6 research outputs found
The deposition of heavy metals in Ambon Bay was investigated by using sponge species (Callispongia sp.) as bioindicator. Two different sampling schemes are discussed in this paper: a random sampling scheme with 8 sampling sites distributed over the whole territory of Ambon Bay. Unwashed, dried samples were totally the concentrations of metal elements were determined by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES). Heavy metal Cd. The median concentrations and statistical parameters of elements were discussed by comparing two sampling schemes. The results of both sampling schemes are compared with the results of other the location of the net. Different levels of the contamination valuated by the respective contamination factor (CF) of each element are obtained for both sampling schemes, while the local contamination identified like cadmium metallurgy and cement industry, oil refinery, mining industry, and transport have been the same for both sampling schemes. In addition, the natural sources, from the accumulation of these metals in sponge caused by metal-enriched soil, associated with activity in the land were pointed as another possibility of local factors
Transformasi Indeks Vegetasi Citra LANDSAT 8 OLI untuk Pemetaan Musim Tanam pada Lahan Sawah di Kabupaten Buru, Provinsi Maluku
The use of satellite imagery in agriculture has been widely used, for example in plantation areas or in rice fields. Satellite imagery can estimate the area of paddy fields and estimate rice production; however, the application of satellites for mapping the planting season in rice fields using Landsat 8 OLI imagery and NDVI (Normal Difference Vegetation Index) transformation has not been widely undertaken. This study aimed to analyze the growing season in paddy fields based on the results of NDVI analysis of Multitemporal Landsat 8 OLI imagery. Based on the results of research analyzed from the spectral value of NDVI images recorded in March and May 2020 then added with the results of observations and farmer interviews in September 2020, it was found that there were color differences in NDVI images caused by differences in planting time or plant age at the time of recording the image. The planting season in rice fields in the Buru regency was generally two times per year or five times per two years. The increase in the rice planting season could be realized due to the availability of water in the field that was sufficient for the growth of rice plants, both from irrigation and rainfall. Based on the interpretation of the images used and field checks, it was found that the accuracy test results showed the overall accuracy of 88%. The overall accuracy value is considered correct if it exceeds the tolerance limit given, which is ≥ 80%.
Keywords: Buru Regency, growing season, Landsat 8, NDVI, paddy fields
Pemanfaatan citra satelit pada bidang pertanian telah banyak dilakukan, misalnya pada areal perkebunan ataupun pada areal persawahan. Citra satelit dapat menduga luas lahan sawah sampai dengan menduga produksi padi; tetapi pemanfaatan citra satelit untuk pemetaan musim tanam di lahan sawah menggunakan citra Landsat 8 OLI dan transformasi NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) sampai saat ini belum banyak dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk Menganalisis musim tanam di lahan sawah berdasarkan hasil analisis NDVI Citra Landsat 8 OLI Multitemporal. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dianalisis dari nilai spektral citra NDVI perekaman bulan Maret dan Mei tahun 2020 ditambah dengan hasil pengamatan serta wawancara petani pada bulan September 2020 didapatkan adanya perbedaan warna pada citra NDVI yang diakibatkan oleh perbedaan waktu tanam ataupun umur tanaman pada saat perekaman citra. Musim tanam pada lahan sawah di Kabupaten Buru umumnya dua kali per tahun atau lima kali per dua tahun. Peningkatan musim tanam padi dapat terealisasi karena ketersediaan air di lapangan untuk mencukupi pertumbuhan tanaman padi, baik yang bersumber dari air irigasi maupun curah hujan. Berdasarkan interpretasi citra yang digunakan dan pengecekan lapangan didapatkan bahwa hasil uji akurasi menunjukkan hasil overall accuracy sebesar 88%. Nilai overall accuracy dianggap benar jika melebihi batas toleransi yang diberikan yakni ≥ 80%.
Kata kunci: Kabupaten Buru, Landsat 8, lahan sawah, musim tanam, NDV
The Comparison Analysis of Land Cover Change Based on Vegetation Index and Multispectral Classification (Case Study Leihitu Peninsula Ambon City District)
The study utilized Landsat-7 ETM+ 2001and Landsat TM5 2009 based on Normalized Differences Vegetation Index (NDVI) and 457 colour composite at the study area located in Leihitu Peninsula, Ambon City District, Ambon Island, Moluccas Province. The classified satellite data under NDVI and 457 colour composite of 2001 and 2009 of 2001 and 2009 were used to determine land cover change that have occurred in the study areas. This study attempts to use a comparative change detection analysis in land cover that has occurred in the study area with NDVI and 457 colour composite over 9 year period (2001 to 2009). The results of the present study disclose that total area increased their land cover were bare land and impermeable surface, herbaceous and shrubs, low density vegetation, and medium density vegetation, while high density vegetation is decreasing in both NDVI and 457 colour composite analysis. Overall accuracy was estimated to be around 94.3 % for NDVI and for 457 Colour composites was 84.7%. The study area has experienced a change in its land cover between 2001 and 2009 in both NDVI and 457 false colour composite analyses. The whole land cover types have experienced increased in both methods, except high density vegetation. The transformations of spectral vegetation (NDVI) product more closely with actual land cover compared with 457 colour composite product
Analisis Kandungan Formalin pada Mie Basah pada Beberapa Lokasi di Kota Ambon
Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk menganalisis kandungan formalin mie basah pada beberapa lokasi di Kota Ambon. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan kandungan formalin pada mie basah. Penelitian ini menggunakan tiga tahap pengujian. Pada tahap awal, dilakukan uji fisik dan analisis kualitatif untuk menentukan ada tidaknya formalin dan analisis kuantitatif digunakan untuk menentukan kadar formalin dalam mie basah. Dari pengamatan uji fisik, ditemukan dua dari empat belas sampel mie basah mengandung formalin yaitu sampel J (Batu Merah) dan K (Mardika) karena tetap awet sampai tiga hari. Analisis kualitatif dengan pereaksi asam kromatofat tidak menunjukkan Perubahan warna yang khas. Pada pengamatan uji fisik mie basah dua sampel yang mengandung formalin dilanjutkan dengan analisis kuantitatif menggunakan Spektrofotometri UV-Vis pada panjang gelombang 520 nm. Kadar formalin untuk sampel J (Batu Merah) sebesar 9,07 mg/kg dan sampel K (Mardika) sebesar 10,01 mg/kg. Sesuai syarat mutu mie basah pada SNI 01-2987-1992, mie basah tidak boleh mengandung formalin
Analysis of Chromium (Cr) Heavy Metal Content on Sediment at Inner Part of Ambon Bay
Analysis of Chromium (Cr) heavy metal content in sediment have been done at inner part of Ambon Bay by using Atomic Absorption Spectrofotometer (AAS). This analysis has been done in six sampling areas, they are : Galala (the first locations), Lateri (the second location), Negeri Lama (the third location), Waeheru (the fourth location), Poka (the fifth location), and Halong (the sixth location). The study aims to determine the content of chromium metal (Cr) in sediments at inner part of Ambon Bay. The analysis showed that the Cr metal content ranged from 33.68-191.74 mg/kg. The chromium (Cr) heavy metal content in sediments is mostly among the quality standards set by the ANZECC (Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council) in 2000, which is 80-120 mg/K