47 research outputs found

    New technologies in medical aid given to veterans of Great Patriotic War of Saratov Region

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    The article describes the system of health care service in Saratov Regional Hospital for Veterans. The experience of medical aid given to veterans of Great Patriotic War and to participants of local conflicts has been generalized and highlighted in the work. New health care technologies have been developed and adopted. Analysis of innovative advantages has been performe

    Periodontitis in HIV patients

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    The article presents the study of formation mechanisms and periodontitis course in patients with subclinical stage of HIV-infection. The examination of 45 patients has enabled the division of patients into three basic groups: patients with periodontitis and HIV-infection; patients with periodontitis; and HIV patients without periodontitis. It has been determined that the patients with periodontitis and subclinical HIV-infection have developed local inflammatory reaction with infection, activation of anti-inflammatory cytokines in parodontal recess fluid. It has been proved that the causative factor of frequent and durable relapses in parodontal pathology with clinical HIV-infection was the development of pathologic process with endotoxicosis syndrome and imbalance of lipid peroxidation and antioxidant syste

    Modern approaches to parodontitis therapy in HIV patients

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    The research goal is to determine the clinical pathogenetic efficacy of Cycloferon liniment in the combined therapy of periodontitis in patients with subclinical stage of HIV-infection. Medical examination and treatment of 40 patients has been carried out. It is established that use of liniment Cycloferon in the combined treatment of patients with subclinical stage of HIV-infection allows to accelerate process of normalization of lipid peroxidation parameters and antioxidant potential of blood and to decrease infection (herpes symplex virus I, Candida albicans, staphylococcus aureus) in par-odontal recess and evidence of local inflammation. The considered method of therapy has been proved to improve convalescence period and to decrease frequency of parodontitis recurrence


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    The issues for improving the efficiency of state agriculture management on the basis of investment activity stimulation taking into account modern measures of financial support for agricultural enterprises have been considered. The main reasons and factors that determine the need to strengthen measures of state financial support for investment activities in the agrarian and industrial complex have been presented. The analysis of the amount, dynamics and structure of sources of capital investments financing has been carried out, the place and the importance of some definite state financial support forms in investment processes have been shown. The existing problems for increasing the efficiency of state investment policy in agriculture in modern conditions have been revealed. The conclusion on inadmissibility of reducing the state support level for the branch, the necessity for its further improvement in order to maintain and increase the achieved rates of agricultural production development in Russia has been made

    Clinical and neuroimaging features vertebral radiculopathy in the combination with vertebral hemangiomas

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    <p><em>Aim of the study: t</em>o study the clinical and neuroimaging features of radiculopathy vertebral hemangiomas in conjunction with the vertebrae. <em>Materials and methods. </em>A total of 56 patients with radiculopathy vertebral hemangiomas combined with the vertebrae. <em>Results. </em>The patients in addition to pain, and focal neurological symptoms were observed violation of urination, and chronic venous insuffciency of lower extremities. MRI identifed three types of vertebral hem-angiomas, depending on the structural characteristics. <em>Conclusion</em>. The aim of the study is realized.Most hemangiomas are asymptomatic yourself. Pain and neurological symptoms caused by musculo-tonic component, the presence of disc herniation, changes in the intervertebral joints, ligaments violation. Type III meets the criteria for hemangiomas and requires aggressive surgical treatment.</p&gt

    Healthy ageing and regional health care system of the Great Patriotic War veterans

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    The term of "Healthy Ageing" is about creating the environments and opportunities that enable people to be and to do what they value throughout their lives. Healthy ageing require multipurpose policy framework with biological, social, economic, cultural and ecological aspects. The long-term experience of Saratov Regional Hospital for War Veterans in development and management of competencies required for healthy ageing programs is generalized in the article. Science evidence base of healthy ageing was formulated including results of the original studies with veterans of Great Patriotic War involved.</p

    Monitoring of internal diseases dissemination (digestive disorders)

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    The most important forms of digestive pathology have been analyzed in a large industrial center for 16 years. Development of fragment of the phase portraits in a multidimensional space on the planes of «time dependence of the parameter — rate of its change» allowed forming prognosis for further course of specific nosology form of gastrointestinal tract lesion and optimizing treatment tactic

    Neuroinfection in patient with HIV: case report

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    Toxoplasmosis is one of the most common opportunistic infections in HIV-positive patients. The onset of HIV-infection with cerebral toxoplasmosis makes this disease a multidisciplinary problem and requires the participation of doctors of various specialties (infectious disease specialists, neurologists, neurosurgeons, general practitioners, etc.). Early diagnosis and treatment of this disease will reduce the risk of deaths and severe consequences. We carry out an analysis of the clinical case of toxoplasma encephalitis in a HIV-infected patient. We have identified errors in the establishing diagnosis. We have given a detailed account a patient management plan. We also comment on some of the problem early disease detection HIV-infection.</p


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    The development of the modern education system includes a number of features. Learning involves a high level of independence with the leading role of the student. Vocational education institutions should provide a wide range of educational services that are adequate to labor market demands. Methods and forms of education should be variable including active use of modern educational technology as one of the most convenient ways of learning. Развитие современной системы образования предполагает обучение с высоким уровнем самостоятельности при ведущей роли личности обучаемого; предоставление учреждениями профессионального образования широкого спектра образовательных услуг, адекватных запросам рынка труда; вариативность методов и форм обучения; активное использование современных педагогических технологий как одного из наиболее удобных способов обучения.


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    The shift in priorities in the system of Russian education, transition from reproductive learning to learner-centered approach, incorporation of competency-based approach into the educational standards of «the third generation» require the training of a competitive specialist with professional competency. Types of competencies are characterized. The competency presenting certain requirements is studied. The mastering of the requirements will enable to train qualified specialists. The quality of education directly influences the level of professional activity through training of specialists and development of sciences. Competence-oriented approach and adherence to pedagogic requirements in education enables the efficacy of professional training. Innovative techniques and approaches to organizing educational process in their active form stimulate the process of studying.Изменения приоритетов российского образования, переход от репродуктивной формы обучения к личностно-ориентированной, включение компетентностного подхода в образовательные стандарты «третьего поколения» требуют подготовки конкурентно-способного специалиста, владеющего профессиональной компетентностью. В статье охарактеризованы виды компетентности, описана компетенция, представляющая собой определенные требования, овладение которыми подготовят специалиста в профессиональной деятельности. Качество образования напрямую влияет на уровень профессиональной деятельности через подготовку специалистов и развитие науки. Модульно-компетентностный подход с соблюдением комплекса педагогических условий в образовании обеспечивает эффективность профессиональной подготовки, а инновационные методы и подходы к организации образовательного процесса, в виде активных методов, стимулируют процесс обучения