188 research outputs found

    Exchange Rate Determination in Pakistan: A Simultaneous Equation Model

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    In recent years the gap between real exchange rate (RER) and nominal exchange rate (NER) has widened in Pakistan. A proper understanding of the determinants of real exchange rate can be extremely useful for the management of current account deficit. The results of this study show that the Simultaneous Equation Model gives better results than the Single Equation Model. The estimated coefficients reveal that changes in both monetary and real sector variables affect the equilibrium path of RER. The distinction between traded and non-traded goods can also help in proper real exchange rate management.

    Determinants of Expenditure on Health in Pakistan

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    An important component of human capital formation is improvements in the health status of the population.1 Improvements in the health status of a nation can lead to longer life expectancy, shift the labour supply curve outward, increase labour productivity, and increase the productivity of investment in other forms of human capital, particularly education. Since health and the capacity to improve health are related to socio-economic conditions, it is important to analyse the impact of changes in these variables on the provision of health services. Due to the presence of externalities, market failures, and inability of a significant proportion of the population to pay, government intervention is required in the health sector. In this study, we shall analyse the changes in the provision of public health resources in Pakistan, in response to the changes in socio-economic factors. Most empirical studies in this area have been cross-country studies. Fulop and Reinke (1983) emphasise that socio-economic factors affect the health status directly and indirectly. The indirect effect is through the changes in health resources in response to the changes in socio-economic factors. Kleiman’s (1986) cross-country analysis shows that per capita national income, the ratio of government consumption expenditure to private consumption expenditure, and the measure of income inequality are important determinants of public expenditure on health. The study also shows that public and private expenditure on health are good if not a perfect substitute for each other. Correa and Namkoong (1992) show that changes in health policies (or health resources), represented by changes in health personnel, infrastructure, and expenditure on health, are significantly influenced by Socio-economic and political conditions. Similarly, Hitiris and Posnett (1992); Gerdtham and Jonson (1992) and Murthy (1992) show that economic factors play an important role in determining the expenditure on health.

    Exchange Rate Determination in Pakistan: A Simultaneous Equation Model

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    In recent years the gap between real exchange rate (RER) and nominal exchange rate (NER) has widened in Pakistan. A proper understanding of the determinants of real exchange rate can be extremely useful for the management of current account deficit. The results of this study show that the Simultaneous Equation Model gives better results than the Single Equation Model. The estimated coefficients reveal that changes in both monetary and real sector variables affect the equilibrium path of RER. The distinction between traded and non-traded goods can also help in proper real exchange rate management

    Determinants of Expenditure on Health in Pakistan

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    An important component of human capital formation is improvements in the health status of the population.1 Improvements in the health status of a nation can lead to longer life expectancy, shift the labour supply curve outward, increase labour productivity, and increase the productivity of investment in other forms of human capital, particularly education. Since health and the capacity to improve health are related to socio-economic conditions, it is important to analyse the impact of changes in these variables on the provision of health services. Due to the presence of externalities, market failures, and inability of a significant proportion of the population to pay, government intervention is required in the health sector. In this study, we shall analyse the changes in the provision of public health resources in Pakistan, in response to the changes in socio-economic factors. Most empirical studies in this area have been cross-country studies. Fulop and Reinke (1983) emphasise that socio-economic factors affect the health status directly and indirectly. The indirect effect is through the changes in health resources in response to the changes in socio-economic factors. Kleiman’s (1986) cross-country analysis shows that per capita national income, the ratio of government consumption expenditure to private consumption expenditure, and the measure of income inequality are important determinants of public expenditure on health. The study also shows that public and private expenditure on health are good if not a perfect substitute for each other

    Complications of in-patient cerebral angiography: Comparison between patients with and without sub arachnoid haemorrhage

