34 research outputs found

    Sustaining businesses in a global turbulent environment: The role of information sharing / Sidah Idris and Suhana Mohezar.

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    This study aims to investigate the impact of technology capability and logistics integration commitment on information sharing as well as global supply chain competitiveness. Data were collected from 177 local manufacturing firms that are competing in global markets. The findings indicate that logistics integration commitment is significantly related with information sharing and global supply chain competitiveness. This study however, fails to establish a relationship between technology capability and global supply chain competitiveness. The findings also highlight information sharing as a mediator

    Savings, Investment & FDI Contribution To Malaysian Economic Growth In The Globalization Era

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    What are the prospects and future of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Malaysia now? Malaysia is undoubtedly a development success story. Throughout the post-independence period since 1957, Malaysia has enjoyed rapid economic growth with rising per capita income and price stability. Rising living standards, greater urbanization and access to health and education, and an improvement in the distribution of income have accompanied economic growth. Malaysian performance has been particularly remarkable after 1987 when the economy achieved above 7 per cent growth in seven consecutive years reaching virtual full employment in 1995. Malaysia now aspires to become a fully developed economy by 2020. This dramatic economic transformation has occurred against a background of massive shifts in the world economy as a result of increasing internationalization of production and trade. Foreign investment funds are returning to the market attracted by the corporate restructuring news and a belief that South East Asian stocks are generally undervalued. But FDI remains a big worry for the government and the last quarter figures cannot have helped. A recent survey by the Japanese Chamber of Trade and Industry in Malaysia claimed that the country no longer enjoyed a competitive advantage over its neighbors and that 22 per cent of Japanese companies operating in Malaysia were contemplating moving. In Penang more multinationals in the electronic sectors are planning to pull out of Malaysia in the next few months and relocate to China and Vietnam. So far these have all been in factories producing labor-intensive products. The main reason given for relocation is because of high labour costs. The purpose of this paper is to examine the Malaysian economic growth with emphasize on saving and investment in the context of globalization of the world economy. The main issues are: 1. Malaysian economic and Fiscal policy to stimulate economic growth. 2. The key policy shifts to guide the study of globalization and developmental implications to overall growth trends. 3. The role of foreign direct investment (FDI) and the implications of globalization for domestic employment and real wages, and poverty and income inequality.From our analysis we found that economic development in Malaysia can be seen as a variant of the Solow model, in which savings, investment and capital accumulation are the major agents of growth. One aspect of the fast factor accumulation in this country is the important of FDI flows as a source of technology and management skills. FDI vis a vis savings and investment may have triggered export competitiveness by improving the technology, management and marketing of export industries

    Research On the Upgrading Path of China's Manufacturing Industry from The Perspective of Global Value Chainzhang

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    Since joining the world trade organization, China has not only become the largest exporter and trading country in the world, but also one of the countries with the largest increase in the participation of global value chains. However, China's manufacturing industry is facing the situation of transformation and upgrading and is in urgent need of leaping to the high end of the global value chain. Aiming at solving this problem, this essay focused on the study from available literature, data, and reports from various media and CNKI, used Global Value Chain and Digital Economy as the framework to search relevant issues and contribute to how to solve the problem. The results show that the following two ways may be helpful for China to upgrade its manufacturing industry: 1. Promote service-oriented industries; 2. Improve the imbalance of industry supply and demand; 3. Reduce the international dependence

    Logistics commitment: an evidence of long-term relationship on sustainable global supply chain.

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    Manufactures and all network partners may think that global supply chains are simple and direct. But, in the vast majority of cases, this isnot the case. Customer demand is supported by complex and lengthy global supply chain. The intermodal transportations provide the keysuccess of the connections between global factories and along the supply chain parties. While they provide critical services, each level oftransportation will present challenge and difficulty to all parties. This study look on how logistics commitment can improves operatingefficiencies among local manufacturers and service providers as they are in global supply chain network. And, how each intermodal invested improve capabilities, creating reliable and economical port-to-destination delivery services in ensure good relationship with theirpartners. The study aims is to identify how the service providers can reshape relationship and revise networks to maintain smooth andefficient global logistics flows. This empirical study will use survey questionnaire to get the answer for each question and utilize PartialLeast Square (PLS) to analyse the data. Result shows how logistics commitment effort and strategy as to sustain global supply chainrelationship

    Economics integration and cooperating in Borneo towards sustainable economic development: towards poverty eradication

