4,517 research outputs found

    Spring 2009, Experienceing a Trans-Atlantic version of the U.S. election

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    Economics major Siddharth Prabhakar from Bedford, NH, is spending the year studying at the London School of Economics

    A Graph of the Wind

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    Poetry by Sid Marty

    Evolution der Cephalic Sensory Organs innerhalb der Opisthobranchia

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    Das Ziel der vorliegenden Doktorarbeit war es, die Evolution der Kopfsinnesorgane der Opisthobranchia zu rekonstruieren. Bei den Opisthobranchia handelt es sich um eine Ă€ußerst diverse Gruppe ĂŒberwiegend mariner Gastropoden innerhalb der Euthyneura. Die Kopfsinnesorgane oder cephalic sensory organs (CSOs) weisen innerhalb der verschiedenen Großgruppen der Opisthobranchia eine sehr hohe morphologische VariabilitĂ€t auf, und finden ihre AusprĂ€gung in verschiedenen Formen von Labialtentakeln, Mundsegeln, Rhinophoren, Lippenorganen, Kopfschilden und dem so genannten Hancockschen Organ. Die HomologieverhĂ€ltnisse der CSOs waren bislang ungeklĂ€rt. Der Ansatz der vorliegenden Studie war es, neurobiologische Methoden zu verwenden um die CSOs zu charakterisieren und zu homologisieren, da sich bisherige Methoden wie Histologie und anatomische Studien als unzureichend herausgestellt haben, die HomologieverhĂ€ltnisse zu klĂ€ren. Die dabei verwendeten Methoden wurden bislang nur in funktionellen Fragestellungen verwendet, daher stellt dieser Ansatz eine Neuerung in der vergleichenden Morphologie dar. Die untersuchten Taxa umfassten die folgenden Großgruppen, Aplysiomorpha (Aplysia punctata, Aplysia californica, Petalifera petalifera), Pleurobranchomorpha (Pleurobranchaea meckeli, Berthella plumula), Nudibranchia (Archidoris pseudoargus), Cephalaspidea (Haminoea hydatis, Scaphander lignarius) und Acteonoidea (Acteon tornatilis). Um eine Rekonstruktion der Evolution zu ermöglichen wurden weiterhin Außengruppen wie die Caenograstropoda (Littorina littorea) und die Pulmonata (Achatina fulica) untersucht. Als Ergebnis stellte sich heraus, dass die zellulĂ€ren Innervierungsmuster ĂŒberraschend stark konservierte Strukturen darstellen, welche sich eignen, um die zerebralen Nerven innerhalb der untersuchten Taxa zu homologisieren. Hierbei ist anzumerken, dass die Opisthobranchia und die Pulmonata zwei Paar Kopfsinnesorgane und in der Regel vier zerebrale Nerven besitzen, die Caenogastropoda jedoch nur ein Paar Tentakel und drei zerebrale Nerven. Zusammenfassend lĂ€sst sich erklĂ€ren, dass es anhand der verwendeten neurobiologischen Methoden möglich war, plausibel gestĂŒtzte Homologiehypothesen fĂŒr die CSOs der Opisthobranchia zu formulieren. Anstelle frĂŒher verwendeter, zum Teil widersprĂŒchlicher Begriffe wie Labialtentakel oder Rhinophoren wurden Kategorien von CSOs postuliert. Diese Kategorien sind Lip (Lippe), ASOa und ASOb (der zerebrale Nerv der innerhalb der Euthyneura die ASOs innerviert ist gegabelt und innerviert Strukturen mit wahrscheinlich unterschiedlichen Funktionen) und die PSOs. Nach der erfolgten Homologisierung der CSOs wurde ihre Evolution unter BerĂŒcksichtigung der sparsamsten ErklĂ€rung, auf der Grundlage einer molekularen Phylogeniehypothese a posteriori rekonstruiert. Es wurde postuliert, dass das Grundmuster der Euthyneura, zwei paar Kopfsinnesstrukturen besitzt. Die ASOs sind hierbei noch relativ unspezialisiert und wurden als lobenartige Strukturen postuliert, die PSOs hingegegen als eine Art basale Tentakel (Rhinophoren), welche innerhalb der Opisthobranchia unterschiedliche AusprĂ€gung erfuhren und homolog zu den Ommatophoren der Pulmonaten sind. Damit widerlegte die vorliegende Studie die bislang gĂ€ngige Annahme eines Kopfschildes und des Hancockschen Organs im Grundmuster der Opisthobranchia. Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass diese Organe eine Anpassung an eine grabende Lebensweise sind, bei der Tentakel, als mechanischer Belastung ausgesetzte Strukturen, eher hinderlich sind.The term cephalic sensory organ (CSO) is used for specialised structures in the head region of adult Opisthobranchia. These sensory organs show a high diversity in form and function, and the gross morphology of these organs differs considerably among taxa. They can be identified as cephalic shields, oral veils, Hancocks organs, lip organs, rhinophores or oral tentacles. Because of this extremely high diversity, the homology and the evolution of these organs have not been clarified yet. My intention was to use neuroanatomical data sets in order to find putative homologous CSOs. In this study, I will show data about immunohistochemical neurotransmitter content and cellular innervation patterns and their applicability as morphological characters for the homologisation of structures. I support earlier investigations that neurotransmitter content is often related to function. In contrast, axonal tracing patterns can be used to homologise nerves. Overall the aim of this study was to reconstruct the evolution of the CSOs of the Opisthobranchia, by projecting our neuroanatomical data sets onto a molecular phylogeny

