13 research outputs found

    Pertumbuhan Bibit Kakao (Theobroma Cacao L.) Dengan Pemberian Pupuk Npk Dan Hayati

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    Research on title The Growth of Cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) Seedling by Using NPK Fertilizer.This research was held in resident area in Tanjung Sari from December 2012 to April 2013. Theobjective of the research was to study the effect of NPK fertilizer, biofertilizer and their interactionon cacao growth. Experiment design was arranged in group randomized design with 2 factor. Thefirst factor was rate of NPK fertilizer, consisted of 4 level: P0 (0 gram), P1(7,5 gram), P2(15gram),P3 (22,5 gram). The second factor was rate of biofertilizer, consisted 4 level : B0 (0gram), B1 (10 gram), B2 (20 gram), B3 (30 gram). Parameters observed consist of plant height(cm), the amount of leaf (sheet), stem diameter (cm), total leaf area (cm2), shoot wet weight (g),shoot dry weight (g), root wet weight and root dry weight (g).The results showed that by usingbiofertilizer affected significantly for the amount of leaf, shoot wet weight and shoot dry weight.NPK fertilizer and their interaction effect was not significant on all parameters were observed

    Pertumbuhan Bibit Kakao (Theobroma Cacao.l) Pada Media Subsoil Ultisol Dengan Pemberian Pupuk Npkmg Dan Pupuk Kandang Ayam

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    Growth of Cocoa Seedlings (Theobroma cacao.L) In Media Ultisol Subsoil with FertilizerProvision NPKMg(15:15:6:4) and Manure. This research aims to determine the effect of manureand fertilizier NPKMg(15:15:6:4) on the growth of cocoa (Theobroma cacao.L) in media landultisol subsoil. Research carried out in field trials USU Faculty of Agriculture, Medan with altitudeof about 25 meters above sea level at the beginning of November until March 2012. Experimentalmethod use is a randomized block design with two treatment factor. Planting media as the firstfactor with five standard treatment that is 0% Manure + 100% Ultisol Subsoil, 25% Manure + 75%Ultisol Subsoil, 50% Manure + 50% Ultisol Subsoil, 75% Manure + 25% Ultisol Subsoil, 100%Manure + 0% Ultisol Subsoil and fertilizer NPKMg(15:15:6:4) as the second factor with four levelis 0 g/polibag, 4 g/polibag, 8 g/polibag and 12 g/polibag with 3 replications. Parameter wereobserved at high parameters of shoots, girth, number of leaves, the aweight of wet canopy, wetweight of roots, canopy dry weight, and root dry weight. The results that 75% Manure + 25%Ultisol Subsoil showed the best results at high parameters of shoots, girth, number of leaves, theaweight of wet canopy, wet weight of roots, canopy dry weight, and root dry weight. NPKMgfertilizier(15:15:6:4) in this study showed significant results in all parameters, but obtained at thehighest treatment level 8 g/polibag and 12 g/polibag. The interaction effect was not significanteffect on all parameters

    Respons Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Semangka (Citrullus Vulgaris Schard.) Terhadap Konsentrasi Paclobutrazol Dan Dosis Pupuk Npk

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    The aim of this experiment was to determine respons in growth and yield of watermelon topaclobutrazol and dosage of NPK fertilizer. This research had been conducted at field of Pasar Istreet no. 89, Tanjung Sari, Medan (± 25 in above sea level), in April-July 2013 using factorialrandomized block design with two factor, i.e. concentration of paclobutrazol (0, 150, 300, and 450ppm) and dosage of NPK fertilizer (60, 120 and 180 g/plant) in six times. Parameter observed wereplant height, number of female flowers, number of male flowers, total weight persample and totalweight perplant. The result showed that paclobutrazol concentration affect significantly on plantlength (6-8 weeks after planting), number of female flowers (35 and 38 days after planting), numberof male flowers (41 and 44 days after planting), total weight persample, and total weight perplant.Dosage of NPK fertilizer affect significantly on number of male flowers (44 days after planting).Interaction affect significantly on number of female flowers (35 and 38 days after planting) andnumber of male flowers (41 days after planting)

    Respons Pertumbuhan Bibit Kakao Terhadap Pemberian Kompos Sampah Kota Dan Pupuk P

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    The response of cocoa seedlings growth for giving municipal waste compost and P fertilizer. Thedesign of the experiment was randomized block design arranged in factorial with two factors. Thefirst factor is municipal waste compost, Subsoil ultisol 5 kg + municipal waste compost 0 kg,Subsoil ultisol 3,75 kg + municipal waste compost 1,25 kg, Subsoil ultisol 2,5 kg + municipal wastecompost 2,5 kg, Subsoil ultisol 1,25 kg + municipal waste compost 3,75 kg. The second factorpresent of Phosphat Fertilizer, 0 g/polibag, 2 g/polibag, 4 g/polibag, 6 g/polibag. The Parameterobserved includes plant hight (cm), number leafs (sheet), diameter of stem (mm), total of broad leaf(cm2), fresh and dry weight of crown (g), fresh and dry weight of root (g).The result of reseach showed that municipal waste compost influential significantly on plantheight, number of leafs, diameter of stem, total of broad leaf, fresh and dry weight of crown, freshand dry weight of root. P fertilizer was significantly on total of broad leaf. Interaction between ofmunicipal waste compost and P fertilizer was not significantly to all parameters

    Respons Pertumbuhan Bibit Kakao (Theobroma Cacao L.) Terhadap Pemberian Abu Boiler Dan Pupuk Urea Pada Media Pembibitan

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    Growing media fertility can be improved or enhanced with inorganic or organic fertilizer, such asboiler ash, which is one type of solid waste by-product of palm oil mills as well as the source ofnitrogen urea fertilizer, is expected to boost growth of cocoa seedling in the nursery. This researchhad been conducted at experimental field of Fakultas Pertanian USU in May 2013 until September2013, using factorial randomized block design with two factor. The first factor was dose of boiler ash(0, 100, 10 g/polybag) and the second factor was dose of urea fertilizer (0, 5, and 10 g/polybag).Parameter observed were plant height, total of leaf area, dry shoot weight and dry root weight.Theresult showed response of boiler ash on cocoa seed significantly increase total of leaf area and dryshoot weight. Urea fertilizer significantly affect dry shoot weight. Interaction of both significantlyaffect dry shoot weight. The best results from interaction boiler ash and urea fertilizer were obtainedin the treatment of boiler ash at 300 g/polybag and urea fertilizer 5 g/polybag._______________________________________________________________________________

    Respons Pertumbuhan Bibit Kakao (Theobroma Cacao L.) Terhadap Pemberian Abu Janjang Kelapa Sawit Dan Pupuk Urea Pada Media Pembibitan

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    The Response of Cocoa Seedlings Growth (Theobroma cacao L.) for Giving Palm Bunch Ash andUrea Fertilizer in The Media of Nursery. The research was conducted in the field UPT BBI,Tanjung Selamat at an altitude ± 57 meters above sea level since May 2012 until August 2012 usingRandomized Block Design (RBD) factorial with two factors. The first factor is palm bunch( 0, 10, 20, and 30 g/polybag). The second factor is urea fertilizer (0, 3, 6, and 9 g/polybag).The Parameter observed includes plant hight (cm), number leafs (sheet), and fresh weight ofcrown (g.) The result of reseach showed that giving palm bunch ash influential not significantly toall parameters. Urea fertilizer influential significantly on plant height and number of leafs.Interaction between giving palm bunch ash and urea fertilizer influential not significantly to allparameters