2,017 research outputs found

    Path Integral Monte Carlo Simulations for Fermion Systems: Pairing in the Electron-Hole Plasma

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    We review the path integral method wherein quantum systems are mapped with Feynman's path integrals onto a classical system of "ring-polymers" and then simulated with the Monte Carlo technique. Bose or Fermi statistics correspond to possible "cross-linking" of polymers. As proposed by Feynman, superfluidity and Bose condensation result from macroscopic exchange of bosons. To map fermions onto a positive probability distribution, one must restrict the paths to lie in regions where the fermion density matrix is positive. We discuss a recent application to the two-component electron-hole plasma. At low temperature excitons and bi-excitons form. We have used nodal surfaces incorporating paired fermions and see evidence of a Bose condensation in the energy, specific heat and superfluid density. In the restricted path integral picture, pairing appears as intertwined electron-hole paths. Bose condensation occurs when these intertwined paths wind around the periodic boundaries.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures Prepared for the 1999 International Conference on Strongly Coupled Coulomb Systems, Saint-Malo, Franc


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    A logistic regression (logit) model was developed to examine how socioeconomic characteristics of cow-calf producers influenced their perceptions of themselves as profit maximizers. Amount of pasture acreage, percent of income earned from the cow-calf operation, and desire to increase net worth and efficiently use labor significantly increased the producer's probability of claiming to be in the business primarily to maximize profits. Some sociological reasons for owning cattle significantly reduced the probability of the producer claiming to be a profit maximizer while others significantly increased the probability.Livestock Production/Industries,

    Can Individual Investors Beat the Market?

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    We document strong persistence in the performance of trades of individual investors. Investors classified in the top 10 percent place other trades that on average earn excess returns of 15 basis points per day. A rolling-forward strategy of going long firms purchased by previously successful investors and shorting firms purchased by previously unsuccessful investors results in excess returns of 5 basis points per day. These returns are not confined to small stocks nor to stocks in which the investors are likely to have inside information. Our results suggest that skillful individual investors exploit market inefficiencies to earn abnormal profits, above and beyond any profits available from well-known strategies based upon size, value, or momentum.Individual Investors, Market Efficiency, Performance Persistence

    Biexciton recombination rates in self-assembled quantum dots

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    The radiative recombination rates of interacting electron-hole pairs in a quantum dot are strongly affected by quantum correlations among electrons and holes in the dot. Recent measurements of the biexciton recombination rate in single self-assembled quantum dots have found values spanning from two times the single exciton recombination rate to values well below the exciton decay rate. In this paper, a Feynman path-integral formulation is developed to calculate recombination rates including thermal and many-body effects. Using real-space Monte Carlo integration, the path-integral expressions for realistic three-dimensional models of InGaAs/GaAs, CdSe/ZnSe, and InP/InGaP dots are evaluated, including anisotropic effective masses. Depending on size, radiative rates of typical dots lie in the regime between strong and intermediate confinement. The results compare favorably to recent experiments and calculations on related dot systems. Configuration interaction calculations using uncorrelated basis sets are found to be severely limited in calculating decay rates.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Autocorrelations in the totally asymmetric simple exclusion process and Nagel-Schreckenberg model

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    We study via Monte Carlo simulation the dynamics of the Nagel-Schreckenberg model on a finite system of length L with open boundary conditions and parallel updates. We find numerically that in both the high and low density regimes the autocorrelation function of the system density behaves like 1-|t|/tau with a finite support [-tau,tau]. This is in contrast to the usual exponential decay typical of equilibrium systems. Furthermore, our results suggest that in fact tau=L/c, and in the special case of maximum velocity 1 (corresponding to the totally asymmetric simple exclusion process) we can identify the exact dependence of c on the input, output and hopping rates. We also emphasize that the parameter tau corresponds to the integrated autocorrelation time, which plays a fundamental role in quantifying the statistical errors in Monte Carlo simulations of these models.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Optical spectroscopy of single quantum dots at tunable positive, neutral and negative charge states

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    We report on the observation of photoluminescence from positive, neutral and negative charge states of single semiconductor quantum dots. For this purpose we designed a structure enabling optical injection of a controlled unequal number of negative electrons and positive holes into an isolated InGaAs quantum dot embedded in a GaAs matrix. Thereby, we optically produced the charge states -3, -2, -1, 0, +1 and +2. The injected carriers form confined collective 'artificial atoms and molecules' states in the quantum dot. We resolve spectrally and temporally the photoluminescence from an optically excited quantum dot and use it to identify collective states, which contain charge of one type, coupled to few charges of the other type. These states can be viewed as the artificial analog of charged atoms such as H−^{-}, H−2^{-2}, H−3^{-3}, and charged molecules such as H2+_{2}^{+} and H3+2_{3}^{+2}. Unlike higher dimensionality systems, where negative or positive charging always results in reduction of the emission energy due to electron-hole pair recombination, in our dots, negative charging reduces the emission energy, relative to the charge-neutral case, while positive charging increases it. Pseudopotential model calculations reveal that the enhanced spatial localization of the hole-wavefunction, relative to that of the electron in these dots, is the reason for this effect.Comment: 5 figure

    Path integral study of the role of correlation in exchange coupling of spins in double quantum dots and optical lattices

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    We explore exchange coupling of a pair of spins in a double dot and in an optical lattice. Our algorithm uses the frequency of exchanges in a bosonic path integral, evaluated with Monte Carlo. This algorithm is simple enough to be a "black box" calculator, yet gives insights into the role of correlation through two-particle probability densities, visualization of instantons, and pair correlation functions. We map the problem to Hubbard model and see that exchange and correlation renormalize the effective parameters, dramatically lowering U at larger separations.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure
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