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    Purpose: This paper discusses the challenges and prospects of economic development of Malaysia specifically Sabah within Borneo Economic Community including Brunei Darussalam and Kalimantan Indonesia. Free trade is a significant stimulus to regional production, linkages and competitiveness. Borneo region has made significant progress in that regard since the implementation of the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) from 1993 as well as BIMP-EAGA. The AFTA BIMP-EAGA initiative has been particularly successful in reducing tariffs and other trade rules and regulation among member countries in the trade in goods including labor mobility. However, regional free trade alone is not sufficient to release the full energies and the inherent potential of Malaysia within Borneo region. Deeper economic integration is necessary for Borneo to cope effectively with the unprecedented opportunities as well as the unprecedented challenges, on both scale and depth, unleashed by globalization. China and India have altered the global economic landscape through huge market openings and greater competition. Methodology: Meanwhile, interlinked supply networks have proliferated all over the world, among many other innovative and more efficient ways in value creation and industrial organization. Other factors are related to movements of new ideas, people and resources across national boundaries. Findings: Henceforth, Malaysia in particular and other countries located in Borneo in general has to be transformed into a stable, prosperous, and highly competitive region with equitable economic development, and reduced poverty and socio-economic disparities. As such, the economic collaboration will empower Borneo to remain a dynamic and competitive player in the regional and global supply chains. But the same process is also predicated on wide-ranging adjustments and reforms to be carried out by Governments and the business sectors, among other stakeholders in the region. Malaysia vis a vis Borneo has three key strengths in the economic arena. Malaysia endowed with abundant natural resources. Recommendations: The region also has large supplies of professionals and talented people and has the capability to adopt, adapt and advance technology. By leveraging on these strengths Borneo economic development is likely to be realized sooner than later

    The impact of land use and transportation linkage improvement towards intention to remain in current business activities among tamu traders along West Coast Sabah

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    Sejak kebelakangan ini, pembangunan pelancongan di kawasan pergunungan berkembang dengan pesat di seluruh dunia termasuk negara Malaysia. Malaysia berpotensi besar untuk membangunkan pelancongan gunung di peringkat antarabangsa kerana mempunyai bentuk muka bumi bergunung-ganang yang unik di kawasan pedalaman Semenanjung Malaysia, Sabah dan Sarawak. Pelbagai aktiviti dan produk pelancongan ditawarkan bagi memenuhi kepelbagaian minat dan permintaan pelancong di kawasan pergunungan. Pembangunan pelancongan di kawasan pergunungan juga diiktiraf sebagai salah satu strategi paling efisien dalam usaha meningkatkan taraf hidup komuniti di kawasan pedalaman dan terpencil. Pembangunan pelancongan gunung sangat penting kerana kebanyakan komuniti gunung dikenal pasti sebagai golongan masyarakat yang miskin dan paling terpinggir di dunia. Oleh itu, pelancongan gunung tentulah memberi impak yang besar kepada komuniti gunung kerana kawasan pergunungan adalah sangat sensitif kepada sebarang bentuk gangguan. Impak terhadap komuniti gunung terbahagi kepada dua perspektif iaitu positif dan negatif bergantung pada hasil dan manfaat yang diperoleh mereka. Ringkasnya, tujuan penulisan tinjauan literatur ini adalah untuk mengenal pasti impak pelancongan gunung ke atas ekonomi, sosial dan budaya komuniti yang tinggal di kawasan pergunungan di Malaysia. Artikel ini turut membincangkan tentang takrifan pelancongan gunung dan komuniti gunung. Selain itu, pola dan lokasi pelancongan gunung di Malaysia juga dibincangkan secara ringkas. Perbincangan ini penting kerana dalam konteks pelancongan di Malaysia, istilah pelancongan gunung masih terlalu asing digunakan oleh penyelidik tempatan. Penulisan tinjauan literatur ini menggunakan kaedah meninjau bahan literatur secara sistematik. Tinjauan literatur ini diharap dapat meningkatkan lagi pemahaman tentang ruang lingkup pelancongan gunung di Malaysia

    Perceived service quality, customer satisfaction and behavioural intentions towards hospitals in Sabah

