1,637 research outputs found

    Study of the Perfomances of the Muon Arm Slat Chambers in ALICE

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    Mixing energy drinks and alcohol during adolescence impairs brain function: A study of rat hippocampal plasticity

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    In the last decades, the consumption of energy drinks has risen dramatically, especially among young people, adolescents and athletes, driven by the constant search for ergogenic effects, such as the increase in physical and cognitive performance. In parallel, mixed consumption of energy drinks and ethanol, under a binge drinking modality, under a binge drinking modality, has similarly grown among adolescents. However, little is known whether the combined consumption of these drinks, during adolescence, may have long-term effects on central function, raising the question of the risks of this habit on brain maturation. Our study was designed to evaluate, by behavioral, electrophysiological and molecular approaches, the long-term effects on hippocampal plasticity of ethanol (EtOH), energy drinks (EDs), or alcohol mixed with energy drinks (AMED) in a rat model of binge-like drinking adolescent administration. The results show that AMED binge-like administration produces adaptive hippocampal changes at the molecular level, associated with electrophysiological and behavioral alterations, which develop during the adolescence and are still detectable in adult animals. Overall, the study indicates that binge-like drinking AMED adolescent exposure represents a habit that may affect permanently hippocampal plasticity

    Measurement of the front-end dead-time of the LHCb muon detector and evaluation of its contribution to the muon detection inefficiency

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    A method is described which allows to deduce the dead-time of the front-end electronics of the LHCb muon detector from a series of measurements performed at different luminosities at a bunch-crossing rate of 20 MHz. The measured values of the dead-time range from 70 ns to 100 ns. These results allow to estimate the performance of the muon detector at the future bunch-crossing rate of 40 MHz and at higher luminosity

    The Extreme Energy Events HECR array: status and perspectives

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    The Extreme Energy Events Project is a synchronous sparse array of 52 tracking detectors for studying High Energy Cosmic Rays (HECR) and Cosmic Rays-related phenomena. The observatory is also meant to address Long Distance Correlation (LDC) phenomena: the network is deployed over a broad area covering 10 degrees in latitude and 11 in longitude. An overview of a set of preliminary results is given, extending from the study of local muon flux dependance on solar activity to the investigation of the upward-going component of muon flux traversing the EEE stations; from the search for anisotropies at the sub-TeV scale to the hints for observations of km-scale Extensive Air Shower (EAS).Comment: XXV ECRS 2016 Proceedings - eConf C16-09-04.

    The ALICE Zero Degree Calorimeters

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    In the ALICE experiment at Cern LHC, a set of hadron calorimeters will be used to determine the centrality of the Pb-Pb collision. The spectator protons and neutrons, will be separated from the ion beams, using the separator magnet (D1) of the LHC beam optics and respectively detected by a proton (ZP) and a neutron (ZN) "Zero-degree Calorimeter" (ZDC). The detectors will be placed in front of the separator D2 magnet, 115 meters away from the beam intersection point. The ZDCs are quartz-fiber spaghetti calorimeters that exploit the Cherenkov light produced by the shower particles in silica optical fibers.This technique offers the advantages of high radiation hardness (up to several Grad), fast response and reduced lateral dimension of the detectable shower. In addition, quartz-fiber calorimeters are intrinsically insensitive to radio-activation background, which produces particles below the Cherenkov threshold.The ALICE ZDC should have an energy resolution comparable with the intrinsic energy fluctuations, which range from about 20 0.000000or central events to about 5 0.000000or peripheral ones, according to simulations that use HIJING as event generator. The fiber-to-absorber filling ratio must be chosen as a good compromise between the required energy resolution and the fiber cost.The design of the proposed calorimeter will be discussed, together with the expected performances. Whenever possible, the simulated results will be compared with the experimental ones, obtained with the built prototypes and with the NA50 ZDC, which can be considered as a working prototype for the ALICE neutron calorimeter
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