24 research outputs found

    Walking on common ground: a cross-disciplinary scoping review on the clinical utility of digital mobility outcomes

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    Physical mobility is essential to health, and patients often rate it as a high-priority clinical outcome. Digital mobility outcomes (DMOs), such as real-world gait speed or step count, show promise as clinical measures in many medical conditions. However, current research is nascent and fragmented by discipline. This scoping review maps existing evidence on the clinical utility of DMOs, identifying commonalities across traditional disciplinary divides. In November 2019, 11 databases were searched for records investigating the validity and responsiveness of 34 DMOs in four diverse medical conditions (Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, hip fracture). Searches yielded 19,672 unique records. After screening, 855 records representing 775 studies were included and charted in systematic maps. Studies frequently investigated gait speed (70.4% of studies), step length (30.7%), cadence (21.4%), and daily step count (20.7%). They studied differences between healthy and pathological gait (36.4%), associations between DMOs and clinical measures (48.8%) or outcomes (4.3%), and responsiveness to interventions (26.8%). Gait speed, step length, cadence, step time and step count exhibited consistent evidence of validity and responsiveness in multiple conditions, although the evidence was inconsistent or lacking for other DMOs. If DMOs are to be adopted as mainstream tools, further work is needed to establish their predictive validity, responsiveness, and ecological validity. Cross-disciplinary efforts to align methodology and validate DMOs may facilitate their adoption into clinical practice

    Methodological heterogeneity biases physical activity metrics derived from the Actigraph GT3X in multiple sclerosis: A rapid review and comparative study

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    BACKGROUND Physical activity (PA) is reduced in persons with multiple sclerosis (MS), though it is known to aid in symptom and fatigue management. Methods for measuring PA are diverse and the impact of this heterogeneity on study outcomes is unclear. We aimed to clarify this impact by comparing common methods for deriving PA metrics in MS populations. METHODS First, a rapid review of existing literature identified methods for calculating PA in studies which used the Actigraph GT3X in populations with MS. We then compared methods in a prospective study on 42 persons with MS [EDSS 4.5 (3.5-6)] during a voluntary course of inpatient neurorehabilitation. Mixed-effects linear regression identified methodological factors which influenced PA measurements. Non-parametric hypothesis tests, correlations, and agreement statistics assessed overall and pairwise differences between methods. RESULTS In the rapid review, searches identified 421 unique records. Sixty-nine records representing 51 eligible studies exhibited substantial heterogeneity in methodology and reporting practices. In a subsequent comparative study, multiple methods for deriving six PA metrics (step count, activity counts, total time in PA, sedentary time, time in light PA, time in moderate to vigorous PA), were identified and directly compared. All metrics were sensitive to methodological factors such as the selected preprocessing filter, data source (vertical vs. vector magnitude counts), and cutpoint. Additionally, sedentary time was sensitive to wear time definitions. Pairwise correlation and agreement between methods varied from weak (minimum correlation: 0.15, minimum agreement: 0.03) to perfect (maximum correlation: 1.00, maximum agreement: 1.00). Methodological factors biased both point estimates of PA and correlations between PA and clinical assessments. CONCLUSIONS Methodological heterogeneity of existing literature is high, and this heterogeneity may confound studies which use the Actigraph GT3X. Step counts were highly sensitive to the filter used to process raw accelerometer data. Sedentary time was particularly sensitive to methodology, and we recommend using total time in PA instead. Several, though not all, methods for deriving light PA and moderate to vigorous PA yielded nearly identical results. PA metrics based on vertical axis counts tended to outperform those based on vector magnitude counts. Additional research is needed to establish the relative validity of existing methods

    Electronic Health Diary Campaigns to Complement Longitudinal Assessments in Persons With Multiple Sclerosis: Nested Observational Study

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    BACKGROUND Electronic health diaries hold promise in complementing standardized surveys in prospective health studies but are fraught with numerous methodological challenges. OBJECTIVE The study aimed to investigate participant characteristics and other factors associated with response to an electronic health diary campaign in persons with multiple sclerosis, identify recurrent topics in free-text diary entries, and assess the added value of structured diary entries with regard to current symptoms and medication intake when compared with survey-collected information. METHODS Data were collected by the Swiss Multiple Sclerosis Registry during a nested electronic health diary campaign and during a regular semiannual Swiss Multiple Sclerosis Registry follow-up survey serving as comparator. The characteristics of campaign participants were descriptively compared with those of nonparticipants. Diary content was analyzed using the Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count 2015 software (Pennebaker Conglomerates, Inc) and descriptive keyword analyses. The similarities between structured diary data and follow-up survey data on health-related quality of life, symptoms, and medication intake were examined using the Jaccard index. RESULTS Campaign participants (n=134; diary entries: n=815) were more often women, were not working full time, did not have a higher education degree, had a more advanced gait impairment, and were on average 5 years older (median age 52.5, IQR 43.25-59.75 years) than eligible nonparticipants (median age 47, IQR 38-55 years; n=524). Diary free-text entries (n=632; participants: n=100) most often contained references to the following standard Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count word categories: negative emotion (193/632, 30.5%), body parts or body functioning (191/632, 30.2%), health (94/632, 14.9%), or work (67/632, 10.6%). Analogously, the most frequently mentioned keywords (diary entries: n=526; participants: n=93) were "good," "day," and "work." Similarities between diary data and follow-up survey data, collected 14 months apart (median), were high for health-related quality of life and stable for slow-changing symptoms such as fatigue or gait disorder. Similarities were also comparatively high for drugs requiring a regular application, including interferon beta-1a (Avonex) and glatiramer acetate (Copaxone), and for modern oral therapies such as fingolimod (Gilenya) and teriflunomide (Aubagio). CONCLUSIONS Diary campaign participation seemed dependent on time availability and symptom burden and was enhanced by reminder emails. Electronic health diaries are a meaningful complement to regular structured surveys and can provide more detailed information regarding medication use and symptoms. However, they should ideally be embedded into promotional activities or tied to concrete research study tasks to enhance regular and long-term participation

