5,098 research outputs found

    Seroprevalence Of Hepatitis-b Virus In Mid And Far Western Region In Nepal

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    Hepatitis B is significant health problems that might involve the late sequel of liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. The present study aimed to know the seroprevalence of hepatitis B virus (HBV) in mid and far western region in Nepal with various clinical conditions.This was a retrospective study conducted in mid and far western region in Nepal, which was performed in the Central Laboratory of Microbiology at Nepalgunj Medical College and Teaching Hospital, Banke, Nepal during the period of September 2010 to April 2012. The serum samples were tested for Hepatitis B surface Antigen (HBsAg) by Sandwich immunoassay. Total 7010 patients including 43.72% male and 56.28% female were tested for HBsAg. Of them, 135 were positive and 6875 were negative.In 135 positive cases 84 (62.22%) were male and 51 (37.77% )were female. In 6875 negative cases 2981 were male and 3894 were female. The seroprevalence rate of HBV was 1.93% in mid and far western region in Nepal. Seroprevalence of HBV seems to be higher in male then the female; it was 2.75% in male and 1.29% in female.The study revealed that the seroprevalence of HBV was alarmingly higher in such a population, which probably reflects a high background prevalence of HBV infections should be taken into consideration and Implementation of community-based preventive measures and improved strategies for safe blood supply might prove useful to decrease the seroprevalence

    Posttransplant Metabolic Syndrome

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    Metabolic syndrome (MS) is a cluster of metabolic derangements associated with insulin resistance and an increased risk of cardiovascular mortality. MS has become a major health concern worldwide and is considered to be the etiology of the current epidemic of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. In addition to cardiovascular disease, the presence of MS is also closely associated with other comorbidities including nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). The prevalence of MS in patients with cirrhosis and end-stage liver disease is not well established and difficult to ascertain. Following liver transplant, the prevalence of MS is estimated to be 44–58%. The main factors associated with posttransplant MS are posttransplant diabetes, obesity, dyslipidemia, and hypertension. In addition to developing NAFLD, posttransplant MS is associated with increased cardiovascular mortality that is 2.5 times that of the age- and sex-matched individuals. Additionally, the presence of posttransplant MS has been associated with rapid progression to fibrosis in individuals transplanted for HCV cirrhosis. There is an urgent need for well-designed prospective studies to fully delineate the natural history and risk factors associated with posttransplant MS. Until then, early recognition, prevention, and treatment of its components are vital in improving outcomes in liver transplant recipients

    SELEKTIVNOST PLIJENA U SOMA (Silurus glanis) I AFRIČKOG SOMA (Clarias gariepinus)

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    The experiments aimed at prey selectivity in two Siluriformes predators. African catfish, Clarias gariepinus, and wels, Silurus glanis, were performed under laboratory conditions. Prey fish (12-22% TL of predator) were submitted to one.year.old African catfish (~220 g) and wels (~150 g) originating from intensive culture, ie with no previous experience with live fish food. In African catfish, negative selectivity (avoidance) was shown for Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and topmouth gudgeon (Pseudorasbora parva) whilst rudd(Scardinius erythrophthalmus) and sunbleak (Leucaspius delineatus) were preferred (positive selectivity). The intensity and efficiency of African catfish predation were quite low because its feeding strategy is based rather on prey searching than hunting. Prey fish, wounded and/or dead from its clumsy attacks, were sonsumed preferably overnight. Not one successful attack of African catfish on healthy prey fish was registered. The SGR and FCR of clarias fed live fish were 0.39%. day-1 and 4.73 respectively. In wels, strong negative selectivity (avoidance) was proved for roach (Rutilus rutilus) and topmouth gungeon, and lower avoidance for Prussian carp (Carassius auratus gibelio) and chub (Leuciscus cephalus). Asp (Aspius aspius) were found to be low preferred but high preference was shown for sunbleak, rudd and bitterling (Rhodeus sericeus). Both catfishes preferred smaller prey fish during the 10.day experimental period whilst those which remained non-consumed belonged to the mean or above-mean size categories.Istraživanja su bila usmjerena na selektivnost plijena u dvije vrste grabežljivaca siluriformes - afričkog soma (Clarius gariepinus) i soma (Silurus glanis). Istraživanja su provedena u laboratorijskim uvjetima. Riba plijen (12-22% TL grabežljivaca) poslužila je jednogodišnjem afričkom somu (~220 g) i somu (~150 g) porijeklom iz intenzivnog uzgoja bez prethodnog iskustva u prehrani živim ribama. Afrički je som pokazao negativnu seletivnost (izbjegavanje) prema nilskoj tilapiji (Oreochromis niloticus) i amurskom čebačoku (Pseudorasbora parva), a crvenperka (Scardinius erythrophthalmus) i bjelica (Leucaspius delineatus) bile su preferirane (pozitivna selektivnost). Intenzitet i efikasnost proždrljivosti afričkog soma bila je posve niska, jer je njegova hranidbena strategija u osnovi zapravo na selektivnosti traženja, a ne lova. Plijen, ozlijeđen ili mrtav u tijeku neefikasnog lova, bio je bolje konzumiran za vrijeme noći. Ni jedan uspješan napad afričkog soma na zdravi plijen nije registriran. U soma je bila dokazana jaka negativna selektivnost (uklanjanje) za bodorku (Rutilus rutilus) i amurski čebačok (Pseudorasbora parva), a slabije izbjegavanje za babušku (Carassius auratus gibelio) i klena (Leuciscus cephalus). Bolen (Aspius aspius) nisko je preferiran, dok je visoka preferiranost pokazana za bjelicu (Leucaspius delineatus), crvenperku (Scardinius erythrophthalmus) i gavčicu (Rhodeus sericeus). Obje vrste soma preferirale su manji plijen za vrijeme desetodnevnog eksperimentalnog razdoblja, dok su oni koji su ostali nekonzumirani pripadali kategoriji srednjih ili većih riba

    Uncertainty Estimation in Instance Segmentation with Star-convex Shapes

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    Instance segmentation has witnessed promising advancements through deep neural network-based algorithms. However, these models often exhibit incorrect predictions with unwarranted confidence levels. Consequently, evaluating prediction uncertainty becomes critical for informed decision-making. Existing methods primarily focus on quantifying uncertainty in classification or regression tasks, lacking emphasis on instance segmentation. Our research addresses the challenge of estimating spatial certainty associated with the location of instances with star-convex shapes. Two distinct clustering approaches are evaluated which compute spatial and fractional certainty per instance employing samples by the Monte-Carlo Dropout or Deep Ensemble technique. Our study demonstrates that combining spatial and fractional certainty scores yields improved calibrated estimation over individual certainty scores. Notably, our experimental results show that the Deep Ensemble technique alongside our novel radial clustering approach proves to be an effective strategy. Our findings emphasize the significance of evaluating the calibration of estimated certainties for model reliability and decision-making