833 research outputs found

    Mutual Information and Boson Radius in c=1 Critical Systems in One Dimension

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    We study the generic scaling properties of the mutual information between two disjoint intervals, in a class of one-dimensional quantum critical systems described by the c=1 bosonic field theory. A numerical analysis of a spin-chain model reveals that the mutual information is scale-invariant and depends directly on the boson radius. We interpret the results in terms of correlation functions of branch-point twist fields. The present study provides a new way to determine the boson radius, and furthermore demonstrates the power of the mutual information to extract more refined information of conformal field theory than the central charge.Comment: 4.1 pages, 5 figure

    CP^1+U(1) Lattice Gauge Theory in Three Dimensions: Phase Structure, Spins, Gauge Bosons, and Instantons

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    In this paper we study a 3D lattice spin model of CP1^1 Schwinger-bosons coupled with dynamical compact U(1) gauge bosons. The model contains two parameters; the gauge coupling and the hopping parameter of CP1^1 bosons. At large (weak) gauge couplings, the model reduces to the classical O(3) (O(4)) spin model with long-range and/or multi-spin interactions. It is also closely related to the recently proposed "Ginzburg-Landau" theory for quantum phase transitions of s=1/2s=1/2 quantum spin systems on a 2D square lattice at zero temperature. We numerically study the phase structure of the model by calculating specific heat, spin correlations, instanton density, and gauge-boson mass. The model has two phases separated by a critical line of second-order phase transition; O(3) spin-ordered phase and spin-disordered phase. The spin-ordered phase is the Higgs phase of U(1) gauge dynamics, whereas the disordered phase is the confinement phase. We find a crossover in the confinement phase which separates dense and dilute regions of instantons. On the critical line, spin excitations are gapless, but the gauge-boson mass is {\it nonvanishing}. This indicates that a confinement phase is realized on the critical line. To confirm this point, we also study the noncompact version of the model. A possible realization of a deconfinement phase on the criticality is discussed for the CPN^N+U(1) model with larger NN.Comment: Discussion of finite size scaling, O(4) spin correlation adde

    Exotic baryons from a heavy meson and a nucleon - Positive parity states -

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    We study heavy baryons with exotic flavor quantum numbers formed by a heavy meson and a nucleon (DbarN and BN) with positive parity. One pion exchange interaction, providing a tensor force, dominates as a long range force to bind the DbarN and BN ystems. In the heavy quark mass limit, pseudoscalar meson and vector meson are degenerate and the binding mechanism by the tensor force analogous to that in the nuclear systems becomes important. As a result, we obtain the DbarN and BN resonant states in the J^P=1/2^+, 3/2^+ and 5/2^+ channels with I=0

    Reformulation of Boundary String Field Theory in terms of Boundary State

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    We reformulate bosonic boundary string field theory in terms of boundary state. In our formulation, we can formally perform the integration of target space equations of motion for arbitrary field configurations without assuming decoupling of matter and ghost. Thus, we obtain the general form of the action of bosonic boundary string field theory. This formulation may help us to understand possible interactions between boundary string field theory and the closed string sector.Comment: 13 page

    Resonant critical coupling of surface lattice resonances with fluorescent absorptive thin film

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    Surface lattice resonance supported on nanoparticle arrays is a promising candidate in enhancing fluorescent effects in both absorption and emission. The optical enhancement provided by surface lattice resonance is primarily through the light confinement beyond the diffraction limit, where the nanoparticle arrays can enhance light-matter interaction for increased absorption as well as providing more local density of states for enhanced spontaneous emission. In this work, we optimize the in-coupling efficiency to the fluorescent molecules by finding the conditions to maximize the absorption, also known as the critical coupling condition. We studied the transmission characteristics and the fluorescent emission of a TiO2TiO_2 nanoparticle array embedded in an index-matching layer with fluorescent dye at various concentrations. A modified coupled-mode theory that describes the nanoparticle array was then derived and verified by numerical simulations. With the analytical model, we analyzed the experimental measurements and discovered the condition to critically couple light into the fluorescent dye, which is demonstrated as the strongest emission. This study presents a useful guide for designing efficient energy transfer from excitation beam to the emitters, which maximizes the external conversion efficiency.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figure

