470 research outputs found

    Do we really need temporal convolutions in action segmentation?

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    Action classification has made great progress, but segmenting and recognizing actions from long untrimmed videos remains a challenging problem. Most state-of-the-art methods focus on designing temporal convolution-based models, but the inflexibility of temporal convolutions and the difficulties in modeling long-term temporal dependencies restrict the potential of these models. Transformer-based models with adaptable and sequence modeling capabilities have recently been used in various tasks. However, the lack of inductive bias and the inefficiency of handling long video sequences limit the application of Transformer in action segmentation. In this paper, we design a pure Transformer-based model without temporal convolutions by incorporating temporal sampling, called Temporal U-Transformer (TUT). The U-Transformer architecture reduces complexity while introducing an inductive bias that adjacent frames are more likely to belong to the same class, but the introduction of coarse resolutions results in the misclassification of boundaries. We observe that the similarity distribution between a boundary frame and its neighboring frames depends on whether the boundary frame is the start or end of an action segment. Therefore, we further propose a boundary-aware loss based on the distribution of similarity scores between frames from attention modules to enhance the ability to recognize boundaries. Extensive experiments show the effectiveness of our model

    Correlation Analysis for Protein Evolutionary Family Based on Amino Acid Position Mutations and Application in PDZ Domain

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    BACKGROUND: It has been widely recognized that the mutations at specific directions are caused by the functional constraints in protein family and the directional mutations at certain positions control the evolutionary direction of the protein family. The mutations at different positions, even distantly separated, are mutually coupled and form an evolutionary network. Finding the controlling mutative positions and the mutative network among residues are firstly important for protein rational design and enzyme engineering. METHODOLOGY: A computational approach, namely amino acid position conservation-mutation correlation analysis (CMCA), is developed to predict mutually mutative positions and find the evolutionary network in protein family. The amino acid position mutative function, which is the foundational equation of CMCA measuring the mutation of a residue at a position, is derived from the MSA (multiple structure alignment) database of protein evolutionary family. Then the position conservation correlation matrix and position mutation correlation matrix is constructed from the amino acid position mutative equation. Unlike traditional SCA (statistical coupling analysis) approach, which is based on the statistical analysis of position conservations, the CMCA focuses on the correlation analysis of position mutations. CONCLUSIONS: As an example the CMCA approach is used to study the PDZ domain of protein family, and the results well illustrate the distantly allosteric mechanism in PDZ protein family, and find the functional mutative network among residues. We expect that the CMCA approach may find applications in protein engineering study, and suggest new strategy to improve bioactivities and physicochemical properties of enzymes

    Direct fiber vector eigenmode multiplexing transmission seeded by integrated optical vortex emitters

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    Spatial modes have received substantial attention over the last decades and are used in optical communication applications. In fiber-optic communications, the employed linearly polarized modes and phase vortex modes carrying orbital angular momentum can be synthesized by fiber vector eigenmodes. To improve the transmission capacity and miniaturize the communication system, straightforward fiber vector eigenmode multiplexing and generation of fiber-eigenmode-like polarization vortices (vector vortex modes) using photonic integrated devices are of substantial interest. Here, we propose and demonstrate direct fiber vector eigenmode multiplexing transmission seeded by integrated optical vortex emitters. By exploiting vector vortex modes (radially and azimuthally polarized beams) generated from silicon microring resonators etched with angular gratings, we report data-carrying fiber vector eigenmode multiplexing transmission through a 2-km large-core fiber, showing low-level mode crosstalk and favorable link performance. These demonstrations may open up added capacity scaling opportunities by directly accessing multiple vector eigenmodes in the fiber and provide compact solutions to replace bulky diffractive optical elements for generating various optical vector beams

    Current Mathematical Methods Used in QSAR/QSPR Studies

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    This paper gives an overview of the mathematical methods currently used in quantitative structure-activity/property relationship (QASR/QSPR) studies. Recently, the mathematical methods applied to the regression of QASR/QSPR models are developing very fast, and new methods, such as Gene Expression Programming (GEP), Project Pursuit Regression (PPR) and Local Lazy Regression (LLR) have appeared on the QASR/QSPR stage. At the same time, the earlier methods, including Multiple Linear Regression (MLR), Partial Least Squares (PLS), Neural Networks (NN), Support Vector Machine (SVM) and so on, are being upgraded to improve their performance in QASR/QSPR studies. These new and upgraded methods and algorithms are described in detail, and their advantages and disadvantages are evaluated and discussed, to show their application potential in QASR/QSPR studies in the future

    Integrated mRNA-seq and miRNA-seq analysis of goat fibroblasts response to Brucella Melitensis strain M5-90

