169 research outputs found

    A New Measure of Disparities in Development

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    A Tentative Categorisation of Various Types of Work Flexibility

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    The article provides a more detailed discussion of a tentative categorization of various types of work flexibility in Slovenia on the basis of the survey from the international Households, Work & Flexibility project. It shows that there are statistically significant differences between selected flexibility categories in the ('objective') characteristics related to work, but practically no significant differences in the ('subjective') opinions on possible work/family conflicts or agreements about various household issues. In comparison with the candidate countries, the Netherlands, Sweden, & the UK reveal a much higher share of atypical forms of employment, but also greater satisfaction with various aspects of work. These large differences are influenced not only by institutional & policy choices, but also by general factors such as the level of development, economic structure, lifestyles, & preferences. The results arising out of the 'supply side' of work show that flexible forms of employment can be both more or less favorable than typical, full-time, permanent employment with a regular schedule & one economic activity. The answer to this depends both on objective & subjective criteria. Such empirical research can be an important element in contributing to the process of building a social consensus around how to balance the benefits & costs of flexible forms for all stakeholders

    Analysis of Information Society Indicators with Time Distance Methodology

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    A novel generic statistical measure S-time-distance complementing existing methods of analysis of time series data is briefly presented. The application to indicator analysis shows that the gap between compared units may be very different when compared with commonly used static measures and with time distance measure, leading to a special typology of indicators. Analysis of indicators like PC per 100 inhabitants and Internet users per capita will show the empirical results for EU countries

    Diminutive Nouns and Verbs in Slovene Compared to Their English Equivalents

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    A contrastive analysis of nominal and verbal diminutives in Slovene and English clearly shows that diminutive formation and use of diminutives in Slovene are tied to the morphological characteristics of nouns and verbs, and, consequently, their morphological-lexemic features, whereas the focus of diminutive formation and use in English remains bound to the syntactic use, or rather, the respective syntactic-semantic use of a given lexeme. In all languages, diminutiveness is a basic element of semantic extension, which can, however, be realized predominantly morphologically, as is the case in Slovene, or predominantly syntactically, as is the case in English. As an element of semantic extension, nominal and, more rarely, verbal diminutiveness in Slovene also plays a crucial role in the development of terminology—in this case the diminutive as language metaphor gains semantic independence and becomes a technical term, a phenomenon that is practically unknown in English

    Stvaranje i izvođenje suvremene glazbe kao metoda učenja glazbenim jezikom

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    The article analyses the results of a case study on a workshop for contemporary music which represents an excellent example of arts partnership in Slovenia. The aim of the workshop was to stimulate creative use of contemporary musical language in connection with the development of the lifelong cultural awareness and expression competence. The results of the interviews with 17 participants of the workshop pointed out the complex occurrence of various indicators, which, at the level of personal, social and intellectual competences, determined the nature of musical expression through contemporary music and indirectly influenced the development of the lifelong cultural awareness and expression competence. Through the creative process, participants expressed motivation and sensitivity for contemporary music and developed their musical abilities as well as their sense of community and self-identity. The identified challenges included students’ lack of musical experience with contemporary music, the low priority given to contemporary music in schools as well as teachers’ lack of professional knowledge in this field.U članku se analiziraju rezultati studije slučaja o radionici za suvremenu glazbu koja predstavlja izvrstan primjer suradnje obrazovnih i kulturnih institucija. Cilj radionice bio je potaknuti kreativnu uporabu suvremenog glazbenog jezika u povezivanju razvoja doživotne kompetentnosti kulturne svijesti i izražavanja. Rezultati intervjua sa 17 sudionika radionice ukazuju na složenost pojave različitih pokazatelja koji na razini osobnih i društvenih kompetencija određuju prirodu glazbenog izražavanja kroz suvremenu glazbu i posredno utječu na razvoj kompetencija u kulturnoj svijesti i izražavanju. Stvaranje i izvođenje suvremene glazbe potaknulo je samospoznaju sudionika, istraživanje parametara glazbenog jezika, izražavanje osjećaja, interakciju s drugima, toleranciju, zajedničko rješavanje problema, razmjenu iskustava, stavova i mišljenja, razmišljanja o vlastitom radu i ocjenjivanju. Kreativnim procesom sudionici su izrazili motivaciju i osjetljivost za suvremenu glazbu i razvili svoje glazbene sposobnosti te osjećaj zajedništva i vlastita identiteta. U tom okviru rezultati potvrđuju važnost kreativnog izražavanja iskustva, ideja i emocija suvremenim glazbenim jezikom, što se može shvatiti kao važan korak u razvoju doživotne kompetentnosti kulturne svijesti i izražavanja. Identificirani izazovi uključuju nedostatak glazbenih iskustava učenika za suvremenu glazbu na svim razinama obrazovanja, slabi prioritet koji se daje suvremenoj glazbi u školama, kao i nedostatak stručnog znanja nastavnika u tom području. Studija ističe potrebu za više iskustva u suvremenom glazbenom jeziku u općim i glazbenim stručnim školama