    Single-ion anisotropy in Haldane chains and form factor of the O(3) nonlinear sigma model

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    We consider spin-1 Haldane chains with single-ion anisotropy, which exists in known Haldane chain materials. We develop a perturbation theory in terms of anisotropy, where magnon-magnon interaction is important even in the low temperature limit. The exact two-particle form factor in the O(3) nonlinear sigma model leads to quantitative predictions on several dynamical properties including dynamical structure factor and electron spin resonance frequency shift. These agree very well with numerical results, and with experimental data on the Haldane chain material Ni(C5_5H14_{14}N2_2)2_2N3_3(PF6_6)

    Fabrication of submicron La2−x_{2-x}Srx_{x}CuO4_{4} intrinsic Josephson junction stacks

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    Intrinsic Josephson junction (IJJ) stacks of cuprate superconductors have potential to be implemented as intrinsic phase qubits working at relatively high temperatures. We report success in fabricating submicron La2−x_{2-x}Srx_{x}CuO4_{4} (LSCO) IJJ stacks carved out of single crystals. We also show a new fabrication method in which argon ion etching is performed after focused ion beam etching. As a result, we obtained an LSCO IJJ stack in which resistive multi-branches appeared. It may be possible to control the number of stacked IJJs with an accuracy of a single IJJ by developing this method.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    System Dynamics Model and Policy Scenario Analyses on International Movements of Indonesian Scientists and Engineers

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    . The necessity to face technology challenges in industrialization in Indonesia causes the current condition to be not preferable. Conditions in higher education which relates closely to the research and development in Indonesia trigger questions of what future holds in Indonesia's technology development in the future. This paper looks back at the previous literatures on International movements of scientists and engineers abroad and proposes to apply a causal loop diagram model. This paper also analyzes the relationships based on Indonesia's context and set a parameter for each variable. The relationships were checked through interview with representation from Indonesian research institutions and Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The result of this paper confirms that the diagram is able to symbolize the circumstances in Indonesia's context. Second important finding is that based on simulation and policy scenarios implemented, the policy to increase the number of scholarships by the government is predicted as the most effective to all important parameters for future development in Indonesia in relation to education and technology development, which will eventually lead to economic development

    A Phase-Space Approach to Collisionless Stellar Systems Using a Particle Method

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    A particle method for reproducing the phase space of collisionless stellar systems is described. The key idea originates in Liouville's theorem which states that the distribution function (DF) at time t can be derived from tracing necessary orbits back to t=0. To make this procedure feasible, a self-consistent field (SCF) method for solving Poisson's equation is adopted to compute the orbits of arbitrary stars. As an example, for the violent relaxation of a uniform-density sphere, the phase-space evolution which the current method generates is compared to that obtained with a phase-space method for integrating the collisionless Boltzmann equation, on the assumption of spherical symmetry. Then, excellent agreement is found between the two methods if an optimal basis set for the SCF technique is chosen. Since this reproduction method requires only the functional form of initial DFs but needs no assumptions about symmetry of the system, the success in reproducing the phase-space evolution implies that there would be no need of directly solving the collisionless Boltzmann equation in order to access phase space even for systems without any special symmetries. The effects of basis sets used in SCF simulations on the reproduced phase space are also discussed.Comment: 16 pages w/4 embedded PS figures. Uses aaspp4.sty (AASLaTeX v4.0). To be published in ApJ, Oct. 1, 1997. This preprint is also available at http://www.sue.shiga-u.ac.jp/WWW/prof/hozumi/papers.htm

    Virtual turning points and bifurcation of Stokes curves for higher order ordinary differential equations

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    For a higher order linear ordinary differential operator P, its Stokes curve bifurcates in general when it hits another turning point of P. This phenomenon is most neatly understandable by taking into account Stokes curves emanating from virtual turning points, together with those from ordinary turning points. This understanding of the bifurcation of a Stokes curve plays an important role in resolving a paradox recently found in the Noumi-Yamada system, a system of linear differential equations associated with the fourth Painleve equation.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure