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    Brucellosis is a globally zoonotic bacterial disease of humans and various animals including goats, sheep, and cattle. Brucella melitensis M5-90, a live attenuated vaccine strain, has been widely used to prevent brucellosis in goats and sheep. However, the molecular mechanisms governing protective immunity response in non-professional phagocytes infected with B. melitensis M5-90 have not been fully investigated, especially in goats. In our research, goat fibroblasts were used as in vitro models to determine these mechanisms by transcriptome analysis. After incubating with B. melitensis M5-90 3 h, the infected goat fibroblasts were collected at 0 h, 4 h, 24 h, 48 h and 72 h for RNA-seq. The results indicated that there were totally 11,819 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) and 777 differentially expressed (DE) miRNAs found in experiment groups compared with the control groups (|log2(Foldchange)|≥1, FDR<0.05). GO and KEGG enrichment analyses revealed that down-regulated genes were involved in the riboflavin metabolism and positive regulation of IL-8 secretion pathway. The up-regulated genes were mainly involved in adaptive immunity, including TNF signaling pathway, MAPK signaling pathway and JAK/STAT pathway. Additionally, cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction, natural killer cell mediated cytotoxicity and toll-like receptor signaling pathway, which associated with innate immunity pathways, were also induced. Based on the Pearson correlation coefficients and prediction results of TargetScan and miRanda, the miRNA-mRNA networks of NFKB1, IFNAR2 and IL10RB were constructed and verified in goat fibroblasts by qPCR, which demonstrated that goat fibroblasts displayed immunomodulatory properties. Our findings provide a deeper insight into the host miRNA-driven B. melitensis defense mechanism and reveal the transcriptome changes involved in the innate and adaptive immune response of the goats to B. melitensis infection

    Terahertz harmonic gyrotron based on spoof surface plasmon

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    Gyrotron is based on the principle of relativistic electron cyclotron maser. With the working frequency increasing to terahertz band, the mode competition problem is caused by the interaction between harmonic cyclotron electrons and high order electromagnetic modes. In order to solve this problem, the interaction cavity of harmonic gyrotron based on spoof surface plasmon (SSP) is proposed in this paper, and its eigenmode frequency is studied, the concept of Band Gap is proposed. If the competition frequency is in the stopband, the competition mode will not be generated. Finally, the Particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation is carried out, which proves that the structure can make the terahertz gyrotron work in the single mode in state of high harmonics

    Development of a 1-THz 4th-harmonic gyrotron

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    A design of a 1-THz 4th Harmonic Gyrotron is proposed in this paper. Fourth harmonic interaction is adopted to lower the strength of the external magnet. The magnet can be as low as 10T. Such a low-intensity magnetic field can be easily proposed by a superconduct magnet, which make the generation of continuous waves at 1 THz possible. Seeing that the mode competition is extremely fierce, a large orbit gun is employed as the driven source. An 80-kV, 0.7-A electron beam is injected into the interaction circuit to excite the fourth-harmonic electromagnetic waves. According to the cold dispersive diagram, the TE4, 8 mode of the cylindrical waveguide is selected as the operating mode to further suppress the mode competition induced by the fundamental modes, the 2nd harmonic modes and the 3rd harmonic modes. It could be inferred based on the multi-mode time-domain theory that an output power of 1.15 kW can be achieved. The scheme diagram for the hot test is proposed. The LOG is chosen as the electron gun. Particular structure is employed for improving the output efficiency in the interaction circuit

    Design of a 1-THz 4th-harmonic gyrotron driven by large-orbit beam

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    In this paper, the design of a 4th-harmonic gyrotron with 1-kW-level output power at 1 terahertz (THz) is presented. A unique advantage of this design is that, with a well-optimized magnetic-cusp large-orbit electron gun, the designed gyrotron can operate from 1st harmonic to 4th harmonic in multiple discrete bands by varying the operating voltage. By carefully balancing the competing modes, the gyrotron can be tuned to operate at six candidate modes, including TE1,2 for fundamental harmonic, TE2,3 and TE2,4 for 2nd harmonic, TE3,5 and TE3,6 for 3rd harmonic, and TE4,8 for 4th harmonic interactions. As the main operating mode, the TE4,8 can generate a peak output power of 1.68 kW, with an efficiency of about 2.1%, and a magnetically controlled frequency tuning range of about 1.8 GHz around 1 THz. The impact of the longitudinal nonuniformity of the cavity at high-harmonic interaction was also studied. It shows a radial tolerance of several micrometers will significantly elevate the start-oscillation current and deteriorate output performance. This design is towards the development of a synthesizing THz source with ultra-wideband tuning capability ranging from the sub-millimeter-wave to 1-THz bands
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