    The Real-World Experiences of Persons With Multiple Sclerosis During the First COVID-19 Lockdown: Application of Natural Language Processing

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    BACKGROUND The increasing availability of "real-world" data in the form of written text holds promise for deepening our understanding of societal and health-related challenges. Textual data constitute a rich source of information, allowing the capture of lived experiences through a broad range of different sources of information (eg, content and emotional tone). Interviews are the "gold standard" for gaining qualitative insights into individual experiences and perspectives. However, conducting interviews on a large scale is not always feasible, and standardized quantitative assessment suitable for large-scale application may miss important information. Surveys that include open-text assessments can combine the advantages of both methods and are well suited for the application of natural language processing (NLP) methods. While innovations in NLP have made large-scale text analysis more accessible, the analysis of real-world textual data is still complex and requires several consecutive steps. OBJECTIVE We developed and subsequently examined the utility and scientific value of an NLP pipeline for extracting real-world experiences from textual data to provide guidance for applied researchers. METHODS We applied the NLP pipeline to large-scale textual data collected by the Swiss Multiple Sclerosis (MS) registry. Such textual data constitute an ideal use case for the study of real-world text data. Specifically, we examined 639 text reports on the experienced impact of the first COVID-19 lockdown from the perspectives of persons with MS. The pipeline has been implemented in Python and complemented by analyses of the "Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count" software. It consists of the following 5 interconnected analysis steps: (1) text preprocessing; (2) sentiment analysis; (3) descriptive text analysis; (4) unsupervised learning-topic modeling; and (5) results interpretation and validation. RESULTS A topic modeling analysis identified the following 4 distinct groups based on the topics participants were mainly concerned with: "contacts/communication;" "social environment;" "work;" and "errands/daily routines." Notably, the sentiment analysis revealed that the "contacts/communication" group was characterized by a pronounced negative emotional tone underlying the text reports. This observed heterogeneity in emotional tonality underlying the reported experiences of the first COVID-19-related lockdown is likely to reflect differences in emotional burden, individual circumstances, and ways of coping with the pandemic, which is in line with previous research on this matter. CONCLUSIONS This study illustrates the timely and efficient applicability of an NLP pipeline and thereby serves as a precedent for applied researchers. Our study thereby contributes to both the dissemination of NLP techniques in applied health sciences and the identification of previously unknown experiences and burdens of persons with MS during the pandemic, which may be relevant for future treatment

    Drivers of acceptance of COVID-19 proximity tracing apps in Switzerland: a panel survey analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Digital proximity tracing (DPT) apps have been released to mitigate SARS-CoV-2 transmission. But it remains unclear how their acceptance and uptake can be improved. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to investigate SwissCovid app coverage and reasons for not using the app in Switzerland during a time of increasing SARS-CoV-2 incidence. METHODS: By use of data collected between 28.09.2020 to 08.10.2020 for a nationwide online panel survey (Covid-19 Social Monitor, n=1'511 participants), socio-demographic and behavioral factors associated with app usage were examined using multivariable logistic regression. Reasons for app non-use were analyzed descriptively. RESULTS: Overall, 46.5% of participants reported using the SwissCovid app (up from 43.9% in a study wave conducted in July 2020). A higher monthly household income (e.g., OR 1.92 [1.40-2.64] for an income >CHF 10'000 vs. an income ≤ CHF 6'000), more frequent internet use (e.g., daily (reference) vs. less than weekly OR 0.37 [0.16-0.85]), better adherence to mask-wearing recommendations (e.g., always or most of the time (reference) vs. rarely or never OR 0.28 [0.15-0.52]), and being a non-smoker (OR 1.32 [1.01-1.71]) were associated with an increased likelihood for app uptake. Citizenship status (e.g., non-Swiss citizenship 0.61 [0.43-0.87] vs. Swiss citizenship only), and language region (French 0.61 [0.46-0.80], vs. Swiss German) were associated with a lower app uptake probability. In a randomly selected subsample (n=711) with more detailed information, higher levels of trust in government and health authorities were additionally associated with a higher app uptake probability (e.g., OR 3.13 [1.58-6.22] for high vs. low trust (reference)). The most frequent reasons for app non-use was lack of perceived benefit of the app (36.8%), 22.8% reported having no compatible phone, and 22.4% had privacy concerns. CONCLUSIONS: Removing technical hurdles and communicating the benefits of DPT-apps are crucial to promote further uptake, adherence, and ultimately to enhance effectiveness of DPT-apps for pandemic mitigation

