3 research outputs found


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    Purposes: The crisis in modern humanitarian science testifies to the need to search for a new approach that goes beyond the boundaries of the natural-science approach, which in its turn involves addressing to the origins of our culture, expanding the categorical apparatus and methodological basis of psychology. In individual consciousness, the spiritual crisis is expressed in the loss of the ideals of life. Therefore, at the present stage of the development of society, the need for a philosophical and psychological analysis of spiritual and moral ideas and their role in the formation of the individual is felt with particular severity. Methodology: In the framework of the activity approach embodied in the works of S. L. Rubinstein, the main provisions were formulated, which are of special methodological importance for the solution of this problem. In particular, these are provisions on the study of the human psyche through its manifestations in the main types of activity and the influence on the activities of external causes, not directly, but indirectly, through its internal, psychological conditions. Results: This article is devoted to the description of the results of an empirical study carried out from the position of the activity approach and aimed at revealing the level of ethical behavior of adolescence and youth ages. The urgency of the study is due to the fact that the tendency of the transition from the theoretical-descriptive to the experimental-developing technology of research of ethical characteristics is clearly manifested in the work. Implications/Applications: This article could be practical in predicting the problems regarding the study of Ethical Characteristics of person and help the audience to broaden their information in this vein. Novelty/Originality: In one case, the individual in the process of communicating with other people, assimilates universal values, the experience of moral relations, develops beliefs and moral ideals, in the other can under the influence of communication become attached to completely opposite values, degrade morall

    The Bank’s Financially Stable Supply Chain as the Basis for Attraction of Investors

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    In this article the authors is examined a key conceptual apparatus and basis indicators of evaluation of the financial stability of supply chain in banks, methods of evaluation of financial stability of banks, through which potential investors can improve the process of making a decision about the rationality of cooperation with a financial institution and investing funds in this financial institution. Revealed main advantages and disadvantages of the suggested in this article method of analysis of banks financial stability of supply chain and formed a conclusion. In this article the authors formed the key purposes of carrying out the analysis of financial stability of commercial banks, introduced the formulas for calculating the crucial coefficients of appraisal of supply chain financial stability and indicated their interpretation, described their advantages and drawbacks, also described automated application programs for evaluating the financial status of commercial banks, allowing you to visually see and assess the current situation in which the financial institution is located, and also allows you to make a forecast of development trends, through which it is possible to identify and how reliable, competitive, and therefore the banks financially stable supply chain, which is mainly attractive for potential investor

    Emprego e adaptação de trabalho de graduados da Universidade Russa com deficiência

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    The article is devoted to the analysis of the problem of social and labor adaptation and employment of university graduates with disabilities, which is relevant in modern socioeconomic conditions. As a result of the sociological research conducted by the authors, the main difficulties that arise for this category of graduates when searching and choosing a job and further employment have been identified. The analysis allows proposing, as an activation of the implementation of the principles of inclusion, an adaptation of social space for effective socialization of the increasing number of people with disabilities in recent decades and their integration into the big society, introducing promising foreign practices of the so-called supported employment of persons with disabilities.El artículo está dedicado al análisis de la problemática de la adaptación sociolaboral y el empleo de los egresados universitarios con discapacidad, que es relevante en las condiciones socioeconómicas modernas. Como resultado de la investigación sociológica realizada por los autores, se han identificado las principales dificultades que surgen para esta categoría de egresados a la hora de buscar y elegir un trabajo y un empleo posterior. El análisis permite proponer, como activación de la implementación de los principios de inclusión, una adecuación del espacio social para la socialización efectiva del creciente número de personas con discapacidad en las últimas décadas y su integración en la "gran" sociedad, introduciendo prometedoras prácticas extranjeras. del denominado "empleo con apoyo" de las personas con discapacidad.O artigo se dedica à análise da problemática, relevante nas condições socioeconômicas modernas, da adaptação social e laboral e do emprego de graduados universitários com deficiência. Como resultado da investigação sociológica realizada pelos autores, foram identificadas as principais dificuldades que surgem para essa categoria de licenciados na procura e na escolha de um emprego e de continuação do emprego. A análise permite propor, como uma ativação da implementação dos princípios da inclusão, uma adaptação do espaço social para a efetiva socialização do crescente número de pessoas com deficiência nas últimas décadas e sua inserção na grande sociedade, introduzindo práticas estrangeiras promissoras. do chamado emprego apoiado de pessoas com deficiência