    Failure of roof structure due to wind load

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    There are reported roof failure due to uplifting of the roof structures or roof sheeting during rainstorm has been causing damages to the buildings. Generally, failure occurred at the two points, either at the roof truss’s sheeting or at the truss to roof beam connections. There are 2 types of structure are to be analyzed; the different of these two building will be the buildings dimension, meaning that one is a single storey houses and other is a 20 storey apartment. The roof structure’s data is extracted from the reported cases for simulation purposes. For a more conservative result, the wind speed is taken as 40 m/s. Due to different aspect for this 2 type of structure, the wind-uplifting force will be determined. The calculated resulting forces transferred at different connection points were compared with the experimental result obtained from laboratory testing. The result of this, is that the connection of both houses and apartment is safe under the wind speed of 40m/s. However, this happen when the proper used of selected material plus all the material is in well condition. To improve the study of this project, the larger scale testing like wind tunnel can provide the more accurate result due to the integrity of the roof structure

    The Riddle of Gravitation

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    There is no doubt that both the special and general theories of relativity capture the imagination. The anti-intuitive properties of the special theory of relativity and its deep philosophical implications, the bizzare and dazzling predictions of the general theory of relativity: the curvature of spacetime, the exotic characteristics of black holes, the bewildering prospects of gravitational waves, the discovery of astronomical objects as quasers and pulsers, the expansion and the (possible) recontraction of the universe..., are all breathtaking phenomena. In this paper, we give a philosophical non-technical treatment of both the special and the general theory of relativity together with an exposition of some of the latest physical theories. We then give an outline of an axiomatic approach to relativity theories due to Andreka and Nemeti that throws light on the logical structure of both theories. This is followed by an exposition of some of the bewildering results established by Andreka and Nemeti concerning the foundations of mathematics using the notion of relativistic computers. We next give a survey on the meaning and philosophical implications of the the quantum theory and end the paper by an imaginary debate between Einstein and Neils Bohr reflecting both Einstein's and Bohr's philosophical views on the quantum world. The paper is written in a somewhat untraditional manner; there are too many footnotes. In order not to burden the reader with all the details, we have collected the more advanced material the footnotes. We think that this makes the paper easier to read and simpler to follow. The paper in full is adressed more to experts.Comment: 40 pages, LaTeX-fil

    New SU(1, 1) Position-Dependent Effective Mass Coherent States for the Generalized Shifted Harmonic Oscillator

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    A new SU(1, 1) position-dependent effective mass coherent states (PDEM CS) related to the shifted harmonic oscillator (SHO) are deduced. This is accomplished by applying a similarity transformation to the generally deformed oscillator algebra (GDOA) generators for PDEM system and construct a new set of operators which close the su(1, 1) Lie algebra, being the PDEM CS of the basis for its unitary irreducible representation. The residual potential is associated to the SHO. From the Lie algebra generators, we evaluate the uncertainty relationship for a position and momentum-like operators in the PDEM CS and show that it is minimized in the sense of Barut-Girardello CS. We prove that the deduced PDEM CS preserve the same analytical form than those of Glauber states. We show that the probability density of dynamical evolution in the PDEM CS oscillates back and forth as time goes by and behaves as classical wave packet.Comment: 13 page
