17 research outputs found

    Corporate governance and performance: An analysis of Italian listed companies

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    In recent years, both corporate governance and performance management have been subjected to considerable changes. In this dynamic context, it is interesting to study the evolution of the relationship between performance and governance. Does governance still affect performance? The purpose of this paper is to verify the presence and intensity (extent) of the relationship between corporate governance and performance in Italian listed companies by using both accounting and nonaccounting performance measures. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effects of prior firm performance on board composition and governance structure of some companies listed on the Italian stock exchange, analysing how a governance approach influences the performance of sample companies. For the research the methodology used is quantitative and we used regression analysis on a sample of 23 Italian listed companies: mechanical companies and public utilities to find that the company's performance was positively related to the size of the board. The empirical analysis conducted allowed us to verify the hypothesis according to which the increase in Corporate Governance Best Practices influences company performance. However, the results we have received do not allow us to arrive at completely unequivocal interpretations. The results showed we have received do not allow us to arrive at completely unequivocal interpretations; the main limit is the sample size used in this study was relatively small

    The application of intellectual capital reports in local authorities: analysis and empirical evidence

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    This paper aims to investigate intellectual capital management in a public organisation as the Chambers of Commerce; in particular, whether and to what extent intellectual capital contributes to overall accountability and what role intellectual capital plays as a management tool. In order to answer these questions, the paper examines a case study, the Chamber of Commerce of Verbania Cusio Ossola that, at present, is one of the few in Italy, which prepares an intellectual capital report, by dedicating to it a special section in its social budget, where IC is reported. The paper also describes the intellectual capital report used in the Chamber of Commerce, the information supplied and the role of intellectual capital management in this context explaining the value added it brings to the community

    The Influence of corporate governance's decision on corporate social responsibility

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    The need for an accurate and detailed disclosure, the need to understand the mechanisms of government under which the company is managed and controlled, are the starting point of the choices of the many stakeholders that revolve around the company. A large number of players is interested in corporate governance are among these, not only the major shareholders, but also an increasing number of small investors. CSR is an extension of firms efforts to foster effective corporate governance, ensuring firms sustainability via sound business practices that promote accountability and transparency. rnThe paper aims to explore the impact that various corporate governance mechanisms have on the commitment choice in terms of CSR by companies as well as the effect of that commitment on value creation of them. Promote sustainability for the company means simultaneously manage the economic value of production, social and environmental impacts in the logic of the triple botton line which considers three dimensions simultaneously: economic dimension; social dimension and environmental dimension.rnKeywords: CSR; sustainability report; corporate governance

    The Measurement of Human Capital in Family Firms

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    Intangibles are the key elements underpinning the competitiveness of enterprises. Among them a decisive role is certainly represented by the skills, knowledge, skills and experience possessed by members within organizations, as fundamental drivers thanks to which delineate identity and strategic objectives. Intangible assets became the determinants and foremost sources of company success (Drucker, 1993). The literature on human capital proposed that firms require to recruit, nurture and retain talents so that the knowledge base can be extended, which has the capacity to improve an organization's overall productivity (Boxall, 2003; Lin & Wang, 2005, Lim et al., 2010; Mehralian et al., 2013). The management of human capital as an important component of intangible assets often creates and sustains an organization's wealth and competitive advantage (Lim et al., 2010). The main aim of this paper is to define a list of indicators that can be to measure human capital intangibles identified in family firms

    Reporting Intellectual Capital in Health Care organizations: Specifics, lessons learned, and future research perspectives

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    This article analyzes the concept of intellectual capital (IC) in the health sector sphere by studying thecase of a major nonprofi t research organization in this sector, which has for some time been publishingIC reports. In the last few years, health care organizations have been the object of great attention in theimplementation and transfer of managerial models and tools; however, there is still a lack of attentionpaid to the strategic management of IC as a fundamental resource for supporting and enhancing performanceimprovement dynamics. The main aim of this article is to examine the IC reporting model usedby the Center of Molecular Medicine (CMM), a Swedish health organization which is an outstandingbenchmark in reporting its IC. We also consider the specifi cs of IC reporting for health organizations,the lessons learned by analyzing CMM’s IC reporting, and future perspectives for research

    Il legame tra innovazione strategica, capitale intellettuale e tecnologie intelligenti

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    Il successo delle aziende è strettamente legato alla loro capacità di innovare, cioè di proporre soluzioni nuove o migliorative rispetto alle preesistenti. L’innovazione costituisce un elemento imprescindibile per il conseguimento di risultati competitivi soddisfacenti soprattutto nei moderni contesti economici, dove la tecnologia si evolve rapidamente e cambia le “condizioni di gioco”, facendo diventare obsoleti prodotti e conoscenze pregresse, mutando i confini dei mercati e cambiando i rapporti di potere tra attori economici (ad esempio, il cliente sempre più informato e connesso con il mondo grazie ad internet acquista più potere rispetto ai fornitori di beni e servizi). In Italia, così come nel resto delle economie avanzate, l’innovazione è diventata l’arma principale con cui competere, per cui tutte le imprese di oggi, essendo ripetutamente sottoposte a rivoluzioni innovative, che ne mettono in discussione l’organizzazione e le strategie, avvertono la necessità di alimentare costantemente la propria capacità innovativa e rinnovativ

