4 research outputs found

    Studien zur Totalsynthese von Myxovalargin und Darstellung einer Myxovalargin-Bibliothek

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    Myxovalargin, ein lineares Peptid bestehend aus 14 Aminosäuren (AS), welches am C-Terminus mit 3-Methylbutansäure beginnt und am N-Terminus mit dem Amin Agmitin endet, wurde im Jahr 1981 aus dem Bakterium Myxococcus fulvus Mx f65 isoliert und entstammte ursprünglich einer Bodenprobe der Kaiserstuhl-Gebirge. Neben der nicht-kanonischen AS β-Tyrosin beinhaltet die Struktur des Myxovalargins Dehydrovalin und (E)-Dehydroisoleucin, Aminosäuren, deren Synthesen einen zentralen Aspekt dieser Arbeit darstellen. Seine bakterizide Wirkung gegenüber GRAM-positiven Bakterien beruht auf der Inhibierung der Proteinbiosynthese und macht das Myxovalargin zu einem Vertreter der Peptid-Antibiotika. Während ein Großteil der Aminosäuresequenz durch einen hohen Valin-Anteil sehr unpolar ist, besitzt das Peptid durch die Agmatin- und Arginin-Seitenketten einen kationischen Charakter in wässriger Lösung. Hieraus ergeben sich Sekundärinteraktionen mit der Zellmenbran und voraussichtlich auch die gemessene, nicht unerhebliche cyctotoxische Wirkung. Der erste Teil dieser Promotionsschrift befasst sich mit den Studien zur Totalsynthese des Myxovalargins und damit, wie ein Dipeptid und ein Tetrapeptid synthetisiert werden können, welche jeweils einmal Dehydrovalin beinhalten. Es wird gezeigt, wie der Baustein 3-Nitrovalin verwendet werden kann, um Doppelbindungen in Peptiden durch die Eliminierung der NO2-Funktion aufzubauen, was durch Verseifungsbedingungen oder den Einsatz starker Aminbasen gelingt. Außerdem befasst sich der erste Teil damit wie die Synthese eines Tripeptides, welches Dehydroisoleucin beinhaltet mithilfe einer Kupfer-katalysierten Kreuzkupplung gelingt, welche ein Vinyliodid und ein primäres Amid als Substrate verwendet. Das Vinyliodid konnte in der erforderlichen (E)-Konfiguration durch eine Cuprat-Addition an einen 2-Butinester gewonnen werden. Der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit handelt von der Synthese von vereinfachten Myxovalargin-Derivaten, welche für einen Festphasen-Ansatz optimiert werden und zwar mit dem Ziel, Informationen zu den Struktur-Wirk-Beziehungen der Dehydro-ASs zu erhalten und auf diese Weise zu überprüfen, ob diese eine Rolle für die biologische Aktivität spielen. Folglich werden Bestrebungen unternommen, zunächst alle Dehydroaminosäuren durch Kanonische Aminosäuren zu ersetzen. Im Laufe dieser Synthesestudien wurden entsprechend erste Erkenntnisse gewonnen, um Myxovalargin und seine Derivate unter den Bedingungen der Festphasenpeptidsynthese zugänglich zu machen.Myxovalargin, a linear peptide containing 14 amino acids (AA) and starting with 3-methylbutanic acid at its N-terminus and terminated with the amine agmatine at its C-terminus, was isolated from Myxococcus fulvus Mx f65 in 1981 after extraction from a soil sample of the Kaiserstuhl mountains. Beside the non-canonical AA β-tyrosine the structure of Myxovalargin contains dehydrovaline and dehydro-isoleucine, amino acids, whose syntheses represent the core of this work. Its bactercidal activity against GRAM-positve bacteria stems from the inhibition of protein synthesis and makes Myxovalargin a member of the peptide antibiotics. The structure of Myxovalargin is dominated by valine making its sequence unpolar to a great extend. But the peptide also contains agmatine and arginine sidechains making the molecule cationic in aqueous solution, which is supposed to cause cytotoxicity by secondary interactions with cell membranes. The first part of this work covers efforts towards the total synthesis of Myxovalargin, especially strategies on how to synthesize a dipeptide and a tetrapeptide containing a single dehydro-valine, respectively. It will be demonstrated, how the building block 3-NO2-valine can be used to build up α,β-alkenes in peptides by elimination of the NO2-group, which is achieved by saponification or by the use of strong amine bases. Furthermore, the first part will cover the synthesis of an (E)-dehydroisoleucine containing tripeptide, that can be achieved via copper-mediated cross-coupling starting from a primary amide and a vinyl iodide, whose (E)-selective synthesis was possible via a syn-selective cuprate-addition to a 2-pentyne ester. The second part of this work will be about the syntheses of simplified Myxovalargin derivatives. which are optimized for a solid phase approach with the main goal of getting insights into the structure-activity relationship of dehydo AAs and thus verifying their importance to the biologic activity. Therefore progress towards derivatives free of dehydro AAs has been pursued, replacing those AAs through canonical ones. In the course of these studies first insights into synthesizing Myxovalargin and its derivatives under solid-phase conditions were gained

    The Myxobacterial Antibiotic Myxovalargin: Biosynthesis, Structural Revision, Total Synthesis, and Molecular Characterization of Ribosomal Inhibition

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    Resistance of bacterial pathogens against antibiotics is declared by WHO as a major global health threat. As novel antibacterial agents are urgently needed, we re-assessed the broad-spectrum myxobacterial antibiotic myxovalargin and found it to be extremely potent against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. To ensure compound supply for further development, we studied myxovalargin biosynthesis in detail enabling production via fermentation of a native producer. Feeding experiments as well as functional genomics analysis suggested a structural revision, which was eventually corroborated by the development of a concise total synthesis. The ribosome was identified as the molecular target based on resistant mutant sequencing, and a cryo-EM structure revealed that myxovalargin binds within and completely occludes the exit tunnel, consistent with a mode of action to arrest translation during a late stage of translation initiation. These studies open avenues for structure-based scaffold improvement toward development as an antibacterial agent

    Cystobactamids 920-1 and 920-2: Assignment of the Constitution and Relative Configuration by Total Synthesis.

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    Total synthesis of cystobactamid 920-1 and its epimer has allowed an unambiguous assignment of the relative and absolute configuration of the natural product. A careful structural analysis of each isomer using both NMR and computational techniques also prompted a constitutional revision of the structures originally reported for cystobactamids 920-1 and 920-2, and has provided further insight into the unique conformational preferences of the cystobactamid famil

    The myxobacterial antibiotic myxovalargin: Biosynthesis, structural revision, total synthesis and molecular characterization of ribosomal inhibition

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    Resistance of bacterial pathogens against antibiotics is declared by WHO as a major global health threat. As novel antibacterial agents are urgently needed, we re-assessed the broad-spectrum myxobacterial antibiotic myxovalargin and found it to be extremely potent against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. To ensure compound supply for further development we studied myxovalargin biosynthesis in detail enabling production via fermentation of a native producer. Feeding experiments as well as functional genomics analysis suggested a structural revision, which was eventually corroborated by development of a concise total synthesis. The ribosome was identified as the molecular target based on resistant mutant sequencing and a cryo-EM structure revealed that myxovalargin binds within and completely occludes the exit tunnel, consistent with a mode of action to arrest translation during a late stage of translation initiation. Pharmacokinetic and initial in vivo efficacy studies indicated that myxovalargin and analogues show potential for development as an antibacterial agent