3 research outputs found
A systematic review of physiological signals based driver drowsiness detection systems.
Driving a vehicle is a complex, multidimensional, and potentially risky activity demanding full mobilization and utilization of physiological and cognitive abilities. Drowsiness, often caused by stress, fatigue, and illness declines cognitive capabilities that affect drivers' capability and cause many accidents. Drowsiness-related road accidents are associated with trauma, physical injuries, and fatalities, and often accompany economic loss. Drowsy-related crashes are most common in young people and night shift workers. Real-time and accurate driver drowsiness detection is necessary to bring down the drowsy driving accident rate. Many researchers endeavored for systems to detect drowsiness using different features related to vehicles, and drivers' behavior, as well as, physiological measures. Keeping in view the rising trend in the use of physiological measures, this study presents a comprehensive and systematic review of the recent techniques to detect driver drowsiness using physiological signals. Different sensors augmented with machine learning are utilized which subsequently yield better results. These techniques are analyzed with respect to several aspects such as data collection sensor, environment consideration like controlled or dynamic, experimental set up like real traffic or driving simulators, etc. Similarly, by investigating the type of sensors involved in experiments, this study discusses the advantages and disadvantages of existing studies and points out the research gaps. Perceptions and conceptions are made to provide future research directions for drowsiness detection techniques based on physiological signals. [Abstract copyright: © The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V. 2022. Springer Nature or its licensor (e.g. a society or other partner) holds exclusive rights to this article under a publishing agreement with the author(s) or other rightsholder(s); author self-archiving of the accepted manuscript version of this article is solely governed by the terms of such publishing agreement and applicable law.
Footwear-integrated force sensing resistor sensors: A machine learning approach for categorizing lower limb disorders
Lower limb disorders are a substantial contributor to both disability and lower standards of life. The prevalent disorders affecting the lower limbs include osteoarthritis of the knee, hip, and ankle. The present study focuses on the use of footwear that incorporates force-sensing resistor sensors to classify lower limb disorders affecting the knee, hip, and ankle joints. The research collected data from a sample of 117 participants who wore footwear integrated with force-sensing resistor sensors while walking on a predetermined walkway of 9 meters. Extensive preprocessing and feature extraction techniques were applied to form a structured dataset. Several machine learning classifiers were trained and evaluated. According to the findings, the Random Forest model exhibited the highest level of performance on the balanced dataset with an accuracy rate of 96%, while the Decision Tree model achieved an accuracy rate of 91%. The accuracy scores of the Logistic Regression, Gaussian Naive Bayes, and Long Short-Term Memory models were comparatively lower. K-fold cross-validation was also performed to evaluate the modelsâ performance. The results indicate that the integration of force-sensing resistor sensors into footwear, along with the use of machine learning techniques, can accurately categorize lower limb disorders. This offers valuable information for developing customized interventions and treatment plans
Influence of scrotal bipartition on spermatogenesis yield and sertoli cell efficiency in sheep
Abstract With the objective to assess the effect of scrotal bipartition on spermatogenesis in sheep, the testes were used from 12 crossbred rams of sheep farms in the municipality of Patos, ParaĂba, Brazil, distributed into two groups: GI with six rams with scrotal bipartition, and GII with six rams without scrotal bipartition. The testicular biometry was measured and the testes were collected, fixed in Bouin and fragments were processed to obtain histological slides. The spermatogenesis yield and the Sertoli cell efficiency was estimated by counting the cells of the spermatogenetic line at stage one of the seminiferous epithelium cycle and the Sertoli cells. The results were submitted to analysis of variance with the ASSISTAT v.7.6 program and the mean values were compared by the Student-Newman-Keuls test (SNK) at 5% significance. The testicular biometric parameters did not show statistical difference (p>0.05) between the groups. The meiotic, spermatogenetic and Sertoli cell efficiency were higher in bipartitioned rams (p0.05) between GI and GII. The results indicated that there is superiority in the spermatogenetic parameters of bi-partitioned rams, suggesting that these sheep present, as reported in goats, indication of better reproductive indices