    Intellectual Capital Report in the Healthcare Sector: An Analysis of a Case Study

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    In the healthcare sector the growing interest in intellectual capital begins with the understanding thatthe ability to maintain and develop knowledge within it is one of a major reason for the success of thestructure. Knowledge presents in health care organizations is a valuable asset, essential to ensure agood quality of services, which has been not only enhanced but also continuously developed. In thissense, analyzing the intellectual capital in healthcare means put at the centre of attention knowledge, theprocesses that make it possible. This exploratory study aims to investigate the importance of intellectualcapital in the healthcare sector, thorough the examination and interpretation of Intellectual CapitalReport in a specific realty: the hospital in Udine, which systematically by few years prepares this report

    L’impatto della trasformazione digitale sulla performance aziendale. Un’analisi empirica sulle società quotate italiane

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    The purpose of this article is to explore whether there is a relationship between “goals transition” and “goals capabilities”, also evaluating its impact on the performance. The methodology used by the authors adopted descriptive statistical methods and econometric models. The data was collected through content analysis. The results show that the development of goals transition is not entirely homogenous among the companies in the sample. In fact, some companies undergo a more immediate and pervasive technological change than others in the same sector. The study helps to be more aware of the degree of development of the digital transformation underway and, above all, of the way in which companies can derive sustainable competitive advantages through innovation and continuous improvement. The limitation is to be found in the limited observation period which will be the subject of future research; furthermore, it may be thought of making a comparison with other companies, listed in EU countries, with sectors to which they belong and characteristics similar to those investigated in Italy

    Disclosure of innovation on sustainability report

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    Purpose – There are several studies on various aspects of the disclosure of companies but there is little research on elements related to the disclosure of innovation in particular. The work aims to fill this important gap by examining to what extent the companies listed on the Italian Stock Exchange, which prepare the sustainability report (non-financial declaration – NFS), disseminate information relating to innovative activities. Design/methodology/approach – The methodology used to achieve the research goal has used multiple linear regression models (OLS), to study the factors that influence disclosure. The data were collected through the content analysis. The sample is made up of 171 companies listed on the Italian stock exchange which prepared a sustainability report for the period of four years 2016–2019 (Sustainability Reports and Integrated Documentation) and which contain information on innovative activity. Findings – The research confirms a positive relationship between information on innovation and the economic variables of corporate investment. In addition, an important relationship emerges linked to the disclosure of innovative information and the business sector, innovation investments and R&D activity. Research limitations/implications – The work suffers from some limitations: the short period of observation subject to analysis, the lack of sustainability report 2020, the extension of the variables taken into consideration for the implementation of the regression models; it is desirable to consider a wider pool of variables in the future in order to implement further specific tests. Practical implications – On a practical level, the research suggests the adoption of a framework on the dissemination of innovative activity that allows easy reading of information (regardless of the sector and company size), built starting from the most representative keywords of the activities innovative, to be included in a specific section of the Sustainability Report. This work contributes to filling a cognitive gap connected to the disclosure of the innovative activity. There is much research on disclosure related to business activities, but no specific research regarding the communication of innovation. Originality/value – The study conducted contributes to fill a gap in the literature related to the disclosure of the innovative activity. The latter is a strategic element for effective and clear communication with stakeholders

    La valutazione del Consiglio di Amministrazione in contesti ad elevata concentrazione proprietaria: mero conformismo o reale strumento di valutazione?

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    Board evaluation is a best practice required on voluntary bases by Code of conduct. Despite its voluntary nature, companies very likely adopted this recommendation because the failure to adopt could have a negatively impact on company legitimation and reputation. Moreover, the implementation modalities of BE, however, could be negatively influenced by the specific companies’ ownership structure. The ownership concentration and the search for corporate legitimacy can lead at two possible situations: the BE have only formally adoption or BE have adoption in form and substance. What prevails in the context of ownership concentrated firms? Companies adopt the recommendation to comply with other companies (mere conformism) or it is a real assessment tool? We analyse the Italian non-financial listed companies, a market typically characterized by the presence of firms with high concentration of ownership, over the year 2011-2013. Our results reveal that, generally, BE is adopted but, in our sample, when ownership structure in concentrated, BE is more likely it is a result of mere conformism. The contribution is, as far as we know, the first to analyze the BE with reference to the context characterized by high concentration of ownership that can influence the quality of recommended best practice