15 research outputs found
Area (<i>A</i>), growing stock density (<i>D</i>), the conversion ratio of biomass to growing stock (<i>B</i>), and biomass carbon stock (<i>Q</i>) (Part I), and the relative annual rates of change (Part II) of these attributes for China's forests from 1977 to 2003 at the national level.
<p>Area (<i>A</i>), growing stock density (<i>D</i>), the conversion ratio of biomass to growing stock (<i>B</i>), and biomass carbon stock (<i>Q</i>) (Part I), and the relative annual rates of change (Part II) of these attributes for China's forests from 1977 to 2003 at the national level.</p
A synoptic chart showing the changes in China's forests over the past three decades.
<p>On the chart, the horizontal axis is the relative annual change of forest area (<i>a</i>), and the vertical axis is the relative annual change of forest volume density (<i>d</i>). The growing stock (<i>v</i>) was increasing in the provinces above the diagonal line <i>a = −d.</i></p
Frequency maps of annual rates of change in area (<i>a</i>) (A) and volume density (<i>d</i>) (B) for China's forests over the past three decades.
<p>Frequency maps of annual rates of change in area (<i>a</i>) (A) and volume density (<i>d</i>) (B) for China's forests over the past three decades.</p
Geographical distribution of forests in China based on the data of the sixth forest inventory (1999–2003).
<p>Forests are grouped into three types: coniferous forest, broadleaved forest, and coniferous and broadleaved mixed forest. The background map shows the administrative divisions of China.</p
Relationship between relative annual changes in the conversion ratio of biomass to growing stock (<i>b</i>) and in the growing stock density (<i>d</i>).
<p>Relationship between relative annual changes in the conversion ratio of biomass to growing stock (<i>b</i>) and in the growing stock density (<i>d</i>).</p
The relative annual rate of change of forest growing stock (<i>a + d</i>) in provinces plotted as a function of their average GDP (y = 0.003x−0.658).
<p>The change in forest growing stock was measured over the period 1977–2003. The GDP values (U.S. dollars) were for 1999.</p
Rates of change of forest area (<i>a</i>), growing stock density (<i>d</i>), and the conversion ratio of biomass to growing stock (<i>b</i>) in each province over the past three decades.
<p>Rates of change of forest area (<i>a</i>), growing stock density (<i>d</i>), and the conversion ratio of biomass to growing stock (<i>b</i>) in each province over the past three decades.</p
Organic Carbon Storage in China's Urban Areas
<div><p>China has been experiencing rapid urbanization in parallel with its economic boom over the past three decades. To date, the organic carbon storage in China's urban areas has not been quantified. Here, using data compiled from literature review and statistical yearbooks, we estimated that total carbon storage in China's urban areas was 577±60 Tg C (1 Tg  = 10<sup>12</sup> g) in 2006. Soil was the largest contributor to total carbon storage (56%), followed by buildings (36%), and vegetation (7%), while carbon storage in humans was relatively small (1%). The carbon density in China's urban areas was 17.1±1.8 kg C m<sup>−2</sup>, about two times the national average of all lands. The most sensitive variable in estimating urban carbon storage was urban area. Examining urban carbon storages over a wide range of spatial extents in China and in the United States, we found a strong linear relationship between total urban carbon storage and total urban area, with a specific urban carbon storage of 16 Tg C for every 1,000 km<sup>2</sup> urban area. This value might be useful for estimating urban carbon storage at regional to global scales. Our results also showed that the fraction of carbon storage in urban green spaces was still much lower in China relative to western countries, suggesting a great potential to mitigate climate change through urban greening and green spaces management in China.</p></div
Relationship between urban carbon storage and urban area (a) or urban carbon density (b) at the provincial level.
<p>The confidence intervals are the same as shown in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0071975#pone-0071975-g001" target="_blank">Figure 1</a>.</p
Carbon storage in four major pools in China's urban areas in 2006 at 95% confidence intervals (i.e., the mean±1.96× standard error).
<p>Carbon storage in four major pools in China's urban areas in 2006 at 95% confidence intervals (i.e., the mean±1.96× standard error).</p