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    Objective: To compare complications of cerebral angiography among patients with and without subarachnoid haemorrhage.Methods: This retrospective study was conducted at the Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, and comprised records of patients undergoing inpatient therapeutic and diagnostic cerebral angiographies from 2001 to 2010. The patients were divided into subarachnoid and non-subarachnoid haemorrhage groups. During the study period no modifications were made to the operational protocol and all patients were subjected to the same procedure and prophylactic care.Results: Of the 93 patients, 42(45.2%) were women and 51(54.8%) were men. The overall mean age was 45.27±16.15 years (range: 4-80 years). The comparison between the two groups regarding new onset of neurological deficit was statistically significant (p=0.001). However, the same comparison regarding drop in Glasgow Coma Scale was statistically not significant (p=0.073).Conclusions: The rate of neurological complications was higher in patients with subarachnoid haemorrhage

    Pneumoperitoneum, pneumoretroperitoneum, pneumomediastinum and extensive subcutaneous emphysema in a patient with ulcerative colitis: a case report.

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    Abstract INTRODUCTION: Pneumo-mediastinum and subcutaneous emphysema are rare presentations of lower gastrointestinal tract perforation. PRESENTATION OF CASE: We are presenting the case of a middle aged man diagnosed with UC who presented with dyspnea and subcutaneous emphysema, attributed to multiple perforations including the stomach and colon. CASE DISCUSSION: Patients with ulcerative colitis (UC) are at an increased risk of perforations due to friability of colonic mucosa given the chronic inflammation and relapsing flares. Chronic use of steroids further predisposes to stress ulcers. These pathologies sometimes coexist and identification of each is crucial for the appropriate treatment plan. CONCLUSION: The case allows for a learning opportunity focusing on coexisting pathologies which may be differentiated based on anatomical knowledge and patient presentation. Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserve

    Transcatheter versus surgical closure of atrial septum defect: a debate from a developing country

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    Abstract INTRODUCTION: This study compares the effectiveness and cost of trans-catheter verses surgical closure of secundum atrial septumdefect (ASD). ASD accounts for 10% of congenital cardiac defects. Trans-catheter closure of secundum ASD is increasingly used as the primary intervention. Surgical repair is advised in a proportion of secundum type defects which are unsuitable for device closure. METHODS: We reviewed the clinical course of 176 patients who underwent closure of isolated secundum ASD. The patients were assigned to either the device or surgical group depending upon the treatment they received. Successful closure was assessed immediately after the procedure. The following outcomes were studied: mortality, morbidity, hospital stay, and costs. RESULTS: Ninety five patients were in the surgical group and 81 patients were in the group undergoing device closure. The median age was 14.0 years (range 1.1-61.0) for surgical group and 24.0 years (range 0.5-68.0) for the device group. The mortality in both groups was 0. The procedure success rate was 100% for the surgical group and 96.3% for the device group. The complication rate was 13.7% for surgical group and 7.4% for the device group. The mean length of hospital stay was 5.0 ± 2.7 days for surgical group and 3.0 ± 0.4 days for device group. The procedure cost for surgery was found to be 12.3% lower than that of trans-catheter closure. CONCLUSION: Successful closure is achieved by both methods. Trans-catheter closure results in lower rate of complication and hospital stay but the cost of the procedure tends to be higher than surgery

    Relationship of Social Progress Index (SPI) with Gross Domestic Product (GDP PPP per capita): The moderating role of Corruption Perception Index (CPI)

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    This study investigated the impact of social progress on economic development in 119 countries, while taking their individual corruption perception into consideration. Simple linear regression was use on the secondary data for 119 countries and 5 continents while the SPSS PROCESS macro was used to test the moderating effect of corruption perception. As hypothesized, a positive relationship of the social progress index (SPI) with gross domestic product (GDP) PPP per capita was observe. This means that countries, which fulfill basic human needs, foundations of wellbeing and foster availability of opportunities have enhanced economic development. Moreover, the moderating role of corruption perception between the relationship of social progress and economic development was confirmed; thus indicating that countries with better corruption perception rating possess a stronger relationship of SPI and GDP (PPP) per capita and vice versa. When checked for continents, moderation results showed that the continents that have higher values of corruption perception index (CPI) are more socially and economically developed
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