3 research outputs found


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    Salah satu penyebab tingginya mortalitas larva ikan gurami (Osphronemus goramy Lac.) adalah ketersediaan pakan alami secara berkelanjutan. Hal ini memerlukan upaya untuk mencari pakan pengganti yang dapat tersedia secara terus-menerus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi waktu pemberian pakan kombinasi antara cacing sutera dan pakan buatan pasta terhadap pertumbuhan dan sintasan larva ikan gurami. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan lima perlakuan dan tiga ulangan, yaitu pemberian cacing sutera selama 40 hari (P1), cacing sutera selama 10 hari + pasta selama 30 hari (P2), cacing sutera selama 20 hari + pasta selama 20 hari (P3), cacing sutera selama 30 hari + pasta selama 10 hari (P4), dan pemberian pasta selama 40 hari (P5). Larva (0,8 ± 0,01 cm) dipelihara di akuarium (30x30x30 cm3) dengan kepadatan 2 ekor L-1. Larva dipelihara selama 40 hari dan diberi pakan tiga kali sehari secara ad satiation. Parameter penelitian terdiri dari pertumbuhan bobot mutlak, pertumbuhan panjang mutlak, laju pertumbuhan spesifik, dan sintasan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pertumbuhan bobot mutlak, pertumbuhan panjang mutlak, dan laju pertumbuhan spesifik menurun seiring berkurangnya waktu pemberian pakan berupa cacing sutera (P<0,05). Perlakuan P4 memberikan sintasan yang lebih baik dibanding perlakuan P2, P3, dan P5. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa waktu penggantian cacing sutera ke pakan buatan pasta berpengaruh terhadap kinerja pertumbuhan dan sintasan larva ikan gurami. Kombinasi yang disarankan yaitu penggunaan cacing sutra selama 30 hari dan pakan buatan pasta selama 10 hari.A factor causing high mortality in gourami larvae (Osphronemus goramy Lac.) is availability of sustainable live feed. This condition needs an effort to find continuous artificial feeds. This study aimed to evaluate feeding periods of combination between tubificid worms and formulated feed paste on growth and survival of giant gourami larvae. This study used a complete randomized design with five treatments and three replications, namely tubificid worms for 40 days (P1), tubificid worms for 10 days + formulated feed paste for 30 days (P2), tubificid worms for 20 days + formulated feed paste for 20 days (P3), tubificid worms for 30 days + formulated feed paste for 10 days (P4), and formulated feed paste for 40 days (P5). Larvae used (0.8±0.01 cm) were reared in aquariums (30x30x30 cm3) with a stocking density of 2 individuals L-1. Larvae were reared for 40 days and fed three times a day through ad satiation method. Experimental parameters consisted of absolute weight growth, absolute length growth, specific growth rate, and survival. The results showed that absolute weight growth, absolute length growth, and specific growth rate decreased with the decrease of feeding periods in the form of tubificid worms (P<0.05). The P4 treatment obtained the best survival, compared to P2, P3, and P5 treatments. This study concludes that the shift feeding period from tubificid worms to formulated feed paste affects growth performances and survival of giant gouramy larvae. The suggested combination is 30 days application of tubificid worms and formulated feed paste for 10 days

    Effectiveness of adding monosodium glutamate to an artificial feed on the growth and survival of Asian Redtail Catfish (Hemibagrus nemurus)

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    The problems in Asian Redtail Catfish farming are low growth and survival rate. Therefore, it is necessary to provide adequate feed to increase the production. One of these important nutrients is glutamine which can be obtained in the form of monosodium glutamate (MSG). This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of adding MSG to feed on the growth and survival rate of Asian Redtail Catfish. Five experimental diets with graded levels of MSG were used, i.e. P0 as the control (0.0 g kg-1 feed), P1 (0.5 g kg-1 feed), P2 (1.0 g kg-1 feed), P3 (1.5 g kg-1 feed), and P4 (2.0 g kg-1 feed) with three replications. Twenty Asian Redtail Catfish juveniles were randomly distributed into aquarium (10 L in capacity) and kept in conditions without changing water. The fish were fed three times a day to apparent satiation at 08.00 AM, 01.00 PM, and 06.00 PM. The fish on MSG supplemented diets had higher final body weight, specific growth rate, and feed conversion ratio. Furthermore, MSG treatment groups had increased feed intake and feed efficiency, but there were no significant differences in final mean body weight. In conclusion, the current study showed that adding MSG to the diet could enhance growth and survival of Asian Redtail Catfish

    Effectiveness of adding monosodium glutamate to an artificial feed on the growth and survival of Asian Redtail Catfish (

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    The problems in Asian Redtail Catfish farming are low growth and survival rate. Therefore, it is necessary to provide adequate feed to increase the production. One of these important nutrients is glutamine which can be obtained in the form of monosodium glutamate (MSG). This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of adding MSG to feed on the growth and survival rate of Asian Redtail Catfish. Five experimental diets with graded levels of MSG were used, i.e. P0 as the control (0.0 g kg-1 feed), P1 (0.5 g kg-1 feed), P2 (1.0 g kg-1 feed), P3 (1.5 g kg-1 feed), and P4 (2.0 g kg-1 feed) with three replications. Twenty Asian Redtail Catfish juveniles were randomly distributed into aquarium (10 L in capacity) and kept in conditions without changing water. The fish were fed three times a day to apparent satiation at 08.00 AM, 01.00 PM, and 06.00 PM. The fish on MSG supplemented diets had higher final body weight, specific growth rate, and feed conversion ratio. Furthermore, MSG treatment groups had increased feed intake and feed efficiency, but there were no significant differences in final mean body weight. In conclusion, the current study showed that adding MSG to the diet could enhance growth and survival of Asian Redtail Catfish