7 research outputs found

    Redescription of three cirolanid isopods (Crustacea: Peracarida) from Indonesia

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    Three species of Cirolanidae described by Nierstrasz in 1931 are redescribed from the type material: Cirolana indica Nierstrasz, 1931, with new material from Singapore and Lombok Island, Indonesia; C. vanhoeffeni Nierstrasz, 1931; and C. stebbingi Nierstrasz, 1931, which is here transferred to the genus Politolana Bruce, 1981 based on the elongate body, long peduncle of pleopod 1, narrow and slender frontal lamina, flat and robust carpus of pereopod 7, long and acute robust setae on merus–propodus pereopod 1, secondary unguis on dactylus, and antenna peduncle articles 1–2 shorter than the subequal articles 3–5

    Revision of the cirolanid isopod genus Odysseylana Malyutina, 1995 (Crustacea) with description of two new species from Singapore

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    The genus Odysseylana Malyutina, 1995 is revised and a new diagnosis presented; two new species from Singapore are described: Odysseylana sakijang sp. nov. and Odysseylana temasek sp. nov. The monotypic genus Parilcirolana Yu & Li, 2001, is placed in synonymy, bringing total number of species in Odysseylana to four including the type species Odysseylana sirenkoi Malyutina, 1995 and Odysseylana setosa (Yu & Li, 2001) comb. nov. The genus is known only from coastal waters from Singapore to off Macau, western Pacific. The principal distinguishing character of Odysseylana are an elongate body shape (2.9–3.5 long as greatest width), head without a rostral point, pentagonal and flat frontal lamina; antenna peduncle articles 1–3 short, 4 and 5 subequal in length and longest; and pleopod 1 peduncle quadrate, and a slender pleopod 1 endopod

    Pengaruh musim terhadap keragaman dan kelimpahan kopepoda (krustasea) di perairan mangrove estuari T. N. Ujung Kulon Banten

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    An observation on Copepoda diversity and abundance in three mangrove estuaries in Ujung Kulon National Park, Banten was carried out in June and November 2008. The objective of this observation was to investigate the relationship between diversity and abundance of copepods with some environmental factors which affected the distribution in dry and rainy seasons. A total of 28 species from 17 genera and 14 families of copepods were recorded. The highest density of the copepod community was recorded in June (dry season) while the lowest density was in November (rainy season). The diversity, abundance and distribution of copepods were found to be different in the three sites

    Cirolana bambang, a distinctive new species of Cirolana Leach, 1818 (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cirolanidae) from Bitung, Indonesia

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    Cirolana bambang sp. nov. from Bitung, North Sulawesi, Indonesia is described. The species can be recognised by generally smooth body with small, acute, submedian nodules on pleonites 4–5 and the anterior dorsal surface of the pleotelson together with a flat, pentagonal frontal lamina, linguiform and sexually dimorphic pleotelson with the dorsal surface covered by short setae in males, deeply bifid uropod apices, and a conspicuously large robust seta on the superodistal angle of pereopod 1 ischium. Cirolana bambang sp. nov. appears to belong to a group of Indo-West Pacific Cirolana with prominent penial process, a large robust seta on the superodistal angle of pereopod 1 ischium and the presence of setae on dorsal surface of pleotelson and or uropod in males. The most similar species are Cirolana comata Keable, 2001; Cirolana dissimilis Keable, 2001; Cirolana aldabrensis Schotte & Kensley, 2005; and Cirolana somalia Schotte & Kensley, 2005. Cirolana kiliani Müller, 1993 and C. somalia are found not to belong to the Cirolana‘parva-group’

    FIGURE 6 in Revision of the cirolanid isopod genus Odysseylana Malyutina, 1995 (Crustacea) with description of two new species from Singapore

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    FIGURE 6. Odysseylana temasek sp. nov., holotype (8.6 mm) (A – C); paratype (9.6 mm) (D – G): A, dorsal view; B, lateral view; C, frons; D, antennula; E, pleotelson and uropods; F, antenna; G, sternite 7 showing penial openings

    Review of the species of the Cirolana 'parva-group' (Cirolanidae: Isopoda: Crustacea) in Indonesian and Singaporean waters

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    Ten species of the Cirolana 'parva-group' are recorded from shallow water in-shore habitats in the Indo-Malaya region, with five species from both Indonesia (Lombok, North Sulawesi, Maluku and West Papua) and Singapore, four species are from Indonesia only; with only one species locally endemic in Singapore. Three new species are described and Cirolana arafurae Bruce, 1986, Cirolana improceros Bruce, 1986 and Cirolana stenoura Bruce, 1986 are redescribed. A key to Cirolana 'parva-group' species found in Indonesia and Singapore is given

    Two new species and a new record of Metacirolana Kussakin, 1979 (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cirolanidae) from Indonesia

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    Two new species of Metacirolana from coral reefs in Indonesia are described and Metacirolana spinosa (Bruce, 1980) is recorded for the first time in Indonesia. Metacirolana lombok sp. nov. and Metacirolana mioskon sp. nov. show similarities with several other species of Metacirolana forming a species group within the genus, characterized by small body size (2.0–3.5 mm), smooth body surfaces, weakly produced rostrum, lack of dorsal carinae and abundant chromatophores