369 research outputs found

    Low energy effective theory on a regularized brane in six-dimensional flux compactifications

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    Conical brane singularities in six-dimensional flux compactification models can be resolved by introducing cylindrical codimension-one branes with regular caps instead of 3-branes (a la Kaluza-Klein braneworlds with fluxes). In this paper, we consider such a regularized braneworld with axial symmetry in six-dimensional Einstein-Maxwell theory. We derive a low energy effective theory on the regularized brane by employing the gradient expansion approach, and show that standard four-dimensional Einstein gravity is recovered at low energies. Our effective equations extend to the nonlinear gravity regime, implying that conventional cosmology can be reproduced in the regularized braneworld.Comment: 11 pages, minor corrections, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    High-energy effective theory for a bulk brane

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    We derive an effective theory describing the physics of a bulk brane in the context of the RS1 model. This theory goes beyond the usual low energy effective theory in that it describes the regime where the bulk brane has a large velocity and the radion can change rapidly. We achieve this by concentrating on the region where the distance between the orbifold planes is small in comparison to the AdS length scale. Consequently our effective theory will describe the physics shortly before a bulk/boundary or boundary/boundary brane collision. We study the cosmological solutions and find that, at large velocities, the bulk brane decouples from the matter on the boundary branes, a result which remains true for cosmological perturbations.Comment: Updated version as published in PR

    The final fate of instability of Reissner-Nordstr\"om-anti-de Sitter black holes by charged complex scalar fields

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    We investigate instability of 4-dimensional Reissner-Nordstr\"om-anti-de Sitter (RN-AdS4_4) black holes with various topologies by charged scalar field perturbations. We numerically find that the RN-AdS4_4 black holes become unstable against the linear perturbations below a critical temperature. It is analytically shown that charge extraction from the black holes occurs during the unstable evolution. To explore the end state of the instability, we perturbatively construct static black hole solutions with the scalar hair near the critical temperature. It is numerically found that the entropy of the hairly black hole is always larger than the one of the unstable RN-AdS4_4 black hole in the microcanonical ensemble. Our results support the speculation that the black hole with charged scalar hair always appears as the final fate of the instability of the RN-AdS4_4 black hole.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures. To appear in PR


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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of racing pattern adopted by elite male speed skaters in official 5000m race. Twenty-four male skaters, who participated at the World Single Distances Speed Skating Championships 2008, were recorded using video camera (60Hz). The top group (top12 ranked skaters) was significantly faster than the 2nd group (13th to 24th ranked skaters) from 350m line to the finishing line (

    Gravity is controlled by cosmological constant

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    We discuss a Randall-Sundrum-type two D-braneworld model in which D-branes possess different values of the tensions from those of the charges, and derive an effective gravitational equation on the branes. As a consequence, the Einstein-Maxwell theory is realized together with the non-zero cosmological constant. Here an interesting point is that the effective gravitational constant is proportional to the cosmological constant. If the distance between two D-branes is appropriately tuned, the cosmological constant can have a consistent value with the current observations. From this result we see that, in our model, the presence of the cosmological constant is naturally explained by the presence of the effective gravitational coupling of the Maxwell field on the D-brane.Comment: 10 page

    High-energy effective theory for orbifold branes

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    We derive an effective theory on the orbifold branes of the Randall-Sundrum 1 (RS1) braneworld scenario in the presence of a bulk brane. We concentrate on the regime where the three branes are close and consider a scenario where the bulk brane collides with one of the orbifold branes. This theory allows us to understand the corrections to a low-energy approach due to the presence of higher velocity terms, coming from the Kaluza-Klein modes. We consider the evolution of gravitational waves on a cosmological background and find that, within the large velocity limit, the boundary branes recover a purely four-dimensional behavior.Comment: 4 pages, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Wastewater Management Efficiency and Determinant Factors in the Chinese Industrial Sector from 2004 to 2014

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    This study analyzes industrial wastewater management efficiency using a Chinese provincial dataset from 2004 to 2014. The weighted Russell directional distance model is used to evaluate the efficiency of management practices. Determinants analysis was conducted based on governmental policy, pollution abatement, and market factors to identify the main drivers of industrial wastewater management efficiency in China. The results indicate that the wastewater management efficiency improved in the eastern and central regions. However, there is a significant efficiency gap between provinces in the western region. Moreover, the main determinants of wastewater management efficiency differ among regions and pollutants
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