893 research outputs found

    Modificazioni del capitale della società bancaria, stabilità finanziaria dell’Unione europea e garanzia dei soci

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    Il saggio intende esaminare gli effetti della legislazione e della giurisprudenza in materia di stabilità finanziaria sulla disciplina tradizionale del capitale della singola società bancaria, e in che modo l'interesse pubblico alla stabilità prevalga sull'interesse dei soci

    Archeologia in Piazza dei Miracoli. Gli scavi del 1998: le anfore (III - VII sec. d.C.)

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    Studio dei materiali anforici tardoantichi e altomedievali provenienti dagli scavi eseguiti a Pisa in Piazza dei Miracoli nel 1998

    The 'objets sonores': Rethinking Structural Conventions in Schaeffer, Boulez, Grisey

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    A rethinking of the conventional strategies of musical structuring has been intensively developed since WWII. At this time, not only the rules of the codified system of tonality were overcome, but also the notion of musical sound itself as it had been conventionally intended was questioned. The note, which implies the supremacy of pitch among sound qualities, was no longer accepted as the basic element of musical language. The notion of 'sonic object' was introduced, which entails the idea that musical sound can exceed the limits defined by conventional practice and codified system, and should be considered as an object to be researched and understood, in order to exploit its full potential. The research consists of a comparative study of three musicians operating in France after WWII: Pierre Schaeffer, Pierre Boulez, and Gerard Grisey. Apart from the obvious geographical connection, they share the will to develop a new way to organise music on the basis of the accurate understanding and complete exploitation of the sonic object. The research is organised in three sections, each devoted to the study of one musician, each using his theoretical and, where possible, his musical output to clarify his thought and the reasons of his practice. However, for every specific topic of discussion, comparisons between the musicians are undertaken, so that the originality and/or inconsistency of each is highlighted by a confrontation with the others. Overall, the work shows how, notwithstanding evident superficial differences, especially in the definition and description of the sonic object, all three musicians had to confront very similar basic issues, and how the theoretical codification of any music is in fact, most of the time, a quest for a conceptual coherence which is always exceeded by musical practice

    Ground signature extrapolation of three-dimensional near-field CFD predictions for several HSCT configurations

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    A CFD analysis of the near-field sonic boom environment of several low boom High Speed Civilian Transport (HSCT) concepts is presented. The CFD method utilizes a multi-block Euler marching code within the context of an innovative mesh topology that allows for the resolution of shock waves several body lengths from the aircraft. Three-dimensional pressure footprints at one body length below three-different low boom aircraft concepts are presented. Models of two concepts designed by NASA to cruise at Mach 2 and Mach 3 were built and tested in the wind tunnel. The third concept was designed by Boeing to cruise at Mach 1.7. Centerline and sideline samples of these footprints are then extrapolated to the ground using a linear waveform parameter method to estimate the ground signatures or sonic boom ground overpressure levels. The Mach 2 concept achieved its centerline design signature but indicated higher sideline booms due to the outboard wing crank of the configuration. Nacelles are also included on two of NASA's low boom concepts. Computations are carried out for both flow-through nacelles and nacelles with engine exhaust simulation. The flow-through nacelles with the assumption of zero spillage and zero inlet lip radius showed very little effect on the sonic boom signatures. On the other hand, it was shown that the engine exhaust plumes can have an effect on the levels of overpressure reaching the ground depending on the engine operating conditions. The results of this study indicate that engine integration into a low boom design should be given some attention

    Extensions of Neo-Hullian learning theory to selected areas of management.

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    Learning theory is employed as a model for three research areas of management: (a) job redesign, (b) the Hawthorne studies, and (c) attitude formation and change toward labor unions. Analogies are drawn between learning theoretical variables and variables in each of the three research areas. Based on these analogies, a large number of predictions are deduced. Learning theory is also shown to be capable of explaining a large portion of the respective literatures in these distinct research areas. The broader theoretical functions of research integration and research guidance are demonstrated by the use of an aesthetic theoretical tool employed in a highly functional theoretical technique

    Reconsidering sleep perception in insomnia: from misperception to mismeasurement.

