27 research outputs found

    Theory of Copper Oxide Superconductors

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    This is an advanced textbook for graduate students and researchers wishing to learn about high temperature superconductivity in copper oxides, in particular the Kamimura-Suwa (K-S) model. Because a number of models have been proposed since the discovery of high temperature superconductivity by Bednorz and Müller in 1986, the book first explains briefly the historical development that led to the K-S model. It then focuses on the physical background necessary to understand the K-S model and on the basic principles behind various physical phenomena such as electronic structures, electrical, thermal and optical properties, and the mechanism of high temperature superconductivity

    Novel IC thermometer placed in the uterotubal junction to measure bovine uterine temperature. Technical note

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    No se ha reportado adecuadamente el ambiente fisiológico del útero bovino debido a las limitaciones en la metodología. El objetivo del estudio fue medir la temperatura uterina bovina (UT) con un nuevo termómetro intracorporal (IC). Los datos fueron comparados con la temperatura rectal (RT) y vaginal (VT) convencional. El IC es un dispositivo alojado dentro de un botón de acero limpio, con 15 mm de longitud, 5 mm de ancho, y con un rango de +15 a +46° C en 0,125 incrementos de ° C. Se calibró con un termómetro del mercurio normal, y también se puso en correlación con un termómetro rectal instalado con una sonda sensora de temperatura (0,1° C de precisión). UT era medida a intervalos de 20 min durante 4 semanas, mientras RT y VT eran medidas cada 4 h. Once vacas Negras Japonesas, 8 en el verano y 3 en invierno, se sometieron a secciones de cesárea (CS). Por laparotomía trans-lumbar el IC se instaló en el cuerno uterino izquierdo próximo a la unión del uterotubarica, durante una CS. Después de grabar durante 4 semanas, el CI fue removido con una 2da CS y el dispositivo se montó en el lector del mismo, en la PC. Los datos acumulados se analizaron por ANOVA para mediciones repetidas. La temperatura ambiental (AT) se grabó simultáneamente. En 5 vacas, se colectó sangre, diariamente, para determinaciones hormonales (estradiol) y se realizó ultrasonografía para supervisar la dinámica ovárica. La temperatura después de la cirugía fue temporalmente elevada durante 4 días (0,14° C) y se excluyó. Los promedios en UT, RT y VT en verano (AT: 28,76° C) fueron 38,57 ± 0.23° C, 38,67 ± 0,23° C, 38,60 ± 0,35° C, y en invierno (AT: 14,46° C) fueron 38,63 ± 0,21° C, 38,68 ± 0,21° C, 38,67 ± 0,20° C, respectivamente. UT fue significativamente baja que RT o VT, y UT en el verano fue más baja que en invierno (P < 0,01). Se observó el ritmo diurno en todas las tres temperaturas, más bajo a las 08:00 y más alto a las 20:00 hs. En la ovulación, UT en la fase luteal fue significativamente superior (38,61 ± 0,20° C) que en la fase del folicular (38,51 ± 0,22°C, P < 0,01), sin embargo no se observó ninguna diferencia en RT o VT. En conclusión, el IC colocado en la unión uterotubal midió efectivamente la UT y detectó su ritmo diurno. La fluctuación de la UT fue estable, pero mostró hipertermia en la fase lúteal. El IC, aparentemente es un dispositivo adecuado para medir la temperatura uterina durante el ciclo estral y probablemente, en otros procesos reproductivos fisiológicos en las vacas.401 - 405BimestralPhysio-environments in bovine uterus have not been adequately reported due to the limitations in methodology. The objective of the study was to measure bovine uterine temperature (UT) by a novel IC thermometer (IC). Data was compared with conventional rectal (RT) and vaginal temperature (VT). IC is a chip housed in a button shaped stainless steel enclosure, 15 mm in length, 5mm in width with a range of +15 to +46°C in 0.125°C increments. It was calibrated with a standard mercury thermometer, and was also correlated with a rectal thermometer installed with a sensor probe (0.1°C precision). UT was measured in 20 min intervals for 4 weeks, while RT and VT were measured every 4 hr. Eleven Japanese Black cows, 8 in the summer and 3 in the winter were subjected to caesarian section (CS). By trans-lumbar laparotomy, IC was installing in the left uterine horn proximote to the uterotubal junction during CS. After recording for 4 weeks, IC was removed by 2nd CS and mounted on the chip reader in the PC. The accumulated data were analyzed by ANOVA for repeated measures. Ambient temperature (AT) was simultaneously recorded. In 5 cows, blood was daily collected for hormonal (estradiol) assay and underwent ultrasonography to monitor ovarian dynamics. Temperature after operation was temporarily elevated for 4 days (0.14°C) and excluded. Averages in UT, RT and VT in the summer (AT: 28.76°C) were 38.57 ± 0.23°C, 38.67 ± 0.23°C, 38.60 ± 0.35°C, and those in the winter (AT: 14.46°C) were 38.63 ± 0.21°C, 38.68 ± 0.21°C, 38.67 ± 0.20°C, respectively. UT was significantly lower than RT or VT, and UT in the summer was lower than in the winter (P < 0.01). Diurnal rhythm was observed at all three temperatures, lowest at 08:00 and highest at 20:00 h. Upon ovulation, UT in the luteal phase was significantly higher (38.61 ± 0.20°C) than in the follicular phase (38.51 ± 0.22°C, P < 0.01), whereas no difference was observed in RT or VT. In conclusion, IC placed in the uterotubal junction successfully measured UT and detected diurnal rhythm. UT fluctuation was stable, but showed a hyperthermia in luteal phase. It appear that IC device can be use to monitory uterine temperature during estrus cycle and probably in some other reproductive physiology processes in cows