252 research outputs found

    Meteorites as witnesses and products of the evolution of the solar system, threat and resource for the future

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    В этой вводной лекции затрагиваются представления о происхождении метеоритов как производных эволюции астероидов и комет (основная тема), а также угроза, связанная с метеоритами, астероидами и кометами, и тема метеоритов, астероидов и комет как космических ресурсов.The introductory lecture addresses understanding of the origin of meteorites as product of evolution of asteroids and comets (major topic); the threats associated with meteorites, asteroids and comets and meteorites, asteroids and comets as cosmic resources.Работа поддержана грантом Российского научного фонда 17-12-01441

    Development of a technology for expression of recombinant human erythropoietin in cultured mammalian cells using alphavirus expression system

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    Currently there are no industrial eukaryotic expression systems other than transient expression from plasmids or expression from genes integrated into host genome. Both approaches (use of eukaryotic plasmids or chromosomal integration) suffer from poor scalability and often from poor yields. Although, in laboratory settings, effective means for transducing of cultured cells to express foreign proteins and for high-level transient expression were developed based on viral genomes. We thought to develop a scalable and suitable for industrial application technology for the production of recombinant human erythropoietin (EPO) in mammalian cell cultures using an expression vector based on the genome of RNA virus

    Development of a technology for expression of recombinant human erythropoietin in cultured mammalian cells using alphavirus expression system

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    Currently there are no industrial eukaryotic expression systems other than transient expression from plasmids or expression from genes integrated into host genome. Both approaches (use of eukaryotic plasmids or chromosomal integration) suffer from poor scalability and often from poor yields. Although, in laboratory settings, effective means for transducing of cultured cells to express foreign proteins and for high-level transient expression were developed based on viral genomes. We thought to develop a scalable and suitable for industrial application technology for the production of recombinant human erythropoietin (EPO) in mammalian cell cultures using an expression vector based on the genome of RNA virus

    On the State of Art of Development of Astronomy in Russia

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    The state of art and prospects of development of astronomy in Russia are discussed. The current state is characterized by a considerable lag behind the world level, especially in the technology of the ground-based astronomical observations. Based on the results of expertise, the most promising infrastructure projects were selected. To implement them, state support is needed. The problems and prospects of participation of Russian astronomers in the life of the International Astronomical Union are also discussed.Обсуждаются состояние и перспективы развития астрономии в России. На данный момент оно характеризуется значительным отставанием от мирового уровня, прежде всего в технологии наземных астрономических наблюдений. В целях выхода из этой ситуации проведена экспертиза проблемы и намечены наиболее перспективные инфраструктурные проекты. Для их реализации необходима поддержка государства. Также обсуждаются проблемы и перспективы участия российских астрономов в жизни Международного астрономического союза

    On the Universal Basic Distribution Describing the Initial Mass Function of Various Astronomical Objects

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    The fundamental prerequisites for the existence of a universal basic distribution describing the initial mass function (IMF) of various astronomical objects on scales ranging from dust particles to galaxy clusters are considered.Рассмотрены фундаментальные предпосылки существования универсального базового распределения, описывающего начальную функцию масс (НФМ) различных астрономических объектов на масштабах от пылинок до скоплений галактик

    Research and Parry of Space Threats: Work for Astronomers

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    В последние годы космическим угрозам (опасностям) уделяется все возрастающее внимание. В ряде стран ведутся большие национальные программы по изучению и парированию таких угроз. В этом кратком обзоре, имеющем вводный характер, рассмотрено современное состояние проблем космического мусора, космической погоды, астероидно-кометной опасности, космических помех (темного и спокойного неба), то есть направлений, которые имеют выраженную практическую составляющую и в решении которых роль астрономии весьма значительна. Актуальность темы особенно возрастает в связи с разработкой в России проекта «Млечный путь» по созданию общероссийской системы изучения и парирования космических угроз. Цель работы — привлечь внимание астрономов, особенно молодых, к осуществлению этого важного проекта.In recent years, space threats (hazards) have received increasing attention. A number of countries are conducting national programs to study and counter such threats. This brief overview, which has an introductory character, examines the current state of the problems of space debris, space weather, asteroid-comet hazard, dark and quiet sky, i. e. areas that have a pronounced practical component and in solving which the role of astronomy is very significant. The relevance of the topic is rising in connection with the development of the “Milky Way” Project, which is aimed to create an all-Russian system for studying and parrying space threats. The aim of the work is to attract the attention of astronomers, especially young ones, to the implementation of this important project

    The interaction of dark matter cusp with the baryon component in disk galaxies

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    In this paper we examine the effect of the formation and evolution of the disk galaxy on the distribution of dark halo matter. We have made simulations of isolated dark matter (DM) halo and two component (DM + baryons). N-body technique was used for stellar and DM particles and TVD MUSCL scheme for gas-dynamic simulations. The simulations include the processes of star formation, stellar feedback, heating and cooling of the interstellar medium. The results of numerical experiments with high spatial resolution let us to conclude in two main findings. First, accounting of star formation and supernova feedback resolves the so-called problem of cusp in distribution of dark matter predicted by cosmological simulations. Second, the interaction of dark matter with dynamic substructures of stellar and gaseous galactic disk (e.g., spiral waves, bar) has an impact on the shape of the dark halo. In particular, the in-plane distribution of dark matter is more symmetric in runs, where the baryonic component was taken into account.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure