2 research outputs found

    The Role of Vitamin D against to Lung Damage on Infected Mice by Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    Tubercolosis disease eradication efforts in Indonesia have been carried out using a strategy Directly Observed Treatment Short-Course (DOTS) to free treatment, but prevention and eradication is still not satisfactory. The sample consisted of 24 mice were divided randomly into two groups, one group was given oral vitamin D through 100ng of each mouse each day and the other group did not receive vitamin D, then each group was randomly divided into two groups were fed a vitamin D were infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis and one group who did not receive vitamin D were infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis.  b, IL-12 and Nfk-gat -14 in the week to check the levels of IFN-. ANOVA test was used to see the difference in vitamin D given to those not given vitamin D with p <0.05, there is an increase in levels of IL-12, p = 0.001 but no elevated levels of IFN-b. The results showed no effect of vitamin D increased expression Nfk- and results of research into the effects of infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis found no elevated levels of IL-12, p = 0.00, but no increase in levels of IFN-? and-? expression Nfk. Results of research into the effects of Vitamin D and Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection found no elevated levels of IFN-? p = 0.043, but no increase in levels of IL-12, and Nfk-? expression  and decreased granuloma process, but not an increase in the expression of Nfk-? and IL-12. g Effect of vitamin D can increase the cellular immune response by increasing IFN- probable cause is the increasing Nfk-? expression induced by vitamin D due to increased transcription in the nucleus of cells that signal the cell nucleus to increase the production of IL-12. Then IL-12 increases Th1 response to produce IFN-?, increased IFN-? production and activates macrophages to kill Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Keywords: Vitamin D, Mycobacterium tuberculosi


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    Permasalahan sosial yang banyak terjadi di masyarakat adalah kaum marjinal yang terpinggirkan seperti anak terlantar, anak jalanan, pengemis, dan sebagainya. Salah satu upaya mengatasi masalah kaum marjinal yaitu dengan didirikan lembaga sosial berupa panti asuhan anak. Sejak masa pandemi, anak di Panti Asuhan Misi Nusantara Surakarta jarang mendapat layanan kesehatan dan ada keterbatasan ruang gerak anak-anak. Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini untuk membantu panti asuhan dalam memantau pertumbuhan dan perkembangan penghuni dan pengelola Panti Asuhan Misi Nusantara di Surakarta. Metoda pelaksanaan berupa pemeriksaan tumbuh kembang anak, Penyuluhan Hidup Bersih dan Sehat, pemeriksaan Status Gizi Anak, penyuluhan cara menyikat gigi yang benar, pemeriksaan kesehatan pengelola panti asuhan serta pelatihan penanggulangan bencana. Hasil pemeriksaan Kesehatan pada penghuni dan pengelola panti didapatkan sebagian besar (52,6%) penghuni panti berjenis kelamin laki-laki, hampir setengahnya berusia rata-rata 21-60 tahun, Sebagian besar (68,4%) tekanan darah <140/90 mmHg, Sebagian besar (73,1%) berstatus gizi normal, hampir seluruhnya (94,4%) glukosa darah <126 m/dL dan asam urat <8 mg/dL. Secara umum keadaan warga panti asuhan dalam keadaan baik Social problems that often occur in society are abandoned children, street children, beggars, disabled people, neglected elderly, poor families, families with social problems, and so on. Children and poor people should have their human rights fulfilled by the State of Indonesia. However, in reality there are many children whose needs are not met, such as parents who are unable to provide for the child's needs or the child does not have parents. One effort to overcome this is to establish social institutions in the form of orphanages. Since the pandemic, children at the Mission Nusantara Surakarta Orphanage rarely receive health services and there is limited space for children to move. The purpose of this community service is to assist the orphanage in monitoring the growth and development of residents and managers of the Mission Nusantara Orphanage in Surakarta. The implementation method is in the form of examinations on child growth and development, Counseling on Clean and Healthy Living, checking on the Nutritional Status of Children, counseling on how to brush their teeth properly, health checks for orphanage managers and training on disaster management. 6%) of the residents of the orphanage are male, almost half of them are aged 21-60 years, most (68.4%) have blood pressure < 140/90 mmHg, most (73.1%) have normal nutritional status, almost all (94.4%) blood glucose < 126 m/dL and uric acid > 8 mg/dl. Similar activities are needed to see general body health and must be monitored periodically, so that the residents of the orphanage can find out their health status, especially now that they are still in a pandemic condition Covid-1