    Non-equivalent, but still valid: Establishing the construct validity of a consumer fitness tracker in persons with multiple sclerosis.

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    Tools for monitoring daily physical activity (PA) are desired by persons with multiple sclerosis (MS). However, current research-grade options are not suitable for longitudinal, independent use due to their cost and user experience. Our objective was to assess the validity of step counts and PA intensity metrics derived from the Fitbit Inspire HR, a consumer-grade PA tracker, in 45 persons with MS (Median age: 46, IQR: 40-51) undergoing inpatient rehabilitation. The population had moderate mobility impairment (Median EDSS 4.0, Range 2.0-6.5). We assessed the validity of Fitbit-derived PA metrics (Step count, total time in PA, time in moderate to vigorous PA (MVPA)) during scripted tasks and free-living activity at three levels of data aggregation (minute, daily, and average PA). Criterion validity was assessed though agreement with manual counts and multiple methods for deriving PA metrics via the Actigraph GT3X. Convergent and known-groups validity were assessed via relationships with reference standards and related clinical measures. Fitbit-derived step count and time in PA, but not time in MVPA, exhibited excellent agreement with reference measures during scripted tasks. During free-living activity, step count and time in PA correlated moderately to strongly with reference measures, but agreement varied across metrics, data aggregation levels, and disease severity strata. Time in MVPA weakly agreed with reference measures. However, Fitbit-derived metrics were often as different from reference measures as reference measures were from each other. Fitbit-derived metrics consistently exhibited similar or stronger evidence of construct validity than reference standards. Fitbit-derived PA metrics are not equivalent to existing reference standards. However, they exhibit evidence of construct validity. Consumer-grade fitness trackers such as the Fitbit Inspire HR may therefore be suitable as a PA tracking tool for persons with mild or moderate MS

    Physiotherapy use and access-barriers in persons with multiple sclerosis: A cross-sectional analysis.

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    INTRODUCTION Physiotherapy may alleviate many multiple sclerosis (MS) symptoms, yet very little is known about physiotherapy accessibility and possible barriers in persons with MS (pwMS). We therefore aimed to elucidate physiotherapy use and possible access-barriers using data from 1493 pwMS from the Swiss Multiple Sclerosis Registry (SMSR), a patient-centered, longitudinal, observational MS study. METHODS We used data of the SMSR to investigate the question at hand in a multivariable logistic regression model with regularly receiving physiotherapy (yes/no) as the outcome. Potential explanatory variables were investigated following an AIC-driven model selection approach and consisted of a priori specified socio-demographic variables, health status, and personal or social mobility variables. As a last step, the impact of physiotherapist supply on regular use was assessed in the final model. Missing data were handled by multiple imputation (main analysis), and complete case sensitivity analyses were performed. RESULTS The main analysis included 1493 participants. In the multivariable logistic regression, positive associations were found between the use of physiotherapy and the following variables: having a primary-progressive MS (Odds Ratio (OR) [95% Confidence Intervals] 1.97 [1.18; 3.29]), being more severely impaired (EDSS 4-6.5 OR 1.84 [1.16; 2.91]), higher number of current symptoms (1 OR 3.31 [1.63; 6.74], 2-3 OR 3.43 [1.8; 6.53], 4-5 OR 4.44 [2.28; 8.66], 6-7 OR 4.06 [1.90; 8.70], 8-9 OR 3.87 [1.71; 8.75], being on disability pension (OR 1.75 [1.24; 2.46], or having applied for it OR 2.25 [1.31; 3.85]), having gait problems (OR 1.58 [1.11; 2.23]), having been in a rehabilitation clinic in the past 12 months (OR 4.43 [2.17; 9.03]), and currently being on disease-modifying treatment (OR 1.61 [1.12; 2.31]). Negative associations were found for a higher quality of life (OR 0.92 [0.85; 0.98]), working more than 80% (OR 0.47 [0.30; 0.75]) and being from the French language region (OR 0.66 [0.47; 0.94]). No association between physiotherapist supply and regular physiotherapy use was detected. DISCUSSION In a large, Swiss-based MS population, little evidence for socio-demographic barriers to physical therapy was found. Physiotherapy uptake was higher among pwMS with more impairments, lower health-related quality of life, or who have been discharged recently from inpatient rehabilitation. The uptake differences by language region warrant further investigations