34 research outputs found

    The Nature of the Interlayer Interaction in Bulk and Few-Layer Phosphorus

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    An outstanding challenge of theoretical electronic structure is the description of van der Waals (vdW) interactions in molecules and solids. Renewed interest in resolving this is in part motivated by the technological promise of layered systems including graphite, transition metal dichalcogenides, and more recently, black phosphorus, in which the interlayer interaction is widely believed to be dominated by these types of forces. We report a series of quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) calculations for bulk black phosphorus and related few-layer phosphorene, which elucidate the nature of the forces that bind these systems and provide benchmark data for the energetics of these systems. We find a significant charge redistribution due to the interaction between electrons on adjacent layers. Comparison to density functional theory (DFT) calculations indicate not only wide variability even among different vdW corrected functionals, but the failure of these functionals to capture the trend of reorganization predicted by QMC. The delicate interplay of steric and dispersive forces between layers indicate that few-layer phosphorene presents an unexpected challenge for the development of vdW corrected DFT.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Correlation effects in quasi one dimensional electron wires

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    We explore the role of electron correlation in quasi one dimensional quantum wires as the range of the interaction potential is changed and their thickness is varied by performing exact quantum Monte Carlo simulations at various electronic densities. In the case of unscreened interactions with a long range 1/x tail there is a crossover from a liquid to a quasi Wigner crystal state as the density decreases. When this interaction is screened, quasi long range order is prevented from forming, although a significant correlation with 4 k_F periodicity is still present at low densities. At even lower electron concentration, exchange is suppressed and the spin-dependent interactions become negligible, making the electrons behave like spinless fermions. We show that this behavior is shared by the long range and screened interactions by studying the spin and charge excitations of the system in both cases. Finally, we study the effect of electron correlations in the double quantum wire experiment [Steinberg et al., Phys. Rev. B 77, 113307 (2006)], by introducing an accurate model for the screening in the experiment and explicitly including the finite length of the system in our simulations. We find that decreasing the electron density drives the system from a liquid to a state with quite strong 4 k_F correlations. This crossover takes place around 20μm120 \mu m^{-1}, the density where the electron localization occurs in the experiment. The charge and spin velocities are also in remarkable agreement with the experimental findings in the proximity of the crossover. We argue that correlation effects play an important role at the onset of the localization transition.Comment: minor improvements, 13 pages, 12 figure

    Noncovalent Interactions by QMC: Speedup by One-Particle Basis-Set Size Reduction

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    While it is empirically accepted that the fixed-node diffusion Monte-Carlo (FN-DMC) depends only weakly on the size of the one-particle basis sets used to expand its guiding functions, limits of this observation are not settled yet. Our recent work indicates that under the FN error cancellation conditions, augmented triple zeta basis sets are sufficient to achieve a benchmark level of 0.1 kcal/mol in a number of small noncovalent complexes. Here we report on a possibility of truncation of the one-particle basis sets used in FN-DMC guiding functions that has no visible effect on the accuracy of the production FN-DMC energy differences. The proposed scheme leads to no significant increase in the local energy variance, indicating that the total CPU cost of large-scale benchmark noncovalent interaction energy FN-DMC calculations may be reduced.Comment: ACS book chapter, accepte

    Impacts of Openness

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    This is the recording from the Impacts of Openness lightning talk session that was held on Friday, October 25, 2013, from 10:00 a.m. - noon in Watson Library, room 455 during the KU Libraries' celebration of Open Access Week.This event brings together several speakers from a variety of fields, each of whom will give a 10-minute presentation about the impact of openness in their work. More information about this event is available at http://openaccess.ku.edu/impacts-openness-lightning-talks-october-25

    Diffusion Monte Carlo Study of Para -Diiodobenzene Polymorphism Revisited

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    We revisit our investigation of the diffusion Monte Carlo (DMC) simulation of p-DIB molecular crystal polymorphism. [J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2010, 1, 1789-1794] We perform, for the first time, a rigorous study of finite-size effects and choice of nodal surface on the prediction of polymorph stability in molecular crystals using fixed-node DMC. Our calculations are the largest which are currently feasible using the resources of the K computer and provide insights into the formidable challenge of predicting such properties from first principles. In particular, we show that finite-size effects can influence the trial nodal surface of a small (1×1×1) simulation cell considerably. We therefore repeated our DMC simulations with a 1×3×3 simulation cell, which is the largest such calculation to date. We used a DFT nodal surface generated with the PBE functional and we accumulated statistical samples with ∼6.4×105 core-hours for each polymorph. Our final results predict a polymorph stability consistent with experiment, but indicate that results in our previous paper were somewhat fortuitous. We analyze the finite-size errors using model periodic Coulomb (MPC) interactions and kinetic energy corrections, according to the CCMH scheme of Chiesa, Ceperley, Martin, and Holzmann. We investigate the dependence of the finite-size errors on different aspect ratios of the simulation cell (k-mesh convergence) in order to understand how to choose an appropriate ratio for the DMC calculations. Even in the most expensive simulations currently possible, we show that the finite size errors in the DMC total energies are far larger than the energy difference between the two polymorphs, although error cancellation means that the polymorph prediction is accurate. Finally, we found that the T-move scheme is essential for these massive DMC simulations in order to circumvent population explosions and large time-step biases.Chemistry and Chemical Biolog