13 research outputs found

    A Relação entre Interno/especialista e a Transmissão da Psicoterapia Durante o Internato de (Pedo)Psiquiatria

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    A formação em psicoterapia não se pode resumir à formação em diferentes técnicas ou métodos; para além da aquisição de conhecimentos teóricos e práticos, é da responsabilidade do especialista com quem o interno se encontra durante a sua viagem, a transmissão do “saber fazer” e identidade. Neste artigo, propõe-se abordar a relação entre internos e especialistas, que serve como base para transmissão da intersubjectividade necessária à prática psicoterapêutica. Se a psicoterapia tem como base o encontro e interacções únicas que existem entre o terapeuta e o seu paciente, poderemos dizer o mesmo da transmissão entre o clínico/especialista e o seu/sua interno/a. À dupla (ou casal) clínico/paciente responde a dupla (ou casal) especialista/interno, e uma dupla (ou casal) pode existir sem contexto e sem amor?info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    How do parents manage irritability, challenging behavior, non-compliance and anxiety in children with Autism Spectrum Disorders? A meta-synthesis

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    Although there is increasing research interest in the parenting of children with ASD, at present, little is known about everyday strategies used to manage problem behaviour. We conducted a meta-synthesis to explore what strategies parents use to manage irritability, non-compliance, challenging behaviour and anxiety in their children with ASD. Approaches included: (1) accommodating the child; (2) modifying the environment; (3) providing structure, routine and occupation; (4) supervision and monitoring; (5) managing non-compliance with everyday tasks; (6) responding to problem behaviour; (7) managing distress; (8) maintaining safety and (9) analysing and planning. Results suggest complex parenting demands in children with ASD and problem behaviour. Findings will inform the development of a new measure to quantify parenting strategies relevant to ASD

    Clin Child Psychol Psychiatry

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    Background: Therapeutic alliance is one of the most important aspects of treatment of adolescents with anorexia nervosa. Little is known about the facilitators and obstacles of its process in this situation. We aimed to explore the experience of therapeutic alliance in inpatient treatment among adolescents with anorexia nervosa, their parents and their psychiatrists. Methods: This qualitative study, using semi-structured interviews, took place in France. Data collection by purposive sampling continued until we reached theoretical sufficiency. Data analysis was thematic. Results: Forty-one participants were included, 15 teenaged girls, 18 parents and 8 psychiatrists. Analysis showed two themes: (1) what facilitates an alliance in treatment – with four facilitators: (a) human qualities, (b) an active role in the treatment, (c) taking time and (d) taking care of the entire family and (2) what impedes an alliance in treatment with four obstacles: (a) being too close or too distant, (b) focusing on weight, (c) control and constraints and (d) psychiatrization. Conclusion: Collaborative work between paediatricians and psychiatrists could facilitate therapeutic alliance with parents. Definition of therapeutic alliance in this situation should be enlarged to include the adolescent–parent relationship. It is necessary to construct specific items to integrate these specific aspects to existing scales

    Photo-elicitation with adolescents in qualitative research: an example of its use in exploring family interactions in adolescent psychiatry

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    Abstract Background Photo-elicitation is a method used increasingly often in qualitative health research, and its positive effect on the research process is well established today. Photo-elicitation appears to facilitate verbalization and insight and to improve relationships between the researcher and participants, thereby enriching the quality of the data collected. Nonetheless, it is barely used at all in the field of adolescent psychiatry. With the aim of exploring the potential of these methods for research with adolescents receiving psychiatric care, we conducted a qualitative photo-elicitation data collection study with this population, asking them about family interactions around food. Methods The data were collected from 15 adolescents and 17 parents during semi-structured interviews in which a photo taken by the adolescent served as the focus of discussion. Data were explored through inductive thematic analysis. Results Photo-elicitation played a threefold role in this study: (1) it induced the teens’ interest, thought, and pleasure, (2) it played a mediating function during the interviews, and (3) it enabled family interactions to be viewed from the adolescent’s perspective. Three themes concerning family interactions were found: (1) parent–child relationship patterns, (2) the functioning of the family group, and (3) the adolescent’s individual relation with food, that is, the issue of the adolescent’s autonomy. Conclusions Photo-elicitation proved to be an innovative technique in qualitative research in the area of adolescent psychiatry, one that enriched the data and enabled the emergence of new themes in this field, related in particular to the process by which adolescents develop autonomy

    J Can Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry

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    Objective: Anxiety-based school refusal in adolescence is a complex, sometimes difficult to treat disorder that can have serious academic and psychiatric consequences. The objective of this qualitative study was to explore how teens with this problem and their parents experience the psychiatric care received. Methods: This qualitative multicenter study took place in France, where we conducted semi-structured interviews with adolescents receiving psychiatric care for anxiety-based school refusal and with their parents. Data collection by purposive sampling continued until we reached theoretical sufficiency. Data analysis was thematic. Results: This study included 20 adolescents aged 12 to 18 years and 21 parents. Two themes emerged from the analysis: (1) the goals of psychiatric care with two sub-themes, "self-transformation" and problem solving; and, (2) the therapeutic levers identified as effective with two sub-themes: time and space and relationships. Conclusion: Our results show a divergence between parents and teens in their representations of care and especially of its goals. Therapeutic and research implications about the terms of return to school within psychiatric care and also the temporality of care are discussed

    Global child and adolescent mental health perspectives from Donald J Cohen Fellows: bringing change locally, while thinking globally

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    Child and adolescent mental health (CAMH) are a global priority. Different countries across the globe face unique challenges in CAMH services that are specific to them. However, there are multiple issues that are also similar across countries. These issues have been presented in this commentary from the lens of early career CAMH professionals who are alumni of the Donald J Cohen Fellowship program of the IACAPAP. We also present recommendations that can be implemented locally, namely, how promoting mental health and development of children and adolescents can result in better awareness and interventions, the need to improve quality of care and access to care, use of technology to advance research and practices in CAMH, and how investing in research can secure and support CAMH professionals and benefit children and adolescents across the globe. As we continue to navigate significant uncertainty due to dynamic circumstances globally, bolstering collaborations by “bringing change locally, while thinking globally” are invaluable to advancing global CAMH research, clinical service provision, and advancement of the field