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    So-called 'sleep misperception' refers to a phenomenon in which individuals have the impression of sleeping little or not at all despite normal objective measures of sleep. It is unknown whether this subjective-objective mismatch truly reflects an abnormal perception of sleep, or whether it results from the inability of standard sleep recording techniques to capture 'wake-like' brain activity patterns that could account for feeling awake during sleep. Here, we systematically reviewed studies reporting sleep macro- and microstructural, metabolic, and mental correlates of sleep (mis)perception. Our findings suggest that most individuals tend to accurately estimate their sleep duration measured with polysomnography (PSG). In good sleepers, feeling awake during sleep is the rule at sleep onset, remains frequent in the first non-rapid eye movement sleep cycle and almost never occurs in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. In contrast, there are patients with insomnia who consistently underestimate their sleep duration, regardless of how long they sleep. Unlike good sleepers, they continue to feel awake after the first sleep cycle and importantly, during REM sleep. Their mental activity during sleep is also more thought-like. Initial studies based on standard PSG parameters largely failed to show consistent differences in sleep macrostructure between these patients and controls. However, recent studies assessing sleep with more refined techniques have revealed that these patients show metabolic and microstructural electroencephalography changes that likely reflect a shift towards greater cortical activation during sleep and correlate with feeling awake. We discuss the significance of these correlates and conclude with open questions and possible ways to address them

    Innovazione finanziaria e rafforzamento del mercato unico per servizi finanziari retail: sfide, rischi, risposte della regolazione.

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    The paper addresses the issue of financial innovation and its possible impact on the EU single market for retail financial services. Financial innovation is framed as an articulated trend which actually entails a number of new players, services and products with a potential to transform the interactions between clients and financial intermediaries, as well as to reshape the boundaries of regulated activities and the concept of “authorized firms”. Three examples of such trends are presented and discussed, including automated financial tools, comparison websites and peer-to-peer lending platforms. Innovative financial products and services raise concern both for policymakers and regulators, especially in the light of the ongoing recovery of the financial system and the successful but demanding efforts aimed at fostering banks’ resilience. Increased embedding of advanced technologies in an attempt to enhance user-friendliness, comparability and transparency of banking, financial and insurance services while reducing costs for users, challenge the ways in which regulation is framed; these phenomena raise questions on the ongoing suitability of the traditional paradigm of supervision and regulation. In this context, the consequences of a further integration of retail financial services markets in the EU are also discussed. This brings to question how the role of national supervisory authorities as well as European ones will potentially evolve over time, and whether a need for a partial reconsideration of the distribution of tasks, responsibilities and forms of interaction with other relevant public and private stakeholders is emerging

    Supersonic nonlinear potential analysis

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    The NCOREL computer code was established to compute supersonic flow fields of wings and bodies. The method encompasses an implicit finite difference transonic relaxation method to solve the full potential equation in a spherical coordinate system. Two basic topic to broaden the applicability and usefulness of the present method which is encompassed within the computer code NCOREL for the treatment of supersonic flow problems were studied. The first topic is that of computing efficiency. Accelerated schemes are in use for transonic flow problems. One such scheme is the approximate factorization (AF) method and an AF scheme to the supersonic flow problem is developed. The second topic is the computation of wake flows. The proper modeling of wake flows is important for multicomponent configurations such as wing-body and multiple lifting surfaces where the wake of one lifting surface has a pronounced effect on a downstream body or other lifting surfaces

    The NCOREL computer program for 3D nonlinear supersonic potential flow computations

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    An innovative computational technique (NCOREL) was established for the treatment of three dimensional supersonic flows. The method is nonlinear in that it solves the nonconservative finite difference analog of the full potential equation and can predict the formation of supercritical cross flow regions, embedded and bow shocks. The method implicitly computes a conical flow at the apex (R = 0) of a spherical coordinate system and uses a fully implicit marching technique to obtain three dimensional cross flow solutions. This implies that the radial Mach number must remain supersonic. The cross flow solutions are obtained by using type dependent transonic relaxation techniques with the type dependency linked to the character of the cross flow velocity (i.e., subsonic/supersonic). The spherical coordinate system and marching on spherical surfaces is ideally suited to the computation of wing flows at low supersonic Mach numbers due to the elimination of the subsonic axial Mach number problems that exist in other marching codes that utilize Cartesian transverse marching planes