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    Health system in Malaysia including hospitals, clinic and community health agencies can be very different from other work environments. Healthcare systems are complex and there are many things we need to know about types of hospital systems, patient care, insurance, healthcare providers and legal issues. This study aimed to examine the relationship among perceived service quality, customer satisfaction and behavioural intentions in the context of hospitals in Sabah, Malaysia. Information from 208 respondents were used through questionnaires for the purposed statistical data analysis using SmartPLS. The result showed only tangibles and empathy supports behavioural intentions in relations to health service providers in Sabah. This study tested relationships of tangibles, assurance and empathy with customer satisfactions respectively were shown to be significantly positive as well. Positive relationship between customer satisfaction and behavioural intentions was also observed in this study. As for the mediation analysis, the outcome indicated that tangibles, assurance and empathy respectively have indirect relationship with behavioural intentions mediated by customer satisfaction. Additional findings also showed that, while the direct effects of empathy on behavioural intentions was significant, the indirect impact was noted to be greater for behavioural intentions in connection with customer satisfaction as mediation. The result also showed that relative to other perceived service quality, empathy has the most impact on customer satisfaction as well as behavioural intentions respectively. The findings from this study significant to this industry which contribute to policy makers, service providers and other stakeholders

    Interactive effects of entrepreneurial and learning orientation on firms’ performance: Evidence from Malaysian exporters

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    Building on the resource-based view (RBV), this paper articulates an integrative approach to explicate the interactive effects of two strategic orientations, i.e. entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and learning orientation (LO), to offer nuanced explanations of firms’ export performance from a developing country perspective. Adopting a quantitative approach, the proposed relationships are explored via partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) in a sample of 69 exporters from the state of Sabah in Malaysia. The results indicate that EO has a significant positive effect on the firms’ export performance. Further, the results reveal that the positive association of EO on export performance is enhanced when moderated by a high level of LO. The data was collected using a single key informant, i.e. exporter from a single country, Malaysia; therefore, some limitations might present in terms of generalisability and response bias. The findings contribute to the extant literature on the relationship between strategic orientations and internationalisation. Notably, the study articulates an integrative approach to explain the EO’s interaction effects with LO, creating a synergistic and complementary effect on export performance. It further elucidates the need to embrace an integrative approach in understanding exporters from a developing economy context. Practical implications of this study to managers and policymakers are discussed

    Linkage and transportation availability towards intention to stay in business among senior in Tamu Sabah

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    In Sabah, TAMU is the famous local market which as a medium for social meeting point for both rural and urban communities besides also acting as an important local economic hub with rich cultural infusion tracing back long before the independence of Malaysia. Some traders travel far from another district in a different geographical division to do business activities at TAMU. This study was conducted to examine whether road linkage and transportation availability among older TAMU traders along west coast of Sabah have effect on the intention to remain in current business activities than younger people. The study examined the direct relationship of three indicators; accessibility, efficiency of infrastructure and transport linkage indicators to TAMU traders’ intention to stay in their current TAMU business. This study was also conducted to explore the moderating effect of age on the relationship between linkage and transportation availability to intention to remain in current business activities among senior TAMU traders in Sabah. The collection of quantitative data was obtained through the manual distribution of questionnaires to the respondents at TAMU site in the three separate districts: Penampang, Kota Kinabalu and Ranau. The collected data were then analysed using SPSS and SmartPLS 3.0 software. This study was conducted to provide knowledge regarding the relationship between the dependent and independent variables which adds to the existing literature on both road linkage and transportation availability in local industrial or business attraction area such TAMU in Sabah. The findings of this study would be beneficial for the government, local authorities, academics, TAMU traders and business owners to understand the relationship between the intention and the independent variables

    Level of satisfaction among industrial customers in relation to logistics service provider in Sabah

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    To investigate the relationship between operational logistics service quality (OLSQ) and relational logistics service quality (RLSQ) towards customer satisfaction among industrial customer in Sabah. self-administrative survey and online survey questionnaire were used to collect the data for this study. List of 180 industrial customer provided by the express bus companies. Purposive sampling techniques was used in this study. The data was analyzed using SPSS 26.0 and SmartPLS 3.0. Results support the hypothesis developed in this study confirming that service perceptions lead to customer satisfaction among industrial customer in Sabah. The current study is limited to east Malaysia which is Sabah where it excluded the respondent from peninsular of Malaysia. Besides, present study focusing only on land logistics transportation and excluded the air and ocean logistics transportation. Those involved in logistics especially express bus managers can find new methods to make their customers satisfied and place their trust on the service provided. Not only that, as the express bus was used to send parcels within the various districts in Sabah, this present study can be used as a reference tool by the policy makers to revisit and improve the existing policies in the future. For the record, this study is the first of its kind ever conducted in Sabah. It shows that OLSQ and RLSQ is an important indicator in satisfying industrial customers in the express bus sector