disease. We enrolled 13 convalescents who underwent a mild or asymptomatic infection with SARS-CoV-2, confirmed by a positive result of the PCR test, and 13 healthy donors without SARS-CoV-2 infection in the past. Whole blood was used for T-cell subpopulation and LDNs/PMN-MDSCs analysis. LDNs/PMN-MDSCs and normal density neutrophils (NDNs) were sorted out by FACS and used for T-cell proliferation assay with autologous T cells activated with anti-CD3 mAb. Serum samples were used for the detection of anti-SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing IgG and GM-CSF concentration. Our results showed that in convalescents, even 3 months after infection, an elevated level of LDNs/PMN-MDSCs is still maintained in the blood, which correlates negatively with the level of CD8(+) and double-negative T cells. Moreover, LDNs/PMN-MDSCs and NDNs showed a tendency for affecting the production of anti-SARS-CoV-2 S1 neutralizing antibodies. Surprisingly, our data showed that in addition to LDNs/PMN-MDSCs, NDNs from convalescents also inhibit proliferation of autologous T cells. Additionally, in the convalescent sera, we detected significantly higher concentrations of GM-CSF, indicating the role of emergency granulopoiesis. We conclude that in mild or asymptomatic COVID-19 convalescents, the neutrophil dysfunction, including propagation of PD-L1-positive LDNs/PMN-MDSCs and NDNs, is responsible for long-term endotype of immunosuppression

    Molecular and phenotypic identification of bacterial species isolated from cows with mastitis from three regions of Poland

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    Abstract Background Bovine mastitis is a widespread disease affecting dairy cattle worldwide and it generates substantial losses for dairy farmers. Mastitis may be caused by bacteria, fungi or algae. The most common species isolated from infected milk are, among others, Streptococcus spp., Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and non-aureus staphylococci and mammaliicocci. The aim of this paper is to determine the frequency of occurrence of bacterial species in milk samples from cows with mastitis from three regions of Poland: the north-east, the south-west and the south. To this end 203 milk samples taken from cows with a clinical form (CM) of mastitis (n = 100) and healthy animals (n = 103) were examined, which included culture on an appropriate medium followed by molecular detection of E. coli, S. aureus, Streptococcus agalactiae and Streptococcus uberis, as one of the most common species isolated from mastitis milk. Results The results obtained indicated that S. uberis was the most commonly cultivated CM species (38%, n = 38), followed by S. aureus (22%, n = 22), E. coli (21%, n = 21) and S. agalactiae (18%, n = 18). Similar frequencies in molecular methods were obtained for S. uberis (35.1%) and S. aureus (28.0%). The variation of sensitivity of both methods may be responsible for the differences in the E. coli (41.0%, p = 0.002) and S. agalactiae (5.0%, p = 0.004) detection rates. Significant differences in composition of species between three regions of Poland were noted for E. coli incidence (p < 0.001), in both the culture and molecular methods, but data obtained by the PCR method indicated that this species was the least common in north-eastern Poland, while the culture method showed that in north-eastern Poland E. coli was the most common species. Significant differences for the molecular method were also observed for S. uberis (p < 0.001) and S. aureus (p < 0.001). Both species were most common in southern and south-western Poland. Conclusions The results obtained confirm the need to introduce rapid molecular tests for veterinary diagnostics, as well as providing important epidemiological data, to the best of our knowledge data on Polish cows in selected areas of Poland is lacking

    Mo-MDSCs are pivotal players in colorectal cancer and may be associated with tumor recurrence after surgery

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common malignancy. Its development and progression is associated with natural immunosuppression related, among others, to myeloid derived suppressor cells (MDSCs). Overall, 54 patients in different stage of CRC, before any treatment were recruited into the study. The analysis included flow cytometry evaluation of blood MDSCs subsets, correlation their level with the tumor stage and T cell subsets. In the case of 11 patients, MDSCs level was evaluated before and 3 days after surgery, and these patients were monitored for cancer recurrence over 5 years. The results showed that frequency of circulating MDSCs subsets is increased significantly in CRC patients, with highest level detected in most advanced tumor stages. Moreover, only monocytic MDSCs (Mo-MDSCs) positively correlate with regulatory Treg, and negatively with tumor Her2/neu specific CD8+ T cells. Circulating MDSCs, in contrast to tumor resident (mostly Mo-MDSCs), are negative for PD-L1 expression. Additionally, after surgery the blood level of Mo-MDSCs increases significantly, and this is associated with tumor recurrence during a 5-year follow-up. In conclusion, Mo-MDSCs are pivotal players in CRC-related immunosuppression and may be associated with the risk of tumor recurrence after surgery