6 research outputs found

    Bahasa, Etnisitas Dan Potensinya Terhadap Konflik Etnis

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    Etnis merupakan katgori sosial atau identifikasi sosial. Artinya, etnis adalah konsep yang diciptakan berdasarkan ciri khas sosial yang dimiliki sekelompok masyarakat yang membedakannya dari kelompok yang lain. Etnisitas adalah properti hubungan antar kelompok di mana perbedaan budaya antar kelompok dikomunikasikan secara sistematis dan berlangsung secara terus menerus. Hubungan ini bersifat relational dan situasional di mana karakter etnis terlibat di dalamnya. Perbedaan antar etnis bisa jadi menimbulkan perilaku etnosentris (keberpihakan terhadap anggota etnis yang berlebihan), perilaku prejudice (berburuk sangka) dan perilaku negatif lainnya yang diwujudkan dalam tindakan terlihat, seperti tindak diskriminatif dan tindakan terdengar yang wujud dalam penggunaan bahasa. Kedua jenis tindakan ini dan tindakan negatif lainnya menumbuhkan potensi konflik antar etnis. Tindak terlihat maupun tindak terdengar adalah cerminan atau perwujudan dari nilai, sikap dan pandangan yang dimiliki suatu etnis dalam konteks etnisitas. Oleh karena itu peningkatan dan pembinaan penggunaan bahasa sebagai alat komunikasi dalam konteks etnisitas tanpa pembinaan nilai, sikap dan pandangan besar kemungkinannya untuk gagal dalam upaya mencegah potensi konflik menjadi konflik sesungguhnya

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Guru Mengevaluasi Metode Pembelajaran Pada Tahapan Perancangan Dan Implementasi Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris

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    Any language teaching method is developed with certain philosophical assumptions on the nature of both language and language learning. These assumptions are reflected in the other two aspects of a method, namely design and technique. Therefore, once these assumptions are clearly understood, the other two aspects will be understood more easily. The understanding of the nature of both language and language learning is changing from time to time in line with the development of researches in language and language learning. Consequently, the language teaching methods are also changing from time to time following the developing understanding of language and language learning. Encountering such a situation, an English teacher should be able to evaluate the strength and weakness of any new method, to decide which method is the most suitable and effective to teach what aspect of the language. Since a language teaching method is developed mainly based on the nature of language, and language learning, the teacher should do the evaluation of the method based on this philosophical assumption in order to obtain accurate judgment on it, and also in order to understand it thoroughly and by so doing they can implement it properly. The mastery of the philosophical assumptions of a new method is a key factor in evaluating, understanding as well as applying it properly. On the other hand, the assumption is continuously changing due to the continuous researches conducted in these fields. In order to keep competent in evaluating a language teaching method, an English teacher should keep up with the continuous development in the two field researches

    Pengembangan Sensitifitas Dan Kreatifitas Guru Bahasa Inggris Dalam Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran: Analisis Metode Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris Berbasis Tugas

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    Sensitivity refers to the teacher's ability to find out instantly if learning has happened or not during the process of teaching and learning a second language while creativity to the ability to create improving teaching behaviors to overcome the learning failure happening during the teaching and learning activities. These competencies are very important and considered a key factor of effective teaching. Therefore they badly need to be developed. To develop these competencies, many related teaching variables must be mastered and one of these variables is language teaching method. For the purpose of sensitivity and creativity development, a language teaching method should be correctly studied by studying its linguistic assumption and its learning principle thoroughly rather than by simply memorizing the methodological procedures proposed by a method and putting them into action as exactly as prescribed. The latter is very far from sufficient. In studying the task-based language teaching for the same purpose, the concept of task and its underlying learning principle-which is the same as that underlying the learning of first language-should be comprehensively mastered. The mastery of a language teaching method in a correct way tends to be more contributive to the development of creativity in the method application rather than to the development of sensitivity

    The Effect of Applying Predict, Organize, Rehearse, Practice, Evaluate (PORPE) Strategy on Students' Reading Comprehension

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    This study was conducted as an attempt to find out the effect of applying Predict, Organize, Rehearse, Practice, Evaluate (PORPE) strategy on students' reading comprehension. This study used experimental design. The population of this study was students of Grade XI, Senior High School (Sekolah Menengah Atas: SMA) Negeri 1 Lumbanjulu which consisted of 120 students. There were sixty students from the population taken as the sample in this study. The sample was divided into two randomized groups: experimental and control groups. The experimental group was taught by using PORPE strategy, while the control group was taught by using conventional method.To obtain the reliability of the test, the writer applied Kuder Richardson 21 formula (KR-21). The result of the reliability was 0.81. The data were analyzed by using t-test formula. The analysis showed that the scores of the students in the experimental group were significantly higher than the scores of the students in the control group at the level of significance 0.05 with the degree of freedom (df) 58 , t-observed value 2.8 > t-table value 2.00. The findings indicated that using PORPE strategy significantly affected the students' reading comprehension. Therefore, the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted