1 research outputs found

    Influence of Teacher Preparation for Instruction and Educational Resource Provision on Students’ Academic Achievement in Public Day Secondary Schools in Chesumei Sub-County Nandi County Kenya

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    Curriculum leadership in its entirety plays a vital role in academic achievement in educational institutions. However, majority of studies show that administrators have insignificant impact on learners’ academic achievement. This is not the case since school principals are curriculum leaders and are responsible for learners’ performance in many ways. This study investigated the influence of curriculum leadership on learners' academic achievement in public day secondary schools in Chesumei Sub-County, Kenya. The research focused on two specific objectives: (1) examining the influence of teacher preparation for instruction on students' academic achievements and (2) exploring the influence of educational resources’ provision on students' academic achievement The study drew theoretical inspiration from Fielder's contingency theory, which posits that a leader's efficacy is determined by the alignment between their dominant traits and the situational context. To accomplish these objectives, the researcher employed a descriptive survey research design, offering a comprehensive understanding of the current state of curriculum leadership and its impact on academic achievement. The target population was from 19day schools in Chesumei. Pilot study was conducted in two schools. The study utilized purposive sampling, whereby 17 principals, 17 deputies, 17 director of studies and 85 heads of departments were sampled.  Random sampling technique was used to select a representative sample from the 10 % of form four students in each day school in Chesumei Sub-County. There were no adequate textbooks for all subjects in the school which had negatively affected learners’ academic achievement. The study concluded that teacher preparation and educational resource provision enhances students’ academic achievement. Schools should have adequate textbooks for all subjects, enough laboratories, enough teachers and adequate number of classrooms. The findings from this research Endeavour may provide valuable insights into the dynamics of curriculum leadership in the context of Kenyan public day secondary schools. It is expected that the results may aid educational policymakers, school administrators, and teachers in refining strategies and practices to enhance students' academic achievement, consequently contributing to the overall improvement of the education system in Chesumei Sub-County and Kenya at large