    Stvaranje i izvođenje suvremene glazbe kao metoda učenja glazbenim jezikom

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    The article analyses the results of a case study on a workshop for contemporary music which represents an excellent example of arts partnership in Slovenia. The aim of the workshop was to stimulate creative use of contemporary musical language in connection with the development of the lifelong cultural awareness and expression competence. The results of the interviews with 17 participants of the workshop pointed out the complex occurrence of various indicators, which, at the level of personal, social and intellectual competences, determined the nature of musical expression through contemporary music and indirectly influenced the development of the lifelong cultural awareness and expression competence. Through the creative process, participants expressed motivation and sensitivity for contemporary music and developed their musical abilities as well as their sense of community and self-identity. The identified challenges included students’ lack of musical experience with contemporary music, the low priority given to contemporary music in schools as well as teachers’ lack of professional knowledge in this field.U članku se analiziraju rezultati studije slučaja o radionici za suvremenu glazbu koja predstavlja izvrstan primjer suradnje obrazovnih i kulturnih institucija. Cilj radionice bio je potaknuti kreativnu uporabu suvremenog glazbenog jezika u povezivanju razvoja doživotne kompetentnosti kulturne svijesti i izražavanja. Rezultati intervjua sa 17 sudionika radionice ukazuju na složenost pojave različitih pokazatelja koji na razini osobnih i društvenih kompetencija određuju prirodu glazbenog izražavanja kroz suvremenu glazbu i posredno utječu na razvoj kompetencija u kulturnoj svijesti i izražavanju. Stvaranje i izvođenje suvremene glazbe potaknulo je samospoznaju sudionika, istraživanje parametara glazbenog jezika, izražavanje osjećaja, interakciju s drugima, toleranciju, zajedničko rješavanje problema, razmjenu iskustava, stavova i mišljenja, razmišljanja o vlastitom radu i ocjenjivanju. Kreativnim procesom sudionici su izrazili motivaciju i osjetljivost za suvremenu glazbu i razvili svoje glazbene sposobnosti te osjećaj zajedništva i vlastita identiteta. U tom okviru rezultati potvrđuju važnost kreativnog izražavanja iskustva, ideja i emocija suvremenim glazbenim jezikom, što se može shvatiti kao važan korak u razvoju doživotne kompetentnosti kulturne svijesti i izražavanja. Identificirani izazovi uključuju nedostatak glazbenih iskustava učenika za suvremenu glazbu na svim razinama obrazovanja, slabi prioritet koji se daje suvremenoj glazbi u školama, kao i nedostatak stručnog znanja nastavnika u tom području. Studija ističe potrebu za više iskustva u suvremenom glazbenom jeziku u općim i glazbenim stručnim školama

    Creative Expression Through Contemporary Musical Language

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    El paraclausithyron en Teócrito

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    Odgojitelji i glazbeno nadarena djeca u slovenskim vrtićima

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    The aim of the present study, which involved preschool teachers, was to explore the area of working with musically gifted children. In particular, we focused on the identification of musically gifted children and monitoring of their musical development, preschool teachers’ competence for working with children, and evaluation of factors important for the development of musically gifted children. Research results showed that the majority of preschool teachers: were able to identify musically gifted children; rarely monitored and documented children’s musical development systematically and did not acquire enough knowledge for working with musically gifted children during their formal and informal education. Among the important factors influencing the development of musically gifted children, preschool teachers pointed out motivation to work with musically gifted children, identification of musically gifted children, cooperation with music experts and parents, and implementation of additional musical activities.Cilj ovog istraživanja, koje je uključivalo odgojitelje u vrtiću, bio je istražiti područje rada s glazbeno nadarenom djecom. Posebno smo se usredotočili na otkrivanje glazbeno nadarene djece i praćenje njihovog glazbenog napretka, kompetencije odgojitelja za rad s djecom i procjenom čimbenika važnih za razvoj glazbeno nadarene djece. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da je većina odgojitelja: uspjela otkriti glazbeno nadarenu djecu; rijetko su sustavno pratili i dokumentirali glazbeni napredak djece i nisu stekli dovoljno znanja za rad s glazbeno nadarenom djecom tijekom svog formalnog i neformalnog obrazovanja. Među važnim čimbenicima koji utječu na razvoj glazbeno nadarene djece odgojitelji su istaknuli motivaciju za rad s glazbeno nadarenom djecom, otkrivanje glazbeno nadarene djece, suradnju s glazbenim stručnjacima i roditeljima te provedbu dodatnih glazbenih aktivnosti


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    Prispevek želi osvetliti težnjo slovenskih staršev po poimenovanju svojih otrok z imeni, ki so sposojena iz angleščine. Podatki, zbrani pri Statističnem uradu Republike Slovenije (SURS), potrjujejo, da se je v preteklih desetletjih povečal vnos tujejezičnih (in s tem tudi angleških) osebnih imen. Primerjava statističnih seznamov najpogostejših imen za novorojence za obdobji 1961-1970 in 2001-2015 pokaže, kako v primeru osebnih imen eksoticizmi (npr. Alex, Liam, Nick, Ruby in Zoe, ki jih najdemo med dvesto najbolj priljubljenimi imeni za zadnje statistično obdobje) tekmujejo z imeni, ki so bila prevzeta in podomačena pred mnogimi leti (npr. Robert). Vnos sposojenih imen obravnavamo z vidika pragmatičnega sposojanja, kot to opisuje in razvija G. Andersen (2014). Podan je kratek zgodovinski pregled sposojanja angleških osebnih imen v slovenščino ter opisana vloga angleščine kot jezika dajalca. Takšne pragmatično sposojene prvine kažejo tudi pomembne sociolingvistične značilnosti sposojevalcev ter posebnosti njihovega odnosa do obeh jezikov. Le-te skušamo analizirati s pomočjo vprašalnika, ki so ga izpolnjevali starši vrtčevskih otrok, in pri tem ovrednotiti kulturološki pomen angleškega jezikovnega vpliva na Slovenskem