5 research outputs found

    Produksi Serasah Mangrove di Biangkuk, Kabupaten Merauke

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    Mangroves are plants that live in tidal or interface areas between terrestrial and marine ecosystems in tropical and subtropical regions. Mangrove ecosystem is one of the coastal ecosystems that have  a very important role, especially for organisms, namely as a supplier of nutrients produced by mangrove litter. An observation regarding litter productivity is still limited in Papua, especially in the city of Merauke. The method used in this study is the transect method, using 3 (three) transects. Mangrove  litter  is taken by using a litter trap container placed under the mangrove  tree. The results obtained from litter production in each transect are as follows transect 1 of 167.8 g/m²/Month, Transect 2 of 65.4 g/m²/Month, and Transect 60 g/m²/Month while density mangrove in each transect 1 transect has a higher tree density value of 65 Ind/ m² while in Transect 2 it has a total litter production of 32 Ind / m² and the mangrove density value in Transect 3 is lower compared to stations 1 and 2 which are 25 Ind/m².Mangrove merupakan tumbuhan yang hidup di daerah pasang surut atau peralihan (interface) antara ekosistem darat dan laut pada daerah tropis dan sub tropis. Ekosistem mangrove merupakan salah satu ekosistem pesisir yang memiliki peranan yang sangat penting, terutama bagi organisme yaitu sebagai penyuplai nutrien yang dihasilkan oleh serasah. Pengamatan mengenai produktivitas serasah masih minim dilakukan di Papua khususnya kota Merauke. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode transek, dengan menggunakan 3 (tiga) transek. Pengambilan serasah dilakukan dengan menggunakan litter trap penampung yang diletakkan dibawah kanopi pohon. Hasil yang diperoleh Produksi serasah pada masing-masing transek yaitu sebagai berikut Transek 1 sebesar 167,8 g/m²/1 Bulan, Transek 2 sebesar 65,4 g/m²/1 Bulan, dan Transek 60 g/m²/1 Bulan sedangkan kerapatan mangrove pada masing-masing transek transek 1 memiliki nilai kerapatan pohon lebih tinggi  yaitu 65 Ind/ m² sedangkan di Transek 2 memiliki jumlah produksi serasah  yaitu 32 Ind/ m² dan nilai kerapatan mangrove pada Transek 3 lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan Stasiun 1 dan 2 yaitu 25 Ind/ m²


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    Forests reduce and store CO2 through a process of "sequestration" that is the storage of carbon from the atmosphere and its storage in several copartments such as plants, litter, and soil organic matter. Mangrove forest is a unique and unique type of forest because it is able to adapt to environments with high salinity, soil conditions without oxygen and once in a while. ne example of mangrove forests in Indonesia is mangrove forest in the Kumbe river estuary, Merauke Regency, Papua Province. The Kumbe river estuary is one of the eastern Indonesian waters bordering the Indian Ocean. At the Kumbe river estuary there has been no research on carbon stocks in the mangrove community. So it is necessary to do research on carbon stocks in the region. In this study the measurement of carbon stocks used was done by measuring carbon above ground, and ground. Above ground carbon stock components include trees, understorey, and litter. The mechanism for measuring above ground carbon stock is done by estimating biomass, which is then converted to carbon concentration. The results of this study indicate that the carbon stocks in trees, Understorey and litter in sequence are 85.55 Mg / Ha, 392.93 Mg / Ha and 70.75 Mg / Ha; 0.78 Mg / Ha, 1.26 Mg / Ha and 1.24 Mg / Ha and 2.04 Mg / Ha, 1.28 Mg / Ha and 1.2 Mg / Ha. As for the proportion of carbon stock values ​​found in mangrove forests that trees contribute greatly to total carbon stock. Keyword : Mangrove, carbon stocks, Merauke, Kumb

    Potential Regeneration of Mangrove Coastal of Payum Beach Merauke District

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the regeneration potential of mangroves found on the coast of Payum, Merauke Regency, Papua Province. This research was conducted in August-October 2018. The data collection technique was purposive sampling using Transect Line Plots. The sampling location was chosen based on the representation of the presence of mangroves in three locations, namely zones A, B and C. The results of this study explained that there were three tree-level mangrove species, namely Avicennia alba, Rhizophora apiculata and Sonneratia alba. Type A. alba dominates in zone A with an important value index (INP) of 205.76%, zone B does not have a certain type that dominates, while Rhizophora apiculata dominates in zone C with INP 185.35%. The potential of the three mangrove species in zones A, B and C is good. Aegialitis annulata species are only found in sapling and seedling levels. In zones A and B are classified as new while in zone C is classified as bad. This study concluded that Avicennia alba, Rhizophora apiculata and Sonneratia alba had the potential to regenerate in all three locations (Zones A, B and C) compared to Aegialitis annulata

    Tingkat Pengetahuan Nelayan Pesisir Wendu Tentang Ikan Pari Gergaji (Pristis spp.)

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    This study aims to determine the level of knowledge of Wendu coastal fishermen’s about sawfish. This research was conducted in June 2021-March 2022. The sample in this study was 92 people, using the non-probability sampling method. The type of non-probability sampling used in this research is purposive sampling. Data analysis technique is done by combining quantitative and qualitative data analysis. The average knowledge of the habitat reaches 68%, food reaches 75%, uniqueness reaches 97%, the use of rostrum reaches 70%, handling if accidentally caught reaches 73%, utilization status reaches 62%, reasons for protection reach 75%, protection regulations reach 94%, overall the average level of knowledge of respondents reached 77%.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan nelayan pesisir Wendu tentang ikan pari gergaji. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Juni 2021-Maret 2022. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 92 orang, menggunakan metode non-probability sampling. Jenis non-probability sampling yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah purposive sampling. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan mengkombinasikan analisis data kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Rata-rata pengetahuan terhadap habitat mencapai 68%, makanan mencapai 75%, keunikan mencapai 97%, kegunaan rostrum mencapai 70%, penanganan jika tidak sengaja tertangkap mencapai 73%, status pemanfaatan mencapai 62%, alasan perlindungan mencapai 75%, peraturan perlindungan mencapai 94%, secara keseluruhan rata–rata tingkat pengetahuan responden mencapai 77%

    Vegetation Structure And Carbon Stock In The Mangrove Community Of Payumb Coast, Merauke Regency, Papua

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    Mangrove forests in Indonesia play an important role in mitigating climate changes and providing other ecosystem services; however, their extent continues to decline. Information on mangrove community and its carbon stock, especially for Papua, is still limited. This study was conducted to describe vegetation structure and estimate carbon stock in Payumb Coast in Merauke District, Papua. There were three primary mangrove species identified, namely, Avicennia alba, Rhizophora apiculata and Sonneratia alba. Species dominance varied along a gradient of salinity and substrate perpendicular to the shoreline. A. alba is dominant in the closest zone to the shoreline (importance value 205.76%), while R. apiculata is dominant in the farthest zone (importance value 185,35). At the community level, the carbon stock in trees differed significantly between zones (p<0.05), with the highest in the zone dominated by R. apiculata. This study has provided preliminary data on carbon stock estimation at the community level; further studies should be conducted to estimate total carbon stock based on all above- and belowground components. More accurate estimations become important, as it was found that different species could contain significantly different carbon stock; thus producing variation among mangrove communities