168 research outputs found

    Takayasu's arteritis - a summary of current, clinically relevant knowledge of the disease

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    Takayasu's disease, also known as pulseless disease or aortic arch syndrome, is a rare inflammation of the aorta and its branches, and sometimes the pulmonary arteries, which, according to studies, occurs most frequently in people from the Far East and Asian countries. In addition, its incidence is significantly higher in women, and the mean age of affected patients is 45.4 years [1]. The first official clinical case report of the disease by Shimizu and Sano appeared in 1951, while the name of the disease was proposed by Cassamise and Okuda in 1954 to honour the first clinician, Mikito Takayasu, who as early as 1908 presented a case of a young female patient with characteristic fundus lesions associated with pulse disturbances [2]

    The complementary treatment of endometriosis: diet, physiotherapy and psychological treatment

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    Endometriosis still remains the second most common disease in women of the reproductive period; it occurs in 5–30% of them, including 50% of infertile women and 30% of women with chronic pain in the smaller pelvis. The latest epidemiological data indicating on the increase in the percentage of endometriosis in adolescents (2–5%) and postmenopausal women (3-6%), which is worrying[1]. Diagnostics is the greatest problem of this disease becasue there is no unambiguous blood test which can confirm endometriosis. Moreover, changes are difficult to detect even in imaging examinations, especially in less advanced cases. All of this contributes to delaying diagnosis by up to 10 years. However, there are more and more complementary treatments that can significantly improve the quality of life and reduce the pain

    Obesity development in adults and children as a effect of psychosomatic factors

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    The aim of this chapter is to explain how psychosomatic factors influence the development of obesity in children and adults. Obesity is one of the most popular chronic diseases, and it puts a person at risk for heart disease. Obesity promotes worry, stress, and depression, as well as affecting self-esteem and acceptance, according to scientific evidence. Obesity is becoming more common among children, which has been linked to bullying and emotional deterioration. As a result, in addition to seeing a dietician, an obese person should seek psychological help

    Holistic care, implementation of physical activity and a healthy lifestyle in patients with PMS symptoms

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    Effective control of fertility and new social roles of women caused that the time when a woman experiences cyclical hormonal changes in the menstrual cycle and the possible adverse symptoms associated with it became the period prevailing during the reproductive period of a woman's life. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) comprises clinically significant physical and psychological symptoms that occur during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle and cause significant distress and functional impairment. A broadly understood change in lifestyle, diet, systematic increase in physical activity, reduction of stimulants, but above all, keeping a diary of observation of alarming symptoms positively affects the improvement of women's well-being, accelerates the diagnosis and start of treatment

    Sex-specific Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease in Women

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    CVD is the leading cause of death for women worldwide. The symptoms of CVD in women may be less specific than in men, so women are less likely to be properly diagnosed and adequately treated. Women experience a proportional increase in cardiovascular risk on risk factors that are common to both genders. In addition, women have endocrine-related factors that increase their susceptibility to CVD. 1 in 3 women die from CVD, and 45% of women over the age of 20 have some form of CVD. [33] We must exploit gender differences to ensure optimal medical care. Detection of CVD risk factors and preventive measures in this regard are essential for proper cardiovascular care among women

    The treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome and systematization of knowledge - literature review

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    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a known disease among endocrinologists and gynecologists. The aforementioned disease entity affects up to six to twelve percent of women of reproductive age. [1] In 2017, the incidence among women of childbearing age was 82.44 per 100,000 population. A decade ago, it was 1.45% lower.[2] PCOS is a disease in which we have abnormal hormone levels. The result may be a problem with regular menstruation, problems with becoming pregnant, acne or excessive body weight. [3] Most often, patients arediagnosed only when complications occur. It is closely related to asignificant reduction in living standards. There are problems such as hair loss, acne and infertility

    Risk factors increasing the incidence of multiple sclerosis (MS)

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    Multiple sclerosis is a chronic demyelinating disease. The etiology of MS is complex and can be associated with many different factors acting simultaneously or in a cascade. There is ample evidence that latitude, light and vitamin D exposure, and migration have a major influence on the incidence of MS. This shows the uneven distribution of the sick population across the globe. The participation of environmental factors such as bacteria and viruses as well as smoking is not excluded

    The impact of magnesium supplementation on the occurrence of selected disease states and physical performance - a review of the literature

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    Magnez jest jednym z ważnych pierwiastków w ludzkim ciele. Odgrywa niezwykle ważną rolę w ponad 300 reakcjach enzymatycznych. Magnez jest jednym z siedmiu makroelementów. Makroelementy to pierwiastki, które stanowią nie mniej niż 0,01% suchej masy każdego organizmu. Z definicji ich dzienne zapotrzebowanie przekracza 100 miligramów. Według Harvard TH Chan, szkoły zdrowia łonowego, zalecana ilość spożycia magnezu to 400-420 mg dziennie dla mężczyzn i 310-320 mg dla kobiet. Co ciekawe, trudno jest przedawkować magnez, ponieważ nadmiar magnezu jest wydalany z moczem. Jednak wysokie dawki magnezu mogą powodować biegunkę lub nudności.Biegunkowe działanie soli magnezu wynika z działania osmotycznego niewchłoniętych soli w jelicie i okrężnicy oraz stymulacji motoryki żołądka

    Rheumatoid arthritis – symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

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    Rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic autoimmune disease of connective tissue of unknown etiology. Specific for it is the involvement of symmetrically small and medium-sized joints, leading to degradation of their structure, stiffening and muscle contractures. It is also characterized by extra-articular and generalized symptoms, such as fatigue, low-grade fever and sweating. It can occur with or without elevated RF and / or ACPA antibodies, causes disability and contributes to premature death. Drugs for this disease can be categorized into disease-modifying drugs as well as glucocorticosteroids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The first-line drug is methotrexate. In case of ineffectiveness of the treatment, biological treatment can be started

    Diagnosis and treatment of interstitial cystitis - literature review

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    Interstitial cystitis (IC) also known as bladder pain syndrome (BPS) is the presence of chronic or recurrent pain, feelings of tightness or discomfort perceived as associated with the bladder, accompanied by at least one lower urinary tract symptom in the absence of infection or other identifiable causes [1]. These symptoms are pain or burning while urinating; frequent urination; feeling the need to urinate despite having an empty bladder; bloody urine; pressure or cramping in the groin or lower abdomen. There is no laboratory test to make a diagnosis, it is often a diagnosis based on the exclusion of other diseases, one of the diagnostic methods is cystoscopy with the collection of specimens from the bladder and their histopathological examination [2]. Currently there is no causal treatment, only symptomatic treatment is used, such as intravesical administration of hyaluronic acid or surgical methods