1 research outputs found

    Analisis Implementasi Layout Fungsional Pada Lantai Produksi Departemen Veneer PT. Ebako Nusantara

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    On the production floor of the Department of Veneer, there are some problems, such as there is no clear boundary of each work stations, so that the raw material is placed carelessly on the production floor area. In addition, there is a lot of work in process material located on the street of production floor, so it looks full and blocks the way. And last, there are backtrackings by the workers to take the goods to be processed. However, after analysis, it was concluded that the current layout implementation Veneer Department has been implemented well. Form of flow processes in the Department of Veneer is a U-flow. Total costs resulting from these layouts by multiplying the distance rectilnier and the amount of flow of the process and material costs to obtain a total cost of Rp. 32.719,2. Based on the calculation algorithm with software CRAFT Facility Location Layout no other alternative that can produce a smaller total cost so that the implementation of the existing layout is now said to be optimal