47 research outputs found

    Pollen viability in the wild-type (3037) and mutant (<i>sd37</i>) plants.

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    <p>Data are shown as the mean ± SD (N = 100). Each of the parameters was compared between 3037 and <i>sd37</i> using the Student's <i>t</i>-test.</p

    The expression pattern of SD37.

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    <p>(A)–(B) SD37 expression levels were measured by RT-PCR and real-time PCR in various organs, including the root, culm, SAM, young leaf, booting panicle, and panicle. Expression values are the average of 10 samples ± SD. (C)–(G) GUS expression (blue staining) patterns in the p1391Z_SD37pro::GUS transgenic line in different organs. (C) Root cross-section; (D) seeds with coleoptile and radicle; (E) culm; (F) young leaf cross-section; and (G) booting panicle. (H)–(J) <i>SD37</i> expression around the shoot apical meristem as revealed by RNA in situ hybridization. (H) Shoot apical meristem; (I) young leaf; and (J) young leaf (negative control) preparation examined with a sense <i>SD37</i> probe.</p

    Gross morphology of <i>SD37</i> transgenic plants and the relative amount of <i>SD37</i> mRNA, as determined by real-time PCR.

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    <p>(A) Gross morphology of the vector-control/Nipponbare; <i>sd37</i> over-expressing transgenic line: <i>P<sub>UBQ</sub>:sd37</i> in the Nipponbare genetic background; <i>SD37</i> over-expressing transgenic line 1:<i>P<sub>SD37</sub>:SD37</i> in the Nipponbare background; over-expressing transgenic lines 2–4: <i>P<sub>UBQ</sub>:SD37</i> in the Nipponbare background. Bar  =  10 cm. (B) Gross morphology of the <i>SD37</i> RNA interference transgenic plants in 3037 and Nipponbare backgrounds at 30 days. Bar  =  10 cm. (C) Relative amount of <i>SD37</i> mRNA levels in the transgenic plants in (A) and (B), as determined by real-time PCR. (D) Quantitative measurement of the total second leaf sheath parenchyma cell number in the axial parenchyma cells in the second leaf sheath parenchyma (per leaf) of the RNAi-<i>SD37</i> transgenic line and vector control. Error bars indicate ± SD (N = 10). A significant difference (**, <i>P</i><0.01) was found between the RNAi-<i>SD37</i> transgenic line and vector control.</p

    Subcellular localization of pJIT163_hGFP::SD37 using ER-mCherry and Golgi-mCherry in rice protoplast cells.

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    <p>(A) pJIT163_hGFP::SD37. (B) ER-mCherry. (C) Visible light. (D) Merged image. (E) pJIT163_hGFP::SD37. (F) Golgi-mCherry. (G) Visible light. (H) Merged image. Bar  =  5 µm.</p

    Map-based cloning of SD37.

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    <p>(A) Physical mapping of <i>SD37</i>. The numbers in parentheses indicate the number of recombinants. <i>SD37</i> was localized to BAC AC13769. The presumed ORFs were predicted using Gramene. White boxes indicate UTRs, and the black box represents the solitary exon. (B) Different sizes of the CAPS markers for 3037 and <i>sd37</i> are shown using genomic DNA. PCR products of the <i>SD37</i> CDS were amplified using the OE-F and OE-R primers (<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0088068#pone.0088068.s006" target="_blank">Table S3</a>) and digested using AlwI. (C) <i>SD37</i> expression in leaves from 3037 and the <i>sd37</i> mutant were assessed using RT-PCR. Rice <i>UBQ1</i> was used as an internal control. (D) Protein structure of SD37. The arrowhead indicates the point mutation in the SRS2 region. (E) Rescue of the <i>sd37</i> phenotype with the pCAMBIA1300_SD37pro:<i>SD37</i> construct. One representative complementation line (pCAMBIA1300::<i>SD37</i>) is shown. Bar  =  10 cm. (F) CAPS marker detection in 3037 (lane 1), <i>sd37</i> (lane 2), and a complementation line (lane 3). Samples were analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis.</p

    Morphological measurements of the wild-type (3037) and mutant (<i>sd37</i>) plants.

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    <p>Data are shown as the mean ± SD (N = 20). Each of the parameters was compared between 3037 and <i>sd37</i> using the Student's <i>t</i>-test.</p

    Phenotypic characterization of the <i>sd37</i> mutant.

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    <p>(A) Gross morphology of the <i>sd37</i> mutant and 3037 (wild type) plants at 7 DAG. Bar  = 1 cm. (B) Heading stage of the <i>sd37</i> mutant and 3037 plants. Bar  =  10 cm. (C) Internode lengths of the <i>sd37</i> mutant and 3037 plants at the mature stage. P, panicle; I, first internode below panicle; II, second internode below panicle; III, third internode below panicle; and IV, fourth internode below panicle. Bar  =  1 cm. (D) Panicle morphology of the sd<i>37</i> mutant and 3037. Bar  =  2 cm. (E) Grain morphology. The <i>sd37</i> mutant plants have shorter and broader grains than 3037 plants. Bar  =  5 mm (seeds). (F) Graph showing the root lengths of <i>sd37</i> and 3037 plants during the first 14 days of development. Data are averages of 20 plants (± SD).</p

    Selected functionally classified and differentially expressed genes in the <i>sd37</i> mutant compared with the 3037 (wild type) as revealed by microarray analysis.

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    <p>Selected functionally classified and differentially expressed genes in the <i>sd37</i> mutant compared with the 3037 (wild type) as revealed by microarray analysis.</p